
The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

author:Affection and dew

My name is Zhou Yuan, and today I will share with you my third uncle's experience.

My third uncle's name is Zhou Yong, 66 years old this year, and he is the youngest child of my grandparents, so the third uncle has been loved by the whole family since he was a child. Under everyone's pampering, the third uncle who grew up couldn't study, couldn't do business, and lived an average life.

Fortunately, the third aunt will come to work, not only will she earn money to support her family, manage the family's finances, and spend every penny on key points as much as possible, but also train her son. The cousin later found a job, bought a house in the city, got married, and had children.

After his cousin got married, he was busy with work, so he entrusted the children to the care of his third uncle and three aunts. The third uncle and three aunts took good care of their grandsons, and now the third uncle's Xiaokai has also grown up and ushered in the college entrance examination.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

Xiao Kai, the grandson of the third uncle, is the same age as Xiao Ming, the grandson of the old Wang family next door, and the two have been classmates from elementary school to junior high school.

Their grades are very competitive in the class. Originally, healthy competition in learning could allow the two children to progress together, but due to the conflicts between the adults, the relationship between the two families became more and more strained.

I remember that one year, the village was going to redivide the contracted land, and the third uncle's family was given less than two acres of land, so he decided that the old Wang family said bad things about him in front of the village cadres.

For this reason, the third uncle and Lao Wang had a big quarrel, and since then they have been married. The chickens and ducks of the third uncle's family also love to go to Lao Wang's vegetable garden to peck at vegetables, and the two families have blushed for this trivial matter.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

"Zhou Laosan, I don't care if your chickens and ducks come to peck at my dishes again, be careful that I beat them to death with a stick!"

"Hmph, my chickens and ducks are the masters, if you dare to fight, you will pay me money."

The third uncle and Lao Wang sneered as soon as they met, which made the relationship between the two families, which was already full of contradictions, worse. With the passage of time, Xiao Kai and Xiao Ming also reached the critical juncture of the high school entrance examination.

However, unexpectedly, Xiao Kai played abnormally, and his test score was nearly 100 points lower than usual, so he could only go to an ordinary high school. However, Xiao Ming of the old Wang family played extraordinarily and was admitted to a key high school with the second place in the county.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

After learning the news, Lao Wang was overjoyed and lay on the kang with joy. Through the wall, he could be heard shouting for a dinner to celebrate.

On the other hand, my third uncle frowned, as if he had aged ten years overnight. Looking at Lao Wang's arrogant appearance, the third uncle felt that it was not a taste in his heart, and he felt that he had lost face in front of Lao Wang. As soon as he thought that he would inevitably be ridiculed by Lao Wang in the future, he was angry in his heart, and he secretly vowed to raise his eyebrows one day.

I see it in my eyes and I am anxious in my heart. In the past few years, the third uncle and Lao Wang have had deep grievances because of trivial matters. Now that Xiao Ming has been admitted to a good high school, Lao Wang will inevitably fall into the ground. I was afraid that the third uncle would do something stupid on impulse, so I quickly found an excuse to break the third uncle away.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

Alas, it's really a narrow road. When will the feud between these two families be resolved? I sighed to myself, a vague sense of foreboding.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Xiao Kai and Xiao Ming ushered in the college entrance examination. Three days ago, the weather was exceptionally clear, and the sun was dappled on the ground through the gaps in the leaves. The third uncle's family sat in front of the computer, nervously and expectantly waiting for the announcement of the results.

When the page was refreshed and he saw Xiao Kai's score of 620 points, the third uncle's eyes widened at first, and he couldn't believe it, and then a smile as bright as the summer sun bloomed on his face.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

"Haha, our little Kai is amazing! 620 points, now we are also on an equal footing with the old Wang family! The third uncle smiled from ear to ear, and the folds on his face were stretched.

The third aunt was also overjoyed, and sighed repeatedly: "God has eyes, I finally let my family breathe!" ”

I watched the couple be happy like children, and I was sincerely happy for Xiao Kai's good results. At the same time, I was also faintly worried in my heart, I didn't know how Xiao Ming of the old Wang family did in the exam.

Soon, the grapevine spread. I heard that Xiao Ming of the old Wang family suddenly fell ill during the college entrance examination and played abnormally, and finally only scored 550 points. Although this score is already very good, it is still much lower than the previous simulation score.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

When the news reached the ears of the third uncle, he was a little sorry at first, and then a smug smile rose on the corner of his mouth. From that day on, whenever he met Lao Wang's family, the third uncle would definitely take the initiative to mention Xiao Kai's college entrance examination scores.

"Oh, isn't this Lao Wang? How many points did your Xiaoming score in the college entrance examination? My little Kai, 620 minutes! ”

"Lao Wang, I heard that Xiao Ming is sick? Alas, if I hadn't been sick, I might have been able to score 620. ”

When meeting Lao Wang and his wife, the third uncle always pretended to be concerned, asked about Xiao Ming's achievements, and sighed meaningfully at the end.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

But the look in his eyes clearly said, "My grandson is better than your grandson." Seeing that Lao Wang's face was embarrassed and he couldn't answer, the third uncle's face was full of smug smiles.

I watched from the sidelines, both relieved that the third uncle finally let out a bad breath, but also uneasy by his gloating attitude. After all, Xiao Ming is also a good child, and he can't be blamed for his abnormal performance in the college entrance examination. The third uncle fell into the well like this, which is inevitably a little unkind.

"Third uncle, Xiao Ming's illness has affected his performance, let's not mention it."

"Zhou Yuan, what do you know? What did their family do to us before, this time they should always taste the taste of frustration! ”

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

I persuaded me politely, but the third uncle turned a deaf ear. He seems to have made up his mind to "take revenge", and he can't even persuade his daughter-in-law.

I looked at the third uncle's complacent appearance, and I had mixed feelings in my heart, and I always felt that this matter would not end so easily. An ominous premonition arose and lingered in my heart for a long time.

However, the third uncle did not relent, but intensified. The next day, a relative celebrated his birthday, held a banquet, and invited the third uncle. Chatting and chatting, everyone naturally talked about the children's college entrance examination results.

"Lao Li, do you remember the child of Lao Wang's family? I did very well in the junior high school graduation exam before, but this time the college entrance examination was only 550 points, tsk. The third uncle picked up his wine glass and proudly bragged to his old classmates.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

"yes, who made the family sick during the college entrance examination." Someone chimed in.

"Hmph, what's the reason to be sick? Besides, who knows if it's really sick, maybe he knew in advance that he failed the exam and just made an excuse. "The third uncle was drunk, and he didn't choose what to say.

"Lao Zhou, you're a bit too much, don't fall into the well if other children's children play abnormally. Didn't your Xiaokai also fail the high school entrance examination? Some classmates couldn't look past it and spoke out to dissuade them.

"Can that be the same? My Xiaokai didn't play exceptionally in the college entrance examination later, with a score of 620, it is estimated that he can go to a good university! On the other hand, the old Wang's family, heh, the present world newspaper! ”

The more the third uncle talked, the more energetic he became, and he began to arrange the old Wang family with more oil and vinegar. What Lao Wang robbed his girlfriend when he was young, Lao Wang's daughter-in-law is a shrew, Lao Wang's son is stealing chickens and dogs outside, and he said it all in one go.

The third uncle showed off his grandson's college entrance examination 620, and two days later, his house was smashed, and the family of five became a mouthful, and he regretted it

Looking at his smug look, it seems that years of resentment have been vented.

The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of ping-pong smashing things. Hurriedly rushed to the third uncle's house to take a look, only to see that the yard was in a mess, full of smashed furniture and broken porcelain. The third uncle's face was blue and purple, and there were blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

It turned out that Lao Wang's family heard that the third uncle was talking bad about them behind his back, so they were angry and shouted a group of people to smash the third uncle's house. The third uncle didn't let people take advantage of him, and he scuffled with the comer.

The news spread quickly throughout the village. Relatives and friends rushed to comment, but the third uncle refused to admit his mistake, and made a big fuss.

What's worse is that after he drank too much, he actually made up some things about my cousin, which was recorded and posted on the Internet, and was also seen by my cousin's unit leader.

Now he is disgraced in the unit, and the leader ordered him to write a review, saying that he would investigate this matter to the end, and his cousin's future would be affected. After learning the truth, the cousin was so angry that the third uncle and three aunts scolded him and walked away.

I helped the third uncle clean up the mess, and I had mixed feelings. In the early years, my cousin said that when Xiaokai was admitted to college, he would take the third uncle and three aunts to the city to retire, but I didn't expect it to be like this now. The cousin's daughter-in-law was angry and said that she would only take the third aunt in the future, regardless of whether the third uncle lived or died.

The third uncle in the house sat silently on the bench, still wrapped in bandages. He looked at the smashed furniture in the yard, then looked around at the deserted and dilapidated houses, and muttered to himself: "It's all my fault that I got carried away for a while, and I had to show off in front of people, but now it's okay, I will make the family restless, and my children and grandchildren will also cut off relations, how can I live this life......"

The third uncle regretted it, but it was difficult to recover. Once, he felt that face was above all else, but now he realized how short-lived the pleasure of showing off was, and how long-lasting the damage caused by impulsive mistakes. But regret is useless, and the third uncle can only bear the bitter fruit alone and spend the rest of his life in loneliness and self-blame.

I looked at the third uncle who was in tears, and I couldn't help but burst into tears. This lesson is too painful, but it also reminds the world once again that unscrupulous ostentation will bring irreparable harm. I hope that all of us will take this as a warning, be more restrained and humble, and less boastful, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the third uncle.

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