
A person's biggest "confusion": after taking these detours, the evening is not guaranteed

author:There are deer in Shushan
A person's biggest "confusion": after taking these detours, the evening is not guaranteed

Confucius said: "Time is also fate, be cautious from the beginning to the end, do your best and obey the destiny of heaven." ”

Everything in life is a matter of timing and fate, and it is best for us to start cautiously and then finish properly, doing our duty and following the will of God.

From ancient times to the present, it is easy to start cautiously, and it is especially difficult to end well. Whether it is an ordinary person or an elite, it is easy to fall on the point of "good death", so that the late season is not guaranteed, and a good death is not allowed.

It's like climbing a mountain, it's strong and energetic at the beginning. As we climb up, our bodies become more and more tired, and we are prone to dizziness, stumbling and slipping, causing irreparable consequences.

Be cautious, you must not be hot for three minutes, nor can you change the hexagram halfway, but you should stick to it. The so-called "Zhuge is only cautious in his life, and Lu Duan is not confused about major things" is like this.

A person's biggest confusion is that he has taken these detours, and it is easy to lose his life in the evening.

A person's biggest "confusion": after taking these detours, the evening is not guaranteed

Detour 1: Luck, no confidence, sooner or later.

When people reach a certain age, they will really feel what it means that "soup without salt is better than water, and people without money are better than ghosts".

I have savings in my pocket, and I am not afraid of unemployment or any risks, and I am not afraid of going all over the world. Because money is a lifesaver for ordinary people.

On the contrary, there is no savings in his pocket, and he is afraid of losing his job and what will happen to his family, so he lives in fear every day. In that case, misfortune will come sooner or later.

There is a "Murphy's Law", which means that anything that can go wrong, will eventually go wrong. What you thought wasn't going to happen, will eventually happen.

Why is "Murphy's Law" an objective law? Because everyone has a "fluke" mentality. Luck is to gamble on the probability of impermanence and risk with your own life.

When people reach middle and old age, don't have any luck mentality, and try to leave a deposit for yourself and your family. Only with confidence can we live a high-quality life.

A person's biggest "confusion": after taking these detours, the evening is not guaranteed

Detour 2: Only advance but not retreat, excessive arrogance, sooner or later tragedy.

Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching: "The hall is full of gold and jade, and Mo can keep it; Rich and proud, self-blame; After retiring, the way of heaven is also. ”

The house is full of gold and silver treasures, which attract people's attention, and it may not be able to keep them; Because a little money is too arrogant, there is a high probability that it will cause trouble; After becoming famous, try to retreat as quickly as possible in order to protect yourself. This is the way of heaven.

Countless people are like "fire", their temperament is excessively greedy and impatient, and they only know how to burn violently, and they are destined to come and go in a hurry, and quickly extinguish this "fire".

People should be "good as water" and learn from the stream. The reason why water is infinitely close to the avenue is because it is not impatient, impatient, not resentful, not fighting, not greedy, and always indifferent, and it can naturally last for a long time.

Han Xin, the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty, was like a "fire", he only knew how to advance, but not how to retreat, and finally died at the hands of Liu Bang and his wife. Zhang Liang, who is as famous as Han Xin, lived in seclusion after becoming famous, not only lived a long and blessed life, but also died a good death.

Different choices lead to different endings. But it still has to be said that in order to have a good death, we first need to "know how to advance and retreat".

A person's biggest "confusion": after taking these detours, the evening is not guaranteed

Detour 3: Tensions, betrayal and disappointment, misfortune is coming.

The greatest sorrow in this life is to live as a "lonely person". seems to have friends all over the world, but in fact, he plays with everyone, even if it is a relationship with his closest relatives, it is a mess.

It's understandable that we don't have a good relationship with outsiders, because we don't have anything to do with outsiders. And if the relationship with our relatives is not good, it is difficult to understand, because we have a blood relationship with our close relatives, and blood is thicker than water.

There is a small boss in the town who made a lot of money in middle age, so he abandoned his wife and children and lived with the third and fourth children. Within a few years, the little boss went bankrupt, and the third and fourth children also left him.

Looking at such a ruthless junior, he completely woke up to the fact that others came because of money, and naturally they would leave because of bankruptcy. is still the wife and children at home, and the feelings are the most sincere.

When he returned to his former home, his wife and children no longer paid attention to him. From the moment he abandoned his wife and children, perhaps, this family will not be able to go back.

No matter how good the wild cats are, they are unreliable, and they catch us every minute. Only the closest relatives in the family are worth cherishing.

A person's biggest "confusion": after taking these detours, the evening is not guaranteed

Detour 4: Overdraft the body, the good fortune is shallow, and the evening is not guaranteed.

Modern people like overdrafts, not only in terms of consumption, but also in terms of physical health.

The reason why people like overdrafts is because the process of overdraft can bring a certain sense of stimulation to people. For example, overdraft the body to stay up late, overdraft the body to work overtime to make money, overdraft the body's energy.....

All overdrafts come at a price. The relatively light price may be a minor illness and a small pain. And the more serious price, that is, life is short, and the blessing is thin, and it will decline before getting old.

Some people can live to be 90 years old, but because they overdrew their bodies in advance, they can only live to be 45 years old. Isn't this "short-sightedness"?

In the future, it is not only money but also physical health. Money is only meaningful if you are healthy. Once the body is not healthy, it is possible that people are in heaven and the money is in the bank.

After many things in the world, I know that peace is worth a thousand gold. Nothing else is as important as your own health. Only with a healthy body can we have a happy and high-quality old age.

Text/Shushan has deer