
How popular the 17-year-old female Yao Ming was, she was startled by the young fans chasing the star, and wanted to dodge it, and she couldn't stand it enthusiastically and bent down to sign it

author:Sister Na said sports

Now Zhang Ziyu has become another balloon star of the Chinese women's basketball team, at the age of 17, she is 2.20 meters tall and shows dominance on the court, which also makes her popularity skyrocket, attracting young fans to chase stars.

How popular the 17-year-old female Yao Ming was, she was startled by the young fans chasing the star, and wanted to dodge it, and she couldn't stand it enthusiastically and bent down to sign it
How popular the 17-year-old female Yao Ming was, she was startled by the young fans chasing the star, and wanted to dodge it, and she couldn't stand it enthusiastically and bent down to sign it

A video of Zhang Ziyu's hotel lobby encountering a young fan chasing stars was exposed, at that time, two young fans held a paper and pen to ask Zhang Ziyu to sign, Zhang Ziyu was startled and wanted to dodge, but the little fan did not give up and insisted on handing over paper and pen.

Their request was also met, and Zhang Ziyu took the pen and paper and signed autographs for the two at the hotel front desk. Being chased by stars, Zhang Ziyu, who is young, may not have met it before, but now, she has to be familiar with all this.

In this women's basketball U18 Asian Cup, Zhang Ziyu played a dominant performance, and there was no opponent on the court who could limit her, and the height advantage was huge.

How popular the 17-year-old female Yao Ming was, she was startled by the young fans chasing the star, and wanted to dodge it, and she couldn't stand it enthusiastically and bent down to sign it
How popular the 17-year-old female Yao Ming was, she was startled by the young fans chasing the star, and wanted to dodge it, and she couldn't stand it enthusiastically and bent down to sign it

So far, Zhang Ziyu has averaged 33.3 points per game, ranking first among all players, and averaging 12.5 rebounds per game, also ranking first. Zhang Ziyu's performance did not live up to the expectations of the outside world, and she is indeed a rare genius of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Now Zhang Ziyu has the opportunity to win his first continental championship, and the important thing is that this is her first time representing the national brand, with such a good start, people can't help but look forward to Zhang Ziyu will become another pride of Chinese sports in the future.


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