
What should I do if my husband tells you that he has met "true love" and wants to divorce you during an extramarital affair?

author:Su Yue - the separation of the third party

What should I do if my husband tells you that he has met "true love" and wants to divorce you during an extramarital affair?

If a man wants to divorce for the sake of the mistress, is it really true that he has true love with the mistress?

Previously, an original partner said to Su Yue that her husband, who had been married for more than ten years, suddenly wanted to divorce her.

The reason is that he met true love outside, he is going to pursue happiness, and he wants to abandon his wife and children for the sake of Xiaosan.

This situation of the original match made her dare not divorce easily,

Because she has two young children at home and no job herself, she can't imagine what life will be like after the divorce.

But even if the original partner doesn't want to divorce, he doesn't want to beg for a cheating man.

So she asks Scarlett what she can do to make the cheating man realize that she was wrong?

The original partner wants to make the cheating man realize that cheating is wrong and take the initiative to end the affair.

Perhaps at first glance this request is reasonable,

It is the man who cheats, and the cheating is the fault of the cheating man.

The wife asks the cheating man Anren to admit his mistakes, and asks the cheating man to end his mistakes, there is nothing wrong with it.

Honest people always think that the world is "reasonable". It wasn't until I was bruised all over my body that I realized that the world was "strong and bullied".

The original partner makes reasonable requests, and the cheating man will not accept your request.

Because the cheating man evaluates your worth and feels that you are not strong enough, there is no need to complete your demands.

To put it bluntly, an extramarital affair is just a way for a cheating man to bully the original partner who is not strong enough.

What should I do if my husband tells you that he has met "true love" and wants to divorce you during an extramarital affair?

So what should the wife do when she encounters this kind of extramarital affair?

First things first: drag the cheating man, don't impulsively fulfill the cheating man and the mistress.

Zeng Guofan famously said:

"Everything must be dealt with calmly and slowly, and if you are in a hurry, you may be at fault."

The most taboo thing to avoid is impatience and panic.

Many times, a moment of panic will only make yourself full of mistakes; Only by stabilizing your mind can you get the results you want.

Many original partners found out that the man was cheating, but the man did not admit his mistake and directly said that he wanted to divorce.

The original match is unreasonable, and it is useless to play the emotional card.

The cheating man is ruthless and speaks ill of his wife, and the wife may be emotional and resentful.

There is no way to solve the extramarital affair, and the man who is unwilling to watch the mistake is still being justified.

So there are not a few original wives who impulsively agreed to the divorce.

Su Yue suggested that you must hold back your temper, just like this original match.

It's really not suitable for divorce, you really want to divorce impulsively, and you can't afford the consequences.

I regret it later, you are not the original match, there is no position to solve the extramarital affair, and it is useless to regret it.

So first thing, stabilize your emotions and don't get an impulsive divorce.

What should I do if my husband tells you that he has met "true love" and wants to divorce you during an extramarital affair?

The second thing: learn about the extramarital affair between the cheating man and the mistress, and look for a breakthrough point.

Do cheating men and mistresses really love each other that much? Is there love in an extramarital affair?

It is certainly arbitrary to say that there is no at all, especially in this case.

The cheating man is going to divorce for the sake of the mistress, and he must have a certain affection for the mistress.

But this relationship is directly said to be true love that must be the other party, which is a bit exaggerated.

The cheating man has feelings for the mistress, but it is certainly not to the extent of true love and giving up everything for the mistress.

Learn about the behavior of a cheating man, he attaches more importance to interests than feelings.

And the situation of the junior is still better than the original value,

Then the point that supports the divorce of cheating men is definitely not love, but interests.

Many of the original partners can't accept the fact that they are not as good as the juniors.

But in many cases of extramarital affairs nowadays, this is a very realistic situation.

As full-time wives, the wives seem to have a car, a house and a deposit, but these are all cheating men.

Even if the property is jointly owned by the husband and wife, it is actually in the hands of the cheating man.

Your value is greatly compressed, and the junior has a job, a good family condition, and is younger and more beautiful than the original partner.

For cheating men, the mistress is more valuable, so he is easy to shout that he wants to divorce and marry the mistress for the sake of love.

The breakthrough point of this kind of extramarital affair is in the point of interest.

Wives can make cheating men change their minds immediately by seizing the points of interest.

What should I do if my husband tells you that he has met "true love" and wants to divorce you during an extramarital affair?

The third thing: make men pay more for cheating.

If a man dares to shout for divorce, his wife will record everything the cheating man said.

Those extramarital affairs are true love, and true love is invincible.

Those demeaning remarks about wives, blasphemous remarks about a normal view of marriage.

After recording, send it directly to the family group, and then tell the cheating man that next time he will send out the cheating man's work group.

You're going to have to make the cheating man pay a price. And knowing full well that this is just the beginning,

There is a greater price, more loss of interests, waiting for this man who insists on cheating.

There is a high probability that a cheating man will not dare to continue to shout true love, and he will have to divorce his wife.

In order to avoid continuing to pay the price, in order to recover the loss of benefits, he will start to save the marriage.

Don't think about the consequences, you don't have any cards to use, you have to have the courage to break the boat.

The cheating man thinks that you are dead in the net, he will not be divorced, and he will pay a great price.

Cheating men attach great importance to interests, lose interests, and may continue to lose interests,

is the original match with no hole cards, the best weapon to solve extramarital affairs.

What should I do if my husband tells you that he has met "true love" and wants to divorce you during an extramarital affair?

"It's ourselves who teach others how to hurt us."

Many wives who have been cheated on think that the reason why you are cheated on is that the man is not loved, and the mistress is loved.

Actually? The basis for a cheating man's change of heart is that his wife is no longer worth enough.

They feel that they can despise their wives, hurt them, and finally abandon them.

If the wife is strong, the cheating man may not change his mind at first, because he can't afford the price.

So remember: the only way out is to be strong, and when you are strong enough, the whole world will take the initiative to make way for you.

If you also have an extramarital affair and don't know what to do, you can follow Su Yue and chat about your situation in private messages.

I'm Su Yue, an emotional mentor who can really help you solve your marriage problems.