
Whether the child is "blessed" or not is caused by the parents, and it is necessary to keep 3 minds

author:There are deer in Shushan
Whether the child is "blessed" or not is caused by the parents, and it is necessary to keep 3 minds

The so-called "Mo Dao cause and effect is not seen, far away from the children and grandchildren." ”

Don't say that karma doesn't exist, perhaps, it will come to both the person and the child. Anyway, the fate of parents and children is tied together.

Parents are good, and children's lives will not be worse. On the contrary, if the parents' lives are hard, the children's lives will not be much better. These two generations are in a relationship of both prosperity and loss.

Take the hierarchical "class" as an example, if the parents' class is too low and the child's starting point is too low, the child's future is destined to be tortuous. There is no way, the class determines the starting point, this is an objective reality.

For parents, for the sake of their children, everything must be cautious. Otherwise, it will not only harm itself, but also its children and grandchildren.

Whether the child is blessed or not, it is caused by the parents, and these 3 hearts should be kept.

Whether the child is "blessed" or not is caused by the parents, and it is necessary to keep 3 minds

Heart eye one: Don't force your children to do what you can't do.

Countless parents want their children to become dragons and phoenixes, which is understandable. The problem is that countless parents think that they should let their children do what they can't do.

For example, if you can't be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, you ask your child to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University; For example, if you can't afford to buy a house in the city, you ask your children to buy a house in the city.

This is not to hope that the son will become a dragon and the daughter will become a phoenix, but that it will put huge pressure on the child. Moderate pressure will make people grow. And excessive stress can destroy a child's life.

Some children choose to commit suicide because they failed in the exam; Some children are forced to go to a dead end because they cannot meet the requirements of their parents; Some children are unable to get what they want, which leads to tragedy.

In reality, there are too many human tragedies, all of which are caused by the original family. The requirements of parents are too high, and the children simply cannot meet the requirements of their parents, and the children are destined to be crushed by the original family.

If parents can't do it, don't force your children to do it. Each generation has its own difficulties, each generation has its own challenges, and the demands of the previous generation should not be imposed on the next generation.

Whether the child is "blessed" or not is caused by the parents, and it is necessary to keep 3 minds

Heart eye 2: Try not to bring debts to your children and avoid passing on loans.

There's an interesting word that says it's passed down from one loan to another. What is Loan-to-Loan Transfer? It is the family's loan, passed down from generation to generation, and not only the parents' generation is in debt, but even the children's generation is in debt.

Being in debt seems to be leveraging the future, but it is actually overdrawing future money to satisfy the desires of the present. Essentially, there is a problem.

First of all, if the parents can't afford to repay the loan and need the child to take over, wouldn't it hurt the child? Secondly, if the whole family is unemployed, and the children are also unemployed after graduating from college, and then they are under debt pressure, then the whole family will have to wait for death?

Why are modern people tired? It's because they have too much debt. If they hadn't been burdened with these debts, their lives would have been easier and more colorful.

Many people will say, isn't it true that people die and debts are eliminated? In the grand scheme of things, no problem. However, for ordinary families, it is not the death of the person who pays the debt, but the parents' debt and the children's debt.

In the future, those who can live an easy life and have a bright future will definitely be debt-free families. And those families who are in debt, basically, will experience the "big waves and sands" of the times.

Whether the child is "blessed" or not is caused by the parents, and it is necessary to keep 3 minds

Heart eye three: The love and hatred of the parents' generation, try not to involve their children.

As long as we often watch TV series or novels, we will see this one episode - if there is any problem, we will rush to ourselves, because it will not affect our family.

In real life, is it really a disaster for the family? I don't think so. If you offend someone, they may threaten you, or threaten your children. Children are easy to become your weakness.

When it comes to weakness, we have to talk about the difference between ordinary people and elites. For ordinary people, children are a weakness, and for the sake of their children, they can sell everything, even their own dignity.

For the elite, there is no such thing as a weakness because their children have long been stable. It can be seen that whether parents have the strength has a great impact on future generations.

Could it be that ordinary people have no way out? There is only one way out, try not to cause trouble, and don't have too much love and hatred. The so-called "right and wrong are just to speak more, and troubles are all because of the strong head" is this truth.

It's not a disaster for the family, it's possible, it's just a good wish. If you really commit a certain thing and offend a certain person, the disaster will eventually implicate your family.

Whether the child is "blessed" or not is caused by the parents, and it is necessary to keep 3 minds

Write to the end

What constitutes the fate of human beings is the three points of "the right time, the right place and the right people". The original family is precisely the most important thing in "people".

The status of the family of origin and the class they are in will affect the future and destiny of the children. And it is precisely the parents who determine the situation of the original family.

What kind of people the parents are, what kind of people the children are most likely to be, except for the cultural aspects There are certain differences, other aspects, there seems to be little difference.

Take class as an example, the class of parents is most likely the class of children. Therefore, if you want your children to live well, parents need to pave the way for their children. The so-called "back to the big tree is good to enjoy the shade" is this truth.

Happiness is not the happiness of one generation, but the well-being of two generations.

Text/Shushan has deer