
Another infighting among the Warriors was exposed, Wiggins was banned from the Olympics, and there was a lack of communication, and both sides were dissatisfied

author:Sister Na said sports

Warriors reporter Cyrus Saatsaz has exposed the team's new infighting, and with Klay's departure a foregone conclusion, Wiggins looks like another champion who will leave.

Another infighting among the Warriors was exposed, Wiggins was banned from the Olympics, and there was a lack of communication, and both sides were dissatisfied
Another infighting among the Warriors was exposed, Wiggins was banned from the Olympics, and there was a lack of communication, and both sides were dissatisfied

Previously, Wiggins was barred from the Olympics. At the time, it was reported that it was a shared decision between the Warriors and Wiggins, who had been dealing with ankle-related issues at the end of last season, and it was a medical decision.

However, Rowan Barrett, the general manager of the Canadian men's basketball team, quickly refuted the Warriors' claim that it was the Warriors who prevented Wiggins from participating in the Olympics, "We've been talking to him, and he's been training for weeks to prepare for this tournament." Then I got a call from the Golden State Warriors a day or two before training camp and said they weren't going to let him play in the Olympics. So, in my opinion, it's not Wiggins' decision, it's the team's decision. ”

Another infighting among the Warriors was exposed, Wiggins was banned from the Olympics, and there was a lack of communication, and both sides were dissatisfied

Canadian men's basketball coach Jody Fernandez also said, "I knew he wanted to come. But it's not a situation we can control. "Apparently also targeting the warriors.

In fact, the reason for the current situation, according to Cyrus Saatsaz, the source revealed that it was because Wiggins never told the Warriors that he wanted to play in the Olympics, and when the Warriors learned the news, they were a little caught off guard and were unhappy about it, and the lack of communication made both sides feel unhappy.