
Seven Laws Summer Rain Yin (Outer 2 Songs)

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Ke Meizhe / Han Junqing / Desert Feelings

Seven Laws Summer Rain Yin (Outer 2 Songs)

Seven Laws Natsu Rain Gin

Ke Meizhe (Jiangxi)

A hundred-foot high-rise building with a hundred springs, the Milky Way covers the nine heavens.

The torrential summer rain is connected by three rivers, and the mighty mountain torrents are connected by five mountains.

The ridge landslide was instigated, and the road was broken and the waves pushed away.

At the same time, the fertile irrigation is bitter, and the yellow calf is empathetic and disgusted with farming.

Seven Laws Summer Rain Yin (Outer 2 Songs)

Seven Laws of Rural Sunset

Han Junqing (Wuchuan County, Inner Mongolia)

The sun is reluctant to set, and the sun is indistinguishable.

The return bird hangs in the sky like a picturesque scene, and the clouds reflect themselves like flying tents.

The mountains and mountains are dripping green and even the sky, and all kinds of fragrance are red

The fairyland is jealous of the grass all the time, and the emperor's hometown is full of sunset.

Note: Dixiang refers to Wuchuan.

Seven Laws Summer Rain Yin (Outer 2 Songs)

Five Principles for Seventy Years

Desert Feelings (Changji)

In the 70 years since the Five Principles, China's diplomacy has reached the ground.

Mutual respect stresses unity, peaceful coexistence and development.

Countries large and small are equal, and oppose unilateralism and hegemony.

Life is a community of people, and the people are happy, and the global village is safe.

Peaceful exchanges are the norm, and fairness and justice are praised by all nations.

Peacekeeping has traveled all over the world, and medical assistance is the first in the world.

Selfless assistance to five continents, major projects built in China.

The Belt and Road Initiative has created a win-win situation, and China has made great contributions.

Seven Laws Summer Rain Yin (Outer 2 Songs)

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Wu Jun/Chang Xianyun Editorial Department of Qingyanwei Literature

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