
Shidian County carried out the action of "Secretary Asks Party Building, Minister Asks Party Affairs" (Phase VI)

author:Ink Shidian

On June 29, Shidian County's "Secretary Asks Party Building, Minister Asks Party Affairs" Inquiry Action (Phase VI) was launched in Shidian Industrial Park. The main leaders of the county party committee attended the meeting and made requests.

Shidian County carried out the action of "Secretary Asks Party Building, Minister Asks Party Affairs" (Phase VI)

Before the meeting, the participants observed and investigated Yunnan Bangji Feed Co., Ltd., Yunnan Yuntian Pipe Industry Co., Ltd., Denair (Baoshan) New Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Baoshan Haoyu Building Materials Co., Ltd. and Yunnan Shidian Industrial Park.

Shidian County carried out the action of "Secretary Asks Party Building, Minister Asks Party Affairs" (Phase VI)

The meeting focused on the issues related to enterprise party building, and answered the importance of strengthening enterprise party building, pointing out that enterprise party building is the guarantee to ensure the correct development direction of enterprises, excellent party style is conducive to driving work style, strengthening enterprise party building is conducive to strengthening the sense of responsibility of enterprises, and enterprise party building is also an important part of building a large party building pattern. Enterprises should strengthen party building through the establishment of party branches, the development of party members, the development of party organization activities, and the integration of party building and development.

Shidian County carried out the action of "Secretary Asks Party Building, Minister Asks Party Affairs" (Phase VI)

The meeting emphasized that all functional departments should play a role in the development of the enterprise, and put forward the requirements of the relevant departments to guarantee the elements, take the initiative to serve, and perform their duties in place, and hoped that the functional departments would strengthen their sense of service, take the initiative to provide services for enterprises, perform their functions and responsibilities, and ensure safe production.

Text: Xiong Jian, Zhao Haile