
My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

author:Affection and dew

This morning, sunlight was dappled through the cracks in the curtains. I took a leave of absence, but my heart was extremely heavy.

I walked into my mother's room and called out to her softly: "Mom, get up, let's go see your grandson who has just finished the college entrance examination." ”

When the mother heard this, a smile immediately bloomed on her face, and her eyes flashed with excitement: "Okay, okay! ”

As she got up, she asked me eagerly, "Girl, did you bring any money?" Bring more, buy mobile phones and computers for Xiaolin, and the cost of travel is also included. ”

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

I pursed my lips and said nothing. We got on the bus, and my mother was talking to me about my nephew with great interest all the way: "You see how competitive my grandson is, he has reached the undergraduate line in the college entrance examination, and he will definitely have a future in the future." ”

I looked out the window, my thoughts in turmoil. Taking advantage of my mother's inattention, I secretly sent a message to my husband: "Husband, pack our mother's luggage and send it to my brother's house." ”

The bus stopped slowly, and we arrived at my brother's house. When my brother and daughter-in-law saw us, their faces were full of enthusiastic smiles: "Sister, Mom, you are here!" ”

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

As soon as I said a few polite words to my nephew, such as "I did well in the exam, keep up the good work", my nephew interrupted me impatiently: "Auntie, don't be verbose, hurry up and buy me a mobile phone and computer." I want the latest Apple for my mobile phone, and I want about 10,000 for my computer. ”

The mother and brother-in-law also echoed: "Yes, girl, your nephew was finally admitted to college, and you, who are aunts, have to express it." ”

I took a deep breath, pulled a bank card out of my bag, placed it on the table, and turned to leave.

I went to a nearby café and found a quiet corner to sit down. My heart felt like it was weighed down by a big rock.

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

About two hours later, the old man came in the car. I saw that the trunk of the car was full of my mother's luggage.

At this moment, the phone call from my brother and daughter-in-law came, and her angry voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sister, what do you mean by this?" Why is there only 2,000 yuan in the bank card? ”

I held my phone, was silent for a few seconds, and then said coldly, "That's all, love or not." After that, I hung up the phone and said to my husband, "Let's go, let's go and send my mother's luggage." ”

When we drove the car to the door of my brother's house, my daughter-in-law and my mother were stunned when they saw the luggage in the trunk. My mother's eyes widened and she looked at me in disbelief: "Girl, what are you doing here?" ”

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

I looked at her with both anger and sadness in my heart: "Mom, I've had enough of it after so many years. I'm not your ATM, from now on, you will retire at your brother's house. ”

I'm 46 years old, a full three years older than my brother. In my memories of growing up, the words "patriarchy" were like heavy shackles that overwhelmed me.

When I was a child, my brother was always the first to enjoy anything delicious at home, and I could only watch from the sidelines. New clothes, new toys, that's all for my brother, I can only pick up his old clothes and get tired of playing with.

I remember one time during the Chinese New Year, my parents bought my younger brother a beautiful new dress, but I could only wear an old padded jacket with patches.

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

I asked my mother aggrievedly, "Why does my brother have new clothes and I don't?" ”

Mom replied indifferently: "You are a girl, why do you want so many new clothes?" "At that moment, my heart felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar.

When he was in school, his younger brother's grades were not good, and his parents spent money to hire tutors and buy various tutoring materials for him.

And I had excellent grades and wanted a reference book, but my father reprimanded: "What's the use of girls reading so many books, sooner or later they will get married!" ”

In the end, I could only watch my younger brother enjoy good educational resources under the care of his parents.

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

Later, I got married. I thought I could live a happy life, but I didn't expect that life would be very hard. My in-laws were very kind to me and made me feel warm in this new family.

However, my parents were like vampires, asking me for money to subsidize my brother every once in a while.

Once, my brother wanted to buy a motorcycle, and my parents came directly to my house to make trouble: "Your brother wants a motorcycle, and you, who are your sister, must pay some money!" ”

I said helplessly, "Mom and Dad, my own life is not easy." ”

Dad slapped the table and yelled, "Raising you so big, can't you help your younger brother?" ”

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

Another time, my brother got into a fight with someone and injured someone, and he had to pay a lot of money. My parents found me again and forced me to come out with the money.

I refused, so my mother sat on the ground and cried: "You conscienceless, if your brother goes to prison, I won't live!" ”

12 years ago, my husband and I couldn't stand it anymore and decided to go out to work, and my in-laws also moved away, so our family finally lived a quiet life.

Five years ago, my dad passed away. I thought life would be easier, but I didn't expect that the troubles would continue. Three years ago, my mother fell and her physical condition deteriorated. My brother and daughter-in-law didn't want to take care of it, so my mother cried and wanted to live in my house. Looking at my mother's pitiful appearance, my heart softened and I had to compromise.

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

For three years, my mother has been at my house, spending my money and eating me, and I haven't even paid a penny. originally thought that she would be grateful for the pictorial, but she gave all her savings and pension to her younger brother.

Every New Year's holiday, my younger brother and younger daughter-in-law will come to the door to ask for money. Mom didn't say a word, and immediately changed her way to control me and my husband.

Why? Why should we give them our hard-earned money? I held back my anger and did a perfunctory job.

When my mother saw this, she began to count me down, saying that I was not filial, and that I was a white-eyed wolf. I'm really angry, I really can't stay in this home for a moment!

"Enough!" I couldn't help it anymore, "Mom, do you treat me as a daughter or a cash cow?" How much have I paid for this family over the years, don't you have any points in your heart? I'm not your and Dad's daughter, I'm just a cash cow for you to slaughter! ”

I burst into tears, and every word rang out.

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

Mom was stunned for a moment, unable to speak for a long time. However, it didn't take long for her to start crying, making trouble, and hanging herself. Seeing that I refused to compromise, he didn't give me a good face for months.

I know that I and this family may have come to an end. From now on, I will live for myself and will no longer be tormented by these dramas.

Three days ago, the results of the college entrance examination were announced. I went out to buy groceries that day, and my mother was the only one in the house.

My mother thought I wasn't at home and picked up a call from my brother and daughter-in-law to announce the good news.

I didn't think about it, I was going to send a courier that day, but I forgot to take it, so I had to go back to pick it up. As soon as I walked to the door, I heard the excited voice of my brother and daughter-in-law: "Mom, your grandson has passed the undergraduate college entrance examination!" "My mom was in the house and happily responded.

The younger brother and daughter-in-law continued: "Mom, we promised the child that as long as we are admitted to college, we will buy him a new mobile phone and a new computer, which will cost 20,000 yuan, and let him go on a trip, you can help us get the money from my sister!" ”

The younger brother also echoed on the side: "Mom, you know, we don't have money now, my sister's family is in good condition, she will definitely give it if you open your mouth." ”

My nephew passed the college entrance examination, and my brother-in-law asked me to spend 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone and computer

I stood outside the door, and when I heard these words, my heart felt like I had been pricked by a needle. I clutched the basket tightly and resisted the urge to rush in and attack on the spot.

I silently turned away, went to the market and bought some random food and went home. As soon as I entered, my mom looked a little flustered, and I pretended not to know anything.

When I got back to my room, I told my husband what I heard, and I couldn't stop crying: "For so many years, they have been using me as an ATM, and I really have had enough." ”

My husband hugged me into his arms and said angrily, "We can't go on like this, we have to think about ourselves." ”

We discussed it for a long time, and finally decided that we would no longer be patient.

So, I discussed it with my husband, and I accompanied my mother to my brother's house, and he packed his things and sent his luggage over.

When I saw that I was unwilling to provide for my mother, my brother and daughter-in-law panicked. The younger brother and daughter-in-law said with a smile on their faces: "Sister, don't be like this, isn't our mother living well with you." ”

The younger brother also hurriedly said: "Sister, don't be impulsive, if you have something to say." ”

My mom started crying again: "Girl, you can't leave mom alone!" ”

But this time I was so determined that I was no longer swayed by their words. I gave them a cold look, pulled my husband and turned around and left. My husband and I decided to go to live with our son, and we no longer have to worry about these worries of my mother's family.

The moment I left the house, although I felt a little sad in my heart, it was more of a relief. I know that this is the right choice I have made for myself and my family, and I want to live for my life from now on.

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