
This "waste residue" is put in the soil, and the rooting powder and rooting agent have to stand aside, and the root system is full of pots

author:Floral space

This "waste residue" is put in the soil, and the rooting powder and rooting agent have to stand aside, and the root system is full of pots, which is easy to use and saves money

As the saying goes, to raise flowers and leaves, and to raise leaves, you must raise roots, which means that to raise a pot of flowers, you must first raise the flower roots. But do you know that there is a little secret to raising flowers, which can make the roots of plants very strong, not what chemical fertilizers are used, but this kind of treasure that can be seen everywhere around, as long as you put it in a flower pot, the flower roots can grow full of a large pot, it is easy to use without spending money, if you are curious, let's take a look.

This thing is actually not my secret, it is the skin of a common plant in our body, this skin is not ordinary, there are many titles such as the right-hand man of the flower raiser, the magic weapon of raising flowers, etc., some people may also guess, but some people do not know, this is the willow bark.

This "waste residue" is put in the soil, and the rooting powder and rooting agent have to stand aside, and the root system is full of pots

Personally, willow bark is still very much, it is a particle structure, placed in the flower soil can improve the properties of the soil, increase the permeability of the soil, drainage, let the flower roots breathe smoothly, grow strong. Wear it directly in the flower soil, or pad it on the bottom of the pot, and the potted plant will drain better.

In addition, it can make the soil more fertile, acidic and not easy to compaction, if the soil is as hard as a stone, then even if you water a little water, it will accumulate water, and it will tightly wrap the flower roots, so that the flower roots can not survive.

Moreover, willow bark contains a natural ingredient called salicylic acid, which can help regulate the pH value of the soil, promote root development, improve cell activity, just like rooting water, promote plant growth, and make leaves and flowers more luxuriant.

This "waste residue" is put in the soil, and the rooting powder and rooting agent have to stand aside, and the root system is full of pots

Therefore, when you walk outdoors and see the rough "skin" falling off next to the willow tree, take it home, disinfect it thoroughly, dry it, and cut it into small particles with sharp scissors, which can be used at any time.

In this way, willow bark can be used for these common flowers and plants, such as junzi orchid, orchid, spider plant, pothos, fortune tree, gardenia, jasmine, hydrangea, geranium, bamboo, duck palm, monstera, rich bamboo, anthurium, etc.

This "waste residue" is put in the soil, and the rooting powder and rooting agent have to stand aside, and the root system is full of pots

When propagating flowers by cuttings, if there is no rooting water at home, you can use willow bark instead, if this is the case, it is recommended to use fresh willow bark, that is, to cut the fresh willow branches into small sections, and hammer the branches with a hammer, so that the juice inside can quickly seep out, and then soak in water overnight, and then go through the sieve, and then soak the cuttings to be cut in the water solution, and then cuttings, the survival rate will be significantly improved, and there is no need to buy rooting powder at all.

This "waste residue" is put in the soil, and the rooting powder and rooting agent have to stand aside, and the root system is full of pots

For example, cuttings of moonflowers, gardenias and jasmine should be processed with sterilized scissors, the bottom should be soaked in a willow solution for a period of time, and then inserted into the substrate after drying.

And the water that has not been used up can also be used as rooting water and poured into the pot, which not only regulates the acidity and alkalinity of the soil, makes the soil soft, but also replenishes nutrients and promotes the cell division of the roots, so that it grows quickly and fills the pot.

This "waste residue" is put in the soil, and the rooting powder and rooting agent have to stand aside, and the root system is full of pots

In short, don't buy rooting powder, rooting liquid, you have this waste residue around you, put it in a pot after treatment, not only the permeability of the soil will become better, but also improve the soil, make it fertile, and promote the development and growth of the root system.