
The Type 55 lieutenant military dress was equipped with an armed belt, and during the Cultural Revolution, people desperately searched for it but found nothing

author:Yifeng 2008
The Type 55 lieutenant military dress was equipped with an armed belt, and during the Cultural Revolution, people desperately searched for it but found nothing

The reason why the "Five-Five-Style" military uniform of a lieutenant is powerful and majestic is that the military uniform of a lieutenant is equipped with an outer belt, commonly known as an "armed belt". The armed belt is made of real cowhide, with a copper buckle and a diagonal strap, which is tied to the military uniform and integrated with the coat, and the temperament of the soldier is spontaneous and heroic.

At that time, the army stipulated that lieutenants and officers should wear armed belts when participating in major activities, organizing military drills, and inspecting the troops by their leaders. Usually you don't need to pierce it.

The Type 55 lieutenant military dress was equipped with an armed belt, and during the Cultural Revolution, people desperately searched for it but found nothing

The origin of the "Five-Five-Style" military uniform armed belt was imitated from the Soviet army in those years, and the configuration of the armed belt was mainly for the needs of war. The armed belt consists of a wide belt, a crossbody shoulder strap, and a ring (which can be used to hang a command knife, a small bag, etc.). The role of carrying items in wartime is obvious, and the aesthetic role of clothing in peacetime is obvious.

During the Cultural Revolution, people loved all kinds of military supplies to the point of madness, and they were all ecstatic to get a real military item. Like military uniforms, military hats, military shoes, military belts, military shoulder bags, etc., are all treasures that people are looking for. If a person can wear a military uniform and tie a belt, he must be extremely energetic and swaggering, and he will definitely be able to arouse people's envy.

For the captain's armed belt, which once aroused the envy of countless people, it is the treasure of the treasures that people are eager to pursue, the crown of the crown. But it is very, very sad that no one can find this coveted military item. One can only see this kind of armed belt from the photographs of military personnel. But in reality, the armed belt disappeared without a trace as if it had never been to this world.

Many of the children in the compound are also struggling to find this belt. They had seen their fathers wear such belts in the past, and they had also hung them on the walls of their homes. But now that they are gone, where have they gone?

It turned out that when the People's Liberation Army changed its "65-style" military uniform in June 1965, it canceled the diagonal armed belt as a standard equipment and replaced it with a brown leather outer belt. When the leather outer belts were issued, the old ones were exchanged for new ones, and all the "five-five-style" captain's armed belts were handed over to the warehouse, and no one kept the old armed belts. Therefore, during the Cultural Revolution, not to mention that people in the local area could not find this armed belt, even the children in the compound could not find any trace of this armed belt.

The Type 55 lieutenant military dress was equipped with an armed belt, and during the Cultural Revolution, people desperately searched for it but found nothing

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