
A-shares: Tomorrow, July 1, the stock market is going to be windy?

author:Spark Capital

To be honest, this week's stock market is still a terrible market, the three major indexes of A-shares are falling, and the decline of the gem has even reached more than 4% this week, the market is still not stable, and it can be seen that a phenomenon is a collective decline in the market many times, and this structural phenomenon has been more obvious recently.

Because, for a while, the weighted plates fell collectively, and for a while, the small and medium-sized plates fell collectively, and the two plates took turns to fall, forming an obvious differentiation phenomenon, under this kind of differentiation, it also increased the difficulty of the stock market, and the Shanghai Composite Index is still below 3000 points, so many years, it is really unreasonable, right?

So, what will happen to the stock market tomorrow, July 1st? Is the stock market going to get wind?

In fact, in the author's opinion, after the Shanghai Composite Index fell on Monday, the four trading days from Tuesday to Friday were basically running on a horizontal line, which is more like a downward relay pattern, so even if it rises on Wednesday and Friday, then the overall significance is not great, and the index is still showing a falling horizontal operation state.

A-shares: Tomorrow, July 1, the stock market is going to be windy?

However, to be honest, if, according to the current trend in tomorrow, or in the next week further decline, it is bound to form the so-called divergence in the amount of energy, it can be seen that the amount of energy of the Shanghai Composite Index is gradually decreasing, and even the sesame point is about to appear, which also means that the momentum of the decline is constantly weakening, so does this mean that the decline is almost to the bottom?

Not necessarily, in such a situation, even if there is a fall, then, it is estimated that it is almost the last wave of the downward market, it is worth noting that what the author is talking about is that the last wave, not the last fall, the wave is trending, and the last fall is a single day, so the situation between the two is still different.

It's just that this week's stock market really has a lot of signals that need to be repaired, so, for tomorrow, and even next week, in fact, the author does not maintain a very pessimistic attitude, and there may even be a certain repair market, in any case, the current stock market author believes that it is necessary to wait more, why?

A-shares: Tomorrow, July 1, the stock market is going to be windy?

If it is a repair market, just wait for the index to return to the semi-annual line, that is, in the upper sideways space, at this time you can rest assured, if it is a falling market, even if it is the last fall, then, you must wait until the index breaks through the relay platform built from Tuesday to Friday this week, at this time, you must pay attention to the risk.

At least in the author's opinion, the above is the safer way to go.

After all, the Shanghai Composite Index has also fallen to 2635 points before, so this time it is not possible? All the risks in the stock market lie in not thinking that this is the bottom, and that this downward trend can only be ended only when it returns to the half-year line, otherwise everything will still be in question.

Moreover, the funds are still flowing out, the main funds in the 5 trading days of this week, 3 trading days are outflows, net outflows of 42.2 billion, 36.9 billion, 25.4 billion, 2 trading days are net inflows, net inflows of 2.9 billion, 1.4 billion respectively, from the outflow and inflow, this week is obviously the outflow, and the inflow is only a small amount.

A-shares: Tomorrow, July 1, the stock market is going to be windy?

Therefore, to sum up, it is still that sentence, now you need to wait, don't be too anxious, the index is now below all lines after all, then, the overall pressure above is very heavy, and the turnover is not up, it is difficult to form a process of chip exchange, therefore, there are still variables in the market, but tomorrow, and even next week, it will be more critical, at least there will be a choice, so, tomorrow, July 1, the stock market will be windy, and it is also a high probability thing.