
Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

The king of the dark king

2024-07-01 01:21Creators in the field of esports

I never thought that the game between Wolves and RW Man could be so abstract, and I guess some viewers want to say that Rhetoric Tree 2.0 is coming. Originally, it was a battle to decide the life and death of the AB group, and it was also a game to decide who would qualify for the next round of forest sweeping, but I didn't expect that in the end, it would be DYG who went to sweep the forest.

Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

There is only one possibility for DYG to go to Group B, and that is RW Heroes 3-2 Wolves. In the first game, RW Man won it, and it was destined that this game would not be simple. In the second game, Ji Xiaoman, who flies, is simply a model for giving back to his old club. Let's not talk about the small abstraction in the early stage, just look at the last wave of big abstraction, surrounded by everyone in the Wolves, you can retreat in the direction of your teammates, but you want to flash to hit the fish, but you don't hit it. After handing over all the skills, you can only withdraw, and at this time, Nezha's big move flew down, Fly has no skills, she can only fight and retreat, from the dragon pit to the red zone, and then from the red zone back to the dragon pit, the team battle is going to be over, and Fly is finally going to enter the field. This time, I finally took away the Xiang Yu that I had been trying to attack before, but my teammates were almost dead a long time ago.

Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

In the next game, Yalian was also abstract, first the second skill secretly hit the wall. Then a person wants to cut Luban No. 7 with a chain and a flash, and his teammates are separated by 108,000 miles. Fly, is it possible that you are in Cao Ying's heart and Han, you really want the Wolves to stabilize this Group A.

Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

Compared to Fly, Chubby's Nezha may be more abstract. Fly can be explained by being old, but Chubby is a jungler who has just gotten the FMVP, is this really what you should do? Of course, that's all trivial, the next wave of encounters with Cao Cao, even if it was the first hit to Cao Cao, but 3 seconds have already passed, you can fly to the tower, what do you mean by standing still? The special effects of returning to the city have come out, and Chubby should not be an elderly hand speed player. I didn't expect this to be the end, this time I was caught by Ao Yin and Taiyi Zhenren, and finally remembered the flying tower, but it was directly shot down by twin fires in the sky, what can I say.

Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

It will inevitably remind people of that night in 2021, and if it is Li Jiu, he may have to speak.

It would be fine if the fifth game was won, but I didn't expect the Wolves to be fat in the fifth game, and the others started. Xiang Yu did this first wave first. As soon as the ten minutes arrived, the alarm clock of the Dao cub rang, and he went directly to give a wave for nothing, and he started to do it. Although everyone did it, the Wolves still had an advantage, so they also did it when they returned to the highlands, and they flashed in and cut the stars unsuccessfully, resulting in the Wolves attrition.

Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

Taking advantage of the absence of the return date, the Dao cub (Mentor Demon Knife) decided to do a big one. The archer saluted the demon knife behind him, but unfortunately he was seen by the spirit of vision, and he also met Pei Baohu, who had just come out of the crystal, and was still on his way to resurrect at this time, but his teammates had disappeared one by one. In the end, the two teams ended with a score of 3-2, with the only possibility of letting DYG go to Group B.

Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

Yisheng didn't seem to do much, but he secretly laughed at the end. The funniest thing is that even the official did it secretly, and it ended dramatically.

Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

RW Man and Wolves entered Group A hand in hand, but as Yi Zheng said, if this is the real level of the Wolves team, then he may not be able to get A1, and this season's championship is absolutely not to think about it. If this is the rhetoric tree 2.0, it is indeed leaving a handle for others, after all, it is also a team with a criminal record, and it will be difficult to refute it when others talk about it in the future.

What do you think of Wolves' 3-2 defeat to RW? Feel free to discuss it in the comment section.

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  • Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B
  • Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B
  • Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B
  • Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B
  • Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B
  • Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B
  • Wolves and RW State Banquet Bureau, fly and Chubby took turns to eat, and after the road cubs went around, DYG went to Group B

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