
Create a Yiyang community and listen to her story at the grassroots level with 14 years of party experience

author:Shanghai Xuhui

Every party member is a banner, and on the eve of the "July 1st" Party Day, let us listen to the story of a 14-year-old grassroots residential district secretary.

Shen Hairong is the secretary of the general party branch of the first residential area of Changqiao No. 3 Village, Changqiao Street, Xuhui District (hereinafter referred to as Changsanyi Community). The large number of residents and elderly residents is a major feature of Longhashi Street. In the process of work, Shen Hairong combined with the actual situation of the "Qinghe, Respect for the Elderly and Caring for the Young" block of the street and the Chang Trinity Community, and strived to integrate community resources, innovate service roads for the elderly, and let residents feel "bridge happiness".

Create a "new fashion" of neighborhood mutual assistance

In the Chang Trinity Community, the elderly over 60 years old account for more than 40% of the actual population, and there are many elderly people living alone, many disabled elderly people, and many pure old families. In the face of the actual situation of the community, the "two committees" team of the Chang Trinity Community led by Shen Hairong took the service of the elderly as the starting point, set up 6 micro-grids and 104 building groups in the residential area, and fully mobilized a total of 260 party members, in-service party members, building team leaders and volunteers in the community to send care and warmth to the elderly in the community with practical actions.

Create a Yiyang community and listen to her story at the grassroots level with 14 years of party experience

For six types of special groups in the community, the "Warm Sun" volunteer team formed by a total of 16 party members and volunteers to serve the elderly was paired with 49 special elderly people to fully understand the basic situation and actual needs of the elderly, so as to achieve "one person, one file", and establish a full-coverage care mechanism for the elderly. At the same time, community residents are mobilized to give full play to their strengths, carry out special work projects such as good-neighborly and friendly points, beading classes, etc., devote themselves to serving the elderly, and enhance neighborhood feelings.

Create a Yiyang community and listen to her story at the grassroots level with 14 years of party experience

Expand the "circle of friends" of volunteer service

In order to further improve the community's service function for the elderly, the "two committees" team led by Shen Hairong relied on the "Qinghe Respect for the Elderly Alliance" in the street to visit enterprises, institutions and social organizations around the community, further expand the "circle of friends" for the elderly volunteer service team, and provide free housekeeping services, disability assistance and other professional services for the elderly with special difficulties in the jurisdiction. In the community, there will also be regular public welfare days for the elderly, providing free clinics, haircuts, knife sharpening and other services.

Create a Yiyang community and listen to her story at the grassroots level with 14 years of party experience
Create a Yiyang community and listen to her story at the grassroots level with 14 years of party experience
Create a Yiyang community and listen to her story at the grassroots level with 14 years of party experience

The bigger and bigger "circle of friends" has facilitated the life of the elderly in the community, and a series of practical things to benefit the people have been actively implemented, which has been widely praised by community residents.

Create a "booster" for old services

How to improve the quality of community service for the elderly is a problem that Shen Hairong has always been concerned about. This year, Chang Trinity Community, together with Shanghai Charity Foundation and Chang San Kindergarten, jointly held a charity action for 100 schools and a "Ga Tan Hu" activity with grandparents. Shen Hairong also led the "two committees" team to take the initiative to connect with the resources of institutions and public welfare organizations such as Magnolia Psychological Counseling and Shaw Primary School, and carried out professional knowledge training for the elderly by setting up public welfare mental health lectures and providing volunteer services, so as to empower and help children take care of the elderly and the follow-up work of the capable team.

Create a Yiyang community and listen to her story at the grassroots level with 14 years of party experience

In order to create a safer and more comfortable living environment for the elderly, the Changsanyi Neighborhood Committee also cooperates with the Community Service Office to install intelligent facilities and equipment such as gas alarms, smoke alarm devices, and vital signs monitors for the elderly, so as to promote the socialization, specialization, intelligence and standardization of community elderly care, and realize the sustainable and high-quality development of services for the elderly.

Create a Yiyang community and listen to her story at the grassroots level with 14 years of party experience

"I am a resident district secretary and one of the members of the Shangqiao Secretary Studio in Changqiao Street, and what I am thinking about in my work is how to give full play to my vanguard and exemplary role as a party member, and be conscientious to make the lives of residents happier and happier." Shen Hairong said. It is reported that the Chang Trinity Community has initially built a comprehensive support system for residents' pension, realizing the connection between people, organizations and organizations, and the connection between professional institutions and social needs, and striving to create a livable pension community where "the elderly are supported, the elderly are dependent, the elderly are done, and the elderly are happy".

Reporter: Shen Yifei

The picture is a data map

Editor: Qiu Caihong

Proofreading: Geng Jieyu