
Love is a belief, love is a strength

author:Liwen is pleasing to the heart


Love is a belief, love is a strength

Beijing last night

It got down

Bursts of lovesick rain,

Endless love threads

It's your sincerity

A cry of love.

Love is a belief, love is a strength

Your gentle eye waves are

It's a kind of happiness flowing,

Radiant you


The power of endless love.

Love is a belief, love is a strength

Familiar sounds

I've heard it

The most beautiful melody.


Speak softly

It's a ripple in my heart

Spread in circles.

Love is a belief, love is a strength

Take all the injuries you have suffered

All the tears that have flowed

All hesitation and hesitation

All forgotten,

Love is a faith

Shine on the mind

The softest place.

Love is a belief, love is a strength

It's hard to say goodbye when you meet,

The east wind is powerless.

Spring silkworms to the end of the dead silk,

The wax torch turned to ashes and tears began to dry.

Love is a belief, love is a strength

Fall in love with you

How helpless I was

How bleak.

Fall in love with you

How serious I am

How nervous.

Fall in love with you

How heartache I am

How sad.

Love is a belief, love is a strength

Love is a strength


The most bitter time.

Xiaojing but sad clouds and temples change,

The night chant should feel the cold moonlight.

Pengshan has no way to go,

The bluebird is diligent for visiting.

Love is a belief, love is a strength

Love is a faith

Love is a power!

Love is a belief, love is a strength
Love is a belief, love is a strength
Love is a belief, love is a strength

Recognize beauty, explore beauty,

Discover beauty and love beauty

Follow the footsteps of beauty

Live a beautiful life

Liwen Yuexin,

In beautiful words

Delight the mind.

Editor: Ru Liwen,

Lovers of literature

He likes literature and poetry

May life and poetry always accompany each other,

May time and beauty always depend on each other!