
At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

author:Integrity Jesse 5m7

Ye Jianying: The emotional journey and eternal contribution of the beacon years

In the vast river of modern Chinese history, there is a great man who wrote an immortal legend with his outstanding military ability, firm belief and profound feelings for his family and country. He is Marshal Ye Jianying, a revolutionary soldier tempered in the flames of war, and a heroic leader who saved the party and the army in times of crisis.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

1. Young heroes in the beacon years

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

In 1897, Ye Jianying was born in a stormy era. At that time, China was under the decadent rule of the Qing Dynasty, with internal and external troubles and poor livelihoods. However, it is precisely this background of the times that has given birth to a group of aspiring young people like Ye Jianying. With the ideal of saving the country and the people, he threw himself into the torrent of revolution.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

Ye Jianying, who was a teenager, was influenced by the Xinhai revolutionary thought and was determined to serve the country. He studied diligently, studied hard, was proficient in Chinese culture, and developed a strong interest in Western science and culture. At the age of 20, he returned from Nanyang and joined the revolutionary ranks of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, beginning his revolutionary career.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

At the Whampoa Army Military Academy, Ye Jianying won the respect of his classmates and the appreciation of his instructors with his outstanding military talent and firm faith. Deeply influenced by Marxist ideas, he resolutely joined the Communist Party of China and became a communist fighter.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

Second, outstanding military exploits in the eventful years

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

Marshal Ye Jianying's life was closely linked to the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party of China. He participated in the Northern Expedition, the Nanchang Uprising, the Guangzhou Uprising and other battles, and made great achievements in overthrowing the feudal imperial system, overthrowing the Beiyang warlords, and establishing New China.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

In the Northern Expedition, Ye Jianying led his troops to fight bravely and conquered Nanchang. With his outstanding commanding ability and firm revolutionary conviction, he won the admiration of the vast number of officers and men. However, as victory was imminent, Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang launched a counter-revolutionary rebellion and hunted down the Communists. In the face of such a predicament, Ye Jianying was undaunted, advocated anti-Chiang, and resolutely threw himself into the war against the Kuomintang reactionaries.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

In the Nanchang Uprising and the Guangzhou Uprising, Ye Jianying once again played an important role. He worked out a battle plan with his comrades, personally went to the battlefield to direct the battle, and won the victory. The victories in these battles dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Kuomintang reactionaries and laid a solid foundation for the development and growth of the Communist Party of China.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

3. The emotional twists and turns of the revolutionary years

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

However, on the journey of the revolution, Ye Jianying also experienced many emotional twists and turns. He married six wives, each of whom left a mark on his life. Some of these wives were his childhood playmates, some were his comrades in battle, and some were his assistants at work. They have accompanied him through the years of ups and downs, and witnessed the glorious course of the Chinese revolution together.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

However, due to the particularity of revolutionary work and the limitations of the times, Ye Jianying and these wives get together less and leave more. Often separated in the flames of war, reunited in longing. Such an experience makes the relationship deep, and it also makes the emotional bond between each other cherished.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

At the memorial service of Marshal Ye Jianying, the presence of these six widows attracted people's attention. Their positions in Ye Jianying's life are different, but they have all had an impact on his revolutionary career and life trajectory. There is a great deal of difficulty in arranging their seating order. However, Nie Rongzhen's sentence "Arrange by age" cleverly solves the problem. Such an arrangement is both a respect for history and a tribute to the deceased.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

4. Eternal Contribution and Immortal Legend

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

Marshal Ye Jianying's life is the epitome of the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party of China. With his outstanding military talents, firm beliefs, and profound feelings for his family and country, he made indelible contributions to China's independence and liberation and the establishment of New China.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

He was an outstanding military general, a visionary. He always adhered to the party's correct line, principles, and policies, and devoted himself to the cause of the party and the people. His name will forever be recorded in the annals of history, and his spirit will always shine.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

At the memorial service of Marshal Ye Jianying, people remembered his contributions to the country and his brilliance as an ordinary person. Although his relationship with his wives is tortuous and complicated, it is sincere and deep. These experiences enriched his inner world and strengthened his belief in fighting for the revolutionary cause for life.

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

Today, when looking back on those eventful years, I can't help but feel proud and admired for Marshal Ye Jianying's life. He used his practical actions to interpret what is the true spirit of heroism and what is the real feelings of family and country. His life was glorious, great, and immortal! Always remember the heroic name and contribution of this revolutionary predecessor!

At Ye Jianying's memorial service in 1986, the ranking of 6 acquaintances became a problem, and Nie Rongzhen solved the problem with one sentence

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