
"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

author:Western theater of operations

Author | Cheng Long, Pan Liang, Wang Cairu, Li Zhiwei, Xu Tingyuan, Yan Qingyan

Above 4,500 meters above sea level, it is often called the "life forbidden zone", and in the "life forbidden zone" in the western part of the continent, there are not only a group of plateau border officers and soldiers stationed behind them, but also a group of guards and military doctors who silently guard the lives and health of officers and soldiers

Recently, the specialized surgical team of the General Hospital of the Western Theater Theater, which has been carrying out the task of providing logistical support in the "forbidden area of life" for many years, has completed the transfer and handover, and the new batch of team members will take over the mission and responsibility of the sixth group of team members, continue to take root in the plateau border defense, and protect the lives and health of officers and men.

"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

Optimized mode

Improve battlefield rescue capabilities

The knife is sharpened on the stone, and the skill is practiced in danger. In order to solve these problems, the sixth batch of specialized surgical teams continued to optimize and integrate the steps of front-running, first aid, and specialized surgery, explored the establishment of a "full-depth, integrated" treatment model, and successfully carried out emergency surgical treatment for officers and soldiers on many occasions, and tested the battlefield rescue capabilities of the surgical teams in actual combat.

"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"
"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

In order to ensure that the wounded and sick officers and men at the border can receive timely and authoritative treatment, the specialized surgical team has used the "remote multidisciplinary joint treatment model" to give full play to the timely, efficient, and brainstorming effectiveness of telemedicine, and has successfully treated many officers and men who are critically ill, and the success rate of treating the critically wounded has been greatly improved.

"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"
"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

Plateau patrols

The health of comrades-in-arms has "medical" dependence

No matter how high the mountains are or how far the roads are, wherever there are officers and soldiers, there are the combat positions of the members of the specialized surgical team. During the period of garrisoning on the plateau, the specialized surgical team successively went to a number of border posts and training sites to carry out medical patrol activities and give lectures on the prevention and treatment of plateau diseases to officers and men.

"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"
"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

The team members overcame all kinds of difficulties brought about by the regional environment, and fully carried forward the spirit of "lack of oxygen and no lack of spirit, hardship and hardship, and higher altitude realm", so that every comrade-in-arms who came for diagnosis and treatment could also enjoy high-quality medical services in the "life forbidden area".

"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

Technical help

Leave behind the medical team that cannot be taken away

Build a strong group of clinical specialties, bring out a group of backbone talents, and fill a number of technical gaps...... While completing the health service task, the specialized surgical team also carefully explained theoretical knowledge and taught practical skills to the medical staff of many military and local hospitals by means of surgical review and knowledge lectures, leaving a medical team that could not be taken away in the "forbidden area of life".

"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"
"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"
"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"
"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

"Medicine" continues to adhere to the "forbidden area of life" and continue to write the glory of joint logistics military doctors

"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

Editor: Zeng Tao, Lai Yongzheng

Editor: Luo Yuwei Wang Wenlong Issue: No. 2157

"Defend" fights! They relay to garrison the "forbidden zone of life"

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