
The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

author:The first drop of dew

If you like spy war dramas, don't you know that the new spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has quietly started broadcasting! The first 4 episodes have been broadcast, and I have finished chasing them, so let's talk about the feelings of chasing dramas.

01 Plot: It has a little idol spy war and anti-Japanese drama, but the degree of watchability is okay

"Lonely Lost City" uses flashbacks, which begins in 1945 and takes place in the Lashioraka Valley in Myanmar.

Military commander agent Ou Xiaoan (played by Huang Jingyu) and other six people are desperately fleeing, the Japanese soldiers are chasing behind, except for Ou Xiaoan, the rest of the people were killed by devils, one person muttered "810" in his mouth, and handed a piece of cloth printed with the number 9548 to Ou Xiaoan, and then died.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy
The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

At the same time, the Chinese Expeditionary Force and the American army were fighting the Japanese devils.

A group of American soldiers fell into an ambush by Japanese soldiers and suffered heavy casualties. @第一滴露珠原创文章, plagiarism is prohibited

Qin Moqing (played by Xin Zhilei), a military doctor of the 38th Division of the newly formed First Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, rushed to treat the wounded after hearing the news.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

At this time, Ou Xiaoan was already unconscious by the muddy pond, because he was wearing the clothes of a Japanese soldier, so he was almost killed by the American soldier, it was Qin Moqing who stopped the American soldier from doing it, but because he was a Japanese soldier, Qin Moqing did not save him.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

This is where the story begins.

Later, because of Qin Moqing, several Burmese women they rescued were infected with the virus and transmitted it to some American soldiers.

Qin Moqing suggested that Ou Xiaoan be rescued for interrogation.

She found that Ou Xiao'an was also infected with the virus in his body, but he did not have a rash, so Qin Moqing wanted to use Ou Xiao'an's blood to make antiviral serum, but was prevented, in order to successfully complete the experiment, Qin Moqing did not hesitate to let herself be infected with the virus.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

In the first episode, the main plot is that Ou Xiaoan tragically changed into a "big blood bag" and was drawn again and again!

Moreover, not long after he woke up, he was hit on the head by Mao Renxing, a representative sent by the military commander, which caused the blood clot in his brain to increase and cause more serious amnesia.

Haha, this guy is a bit miserable.

But this plot is really a bit of a drama. @第一滴露珠

Ou Xiaoan, who has been reciting, has lost his memory. But only some of the key memories are missing.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

After that, two flowers bloomed, one on each table, and the plot display location became the Chongqing Station of the Military Command. It shows the conflict between Wei Qingming (played by Zhang Xilin), the acting stationmaster, Wen Yishan (played by Zhang Zijian) and Feng Yunian (played by Zhang Shen).

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

After that, the flashback begins, and the timeline pulls back to Shanghai in 1941.

At that time, Ou Xiaoan's clear identity was still the captain of Kazuno Ohashi, the head of the Intelligence Division of the Intelligence Department of the East China Dispatch Army Command of Japan, and he was a "traitor" of the military commander (in fact, he was sent by the military commander Wen Yishan to go undercover beside Ohashi Kazuno).

At this time, Qin Moqing was still a student studying medicine.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

The last two episodes mainly write about the underground party's struggle with devils and traitors.

At present, "The Lonely Lost City" is not very suspenseful, and it is basically playing a clear card, that is, for the audience, it is clear who is an enemy and who is a friend.

Li Shaotang, the biggest villain hidden in the play, just let Ma Sichao, a young actor who is used to playing villains, play him, and he is a bad guy at a glance, as if he is afraid that the audience will not be able to see it.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

Because the cards are played, the plot is much less suspenseful and tense.

And at the beginning on the battlefield in Burma, all the soldiers, including the protagonist, whose clothes and faces were too new and clean, can be called spotless military uniforms, in the dense jungle and mud puddles everywhere in the Burmese forest after the rain, how did they do it? @第一滴露珠原创

Comparing the costumes in "My Regiment Leader, My Regiment" back then, you can know that "Lonely Battle Maze" is essentially an idol spy war drama.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

The plot of the first 4 episodes of the show is not compact enough, the rhythm is slower and flatter, and the plot is more routine.

However, the focus of this drama is to show the struggle between the underground party and the Japanese biochemical virus troops, and the spy war drama with Japanese bacteriological warfare as the main theme should be regarded as the first time, so I am still looking forward to the later plots, and I will continue to chase the drama.

02 Actor performance: Huang Jingyu's performance is mediocre, Xin Zhilei is sassy, and the performance of the rest of the protagonists is acceptable

The long-legged Huang Jingyu is indeed handsome in a military uniform and uniform, but this is a spy war drama, Huang Jingyu plays a three-sided agent, in the crowd, those shots deliberately freeze the handsome dress and moments, which are too eye-catching. @第一滴露珠

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy
The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

Huang Jingyu's acting skills, I have always felt that it is between good and bad.

is that as the male number one, he can barely meet the passing standard, or make the audience who is not his fan feel that he can still watch it, but it is far from excellent.

The general performance is okay, but when it comes to the moment when fine performance is required, his acting skills are not delicate and precise enough.

For example, in the Shanghai stage, he has a triple identity, the core identity is the underground party, the secret identity is a member of the military command, and the open identity is a spy traitor.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

In the face of the underground party comrades being arrested and tortured by Japanese spies, how should he behave as a comrade?

Of course, it is not at all possible to show concern and nervousness emotionally, to be extremely calm, and even to show disdain for the arrested.

But there should be drama in his eyes, so that the audience (not the enemy) can see his true emotions. @第一滴露珠原创

But Huang Jingyu, whether in the face of the tortured comrades or the students who were brutally suppressed during the demonstration, there was almost no drama and no content in his eyes.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

But just using external actions such as clenched fists, smacking the corners of his mouth, and a tear in the corner of his eyes to indirectly show his inner emotions.

When I saw that when the Japanese spy interrogated Lou Mingyuan, Ou Xiaoan actually faced him and quietly shed a tear, I really sweated for him!

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy
The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the enemy?

This detail is completely redundant and even counterproductive!

Xin Zhilei's temperament is already relatively sassy, the female military doctor she plays in the play, Sister A is full of fan, and her acting skills are also good, I personally think her acting skills are better than the male lead. @第一滴露珠

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

The rest of the actors, those old drama bones performed well.

Yao Anlian, who plays Ye Xuanmin, is an old Shanghai actor, but he is the "old underground party" in spy war dramas.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

Dong Xuan plays a cheongsam shop owner, who is also an underground party and Qin Moqing's superior. Dong Xuan really sees that he is getting old, but the charm still exists, and his acting skills are okay.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

The rest of Guo Qiucheng (as Ohashi Kazuno), Zhang Xilin, and Zhang Zijian all performed well, and the story has just begun, and the highlight scenes should still be behind.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" premiered, another idol drama! Huang Jingyu's performance is average, Xin Zhilei is sassy

The infighting at the Chongqing Station of the Military Commander in the play is also a highlight.


"Lonely Battle Maze" is a half-dozen spy war drama, with the nature of an idol drama, the male protagonist is average, the female protagonist is good, the first 4 episodes of the plot are decent, and the part of the Burmese Expeditionary Force is not well filmed, overall, there are no surprises, but you can still chase it down and try it.

(Text/First Dewdrop)

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