
Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

author:Let's have a chat

In 2008, the entertainment industry was shocked by an explosive news. On the street, actor Xia Yu ignored the eyes of others and hugged actress Yuan Quan tightly into his arms. This scene is like the plot of an idol drama, but it is real.

The hug instantly ignited the internet, and fans were excited. However, few people know that behind this seemingly romantic scene, there is a love story that has passed through the ages.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

What factors brought the former lovers to the brink of breaking up? What was it that made them finally decide to hold hands again? Let's reveal this touching love saga together.

Let's go back in time 14 years ago, when on the campus of the Central Academy of Drama, Xia Yu, a young boy who had won the actor crown, met Yuan Quan, a quiet and introverted girl.

Their encounter was like an accident, Xia Yu, a talented actor who became famous with "Sunny Days", and Yuan Quan, a girl who had experienced serious school bullying.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Xia Yu is sunny and full of confidence, like a star that twinkles forever. Yuan Quan is quiet and introverted, often hiding in the corner, like a budding flower. Two young people with very different personalities, in a chance encounter, opened their hearts and sparked a spark of love.

Xia Yu was deeply attracted by Yuan Quan's innocence and began to pursue her passionately. Although Yuan Quan repeatedly shirked, Xia Yu's enthusiasm did not seem to diminish in the slightest. In the end, under Xia Yu's repeated invitations, Yuan Quan agreed to the first date.

They chose the Great Wall, an iconic attraction in Beijing, as a date spot. In the light rain, the originally crowded attractions became unusually empty, as if God was also creating a romantic atmosphere for them.

While strolling along the Great Wall, two young hearts gradually get closer and finally confirm their relationship.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Since then, they have often been seen on campus, always in pairs. Sometimes, they spend the afternoon sitting in a corner of the park, quietly enjoying each other's company.

This young campus romance has become the cornerstone of their strong relationship in the future.

Recalling that time, Xia Yu's eyes always flashed with a gentle light. He once described Yuan Quan as follows: "At that time, she was like a beautiful flower, quiet and full of vitality.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Yuan Quan, on the other hand, would shyly bow his head and whisper: "The summer rain is like the sun, warm and dazzling, illuminating my whole world."

This campus romance not only witnessed the beginning of their love, but also a sign of their mutual growth. It taught Xia Yu how to love the fragile girl and helped Yuan Quan regain her self-confidence.

In campus life, they supported each other and worked together to improve Xia Yu's sunny character to help Yuan Quan get out of the haze, and Yuan Quan's gentleness and thoughtfulness also made Xia Yu learn to be delicate and considerate.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Before graduating, they went through a major test together. Xia Yu unintentionally stumbled during the shooting, broke his leg and needed to be treated in the hospital. During this period, Yuan Quan was always by his side and took care of him meticulously.

This experience allowed the two to understand each other more deeply, strengthen their relationship, and make them value each other's existence even more.

After graduation, Xia Yu and Yuan Quan's careers are in full swing. Xia Yu successfully transformed from the role of "Ma Xiaojun" and became a powerful actor and made a name for himself in the film and television industry. Yuan Quan is not to be outdone, and has won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress twice with her excellent acting skills, and has won many awards in the drama industry.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

They have become the enviable golden boys and girls in the entertainment industry, with a bumper harvest in career and love.

However, fame comes not only with aura, but also with the trials that come with it. A storm in 2005 shattered the peace. Xia Yu participated in a fashion event, and Fan Bingbing, who was a popular actress, happened to be the heroine of the event.

The media captured the photos of their "kiss", which instantly aroused heated discussions among the public, and the news of "Xia Yu's cheating in marriage" quickly spread all over the streets.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

In the face of this sudden crisis, Yuan Quan unexpectedly chose to be calm. She did not choose to accuse angrily, but stood firmly by Xia Yu's side.

Yuan Quan took the initiative to stand up for Xia Yu to clarify, and finally found evidence to prove that this was malicious hype by the media, and the so-called "kiss" picture was just a misunderstanding caused by the shooting angle.

Yuan Quan's behavior not only relieved the crisis, but also made the relationship between the two stronger.

However, this is only the calm before the storm. Not long after, Xia Yu participated in a drama and partnered with Gao Yuanyuan, who is also literary and gentle. After the performance, rumors of "staying at Gao Yuanyuan's house in the summer rain" began to spread.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

This time the turmoil was even more violent than before, because it was rumored that the relationship between Xia Yu and Yuan Quan was not as good as before.

Faced with doubts from all sides, Xia Yu chose to remain silent this time. He did not actively clarify, as he had done in the past, but took a vague approach. What's even more surprising is that Yuan Quan, who has always supported Xia Yu, did not come forward to defend him this time as usual.

Her face was filled with helplessness and sadness, which made the outside world even more convinced that their relationship had come to an end.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

During that time, it was as if there was an invisible wall between Xia Yu and Yuan Quan blocking them. There is very little interaction between them, and even in public, they rarely appear at the same time.

This made fans very sad, and they couldn't accept that the golden boy and girl were separated like this.

During this time, Xia Yu's heart was full of contradictions and struggles. On the one hand, his affection for Yuan Quan is still deep; On the other hand, the pursuit of career improvement and the temptation of fame and fortune made him a little lost.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

At this point, he began to question whether he was still fit to continue the relationship, and he even began to wonder if he should give the other person some space to give each other a chance to rethink.

And although Yuan Quan was full of disappointment and pain in his heart, he never gave up on this relationship. She chose to remain silent, but she still stared at Xia Yu firmly, her eyes full of anticipation and affection.

She was convinced that as long as Xia Yu was given a little time to think, he would eventually find his own path.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

This experience is the hardest stage of their love run. Their trust was severely tested during this period, and their feelings were deeply tempered. Xia Yu began to reflect on his actions and realized that he might have betrayed Yuan Quan's trust.

This experience made him understand that true happiness does not come from fame and vanity, but from the person who is always by his side.

Xia Yu was deeply touched by Yuan Quan's persistence and understanding of him, and he began to re-examine the relationship and realize more deeply the importance of Yuan Quan in his life. Although the voices of the outside world were noisy, he knew deep down that Yuan Quan was the one who knew him best and supported him the most.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

The crisis has allowed both of them to experience growth and change. Xia Yu learned to cherish it, and Yuan Quan strengthened his determination to move forward alone. They know that true love needs to be built on mutual trust and tolerance.

Far from shaking their relationship, the experience strengthened their relationship.

To truly understand the love story of Xia Yu and Yuan Quan, we need to go back to his childhood and understand his coming-of-age journey.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Xia Yu's childhood life was not satisfactory. When he was still young, his parents divorced, and he was sent to live with his aunt. Even though his aunt's family treated him well, life under the fence made him sensitive and cautious.

In such an environment, he has always looked forward to living freely without constraints.

When Xia Yu was 15 years old, he realized his ideal, left his aunt's house, went to Qingdao, and began to live a free life he longed for. He watched a movie called "Extremely Dangerous" in Qingdao, in which he was fascinated by skateboarding stunts, which led him to devote himself to skateboarding.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Xia Yu, shrouded in parental constraints, can finally chase his dreams unscrupulously. He devoted a lot of time and energy to skateboarding, an experience that not only shaped his sunny and lively personality, but also allowed him to develop a toned body.

What's more, he won the championship in the skateboarding competition held in Qingdao, which greatly boosted his self-confidence.

The turning point of fate appeared at the casting scene of "Sunny Days", director Jiang Wen took a fancy to Xia Yu who had no acting training at a glance, but decided that he was the vivid "Ma Xiaojun".

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Xia Yu's performance was unexpectedly outstanding, and he won three heavyweight awards including the Golden Horse Award in one fell swoop for this role, becoming a veritable actor.

This experience made Xia Yu deeply aware of his potential, and also made him more determined to take the road of acting. So, he decided to apply for the Central Academy of Drama and officially started his acting career.

However, fame brings not only aura, but also pressure and temptation. These experiences set the stage for the emotional confusion that followed the summer rainy days. He is used to being noticed and succeeding, which makes him often seem a little hesitant and overwhelmed when facing relationship problems.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Xia Yu's complex personality comes from his upbringing: he is cheerful and sunny on the outside, but sensitive and fragile on the inside. This personality not only adds to his charm, but also the source of the challenges he faces in his love life.

By understanding his upbringing, we can better understand his choices and actions in love.

In the summer rain, he was at a low point in his career and scandals. In the whirlpool, Yuan Quan's reaction surprised everyone. In the face of all kinds of rumors and doubts, she did not angrily accuse, nor did she leave decisively, but chose to wait and understand silently.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Yuan Quan knew very well that under the sunshine shown by Xia Yu, there was a sensitive and fragile heart. She understands Xia Yu's confusion and struggle after becoming famous too early, and also tolerates his loss in the face of the temptation of fame and fortune.

Even in the most difficult moments, she never lost trust in him.

Once, when a reporter asked Yuan Quan whether she regretted choosing Xia Yu, she smiled and said nothing. In the end, she replied lightly: "I love not only him who shines on the stage, but also the real him in life."

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Whether it is him who focuses on filming, who is obsessed with skiing, or who plays a good husband and father, I will always support and accompany him."

Yuan Quan's words are not only a response to the doubts of the outside world, but also the most gentle confession to Xia Yu. She used practical actions to show that true love is not impulsive, but a process of mutual support and common growth.

Yuan Quan's persistence and understanding finally made Xia Yu realize the preciousness of this relationship and began to cherish it. He deeply realized that in addition to fame and fortune, what really brought him a sense of security and happiness was Yuan Quan's consistent love.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

The shocking street hug in 2008 was a manifestation of Xia Yu's self-redemption after waking up. In this way, he announced to the world that he chose Yuan Quan and chose the love that has gone through ups and downs but is still pure.

Xia Yu chose Yuan Quan and chose the love that has gone through ups and downs but is still pure.

This turning point not only saved their relationship, but also allowed Xia Yu to regain his sense of existence. He began to cherish the people and things around him more, and he also focused more on his acting career itself, rather than the glitz and glitz brought by fame and fortune.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Yuan Quan has always adhered to the relationship, and even after many tests, this relationship has become more firm. Her tolerance and understanding not only successfully saved this relationship, but also allowed Xia Yu to find the direction of her life again.

This experience has amply demonstrated that in love, understanding and tolerance can stand the test of time more than just passion.

Time flies, and today, 14 years later, Xia Yu and Yuan Quan have achieved great success in their careers, and their love has also brought happiness to their families. Their story has become an example of how love and career can achieve each other.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

Yuan Quan returned to the audience's attention again through the role of the capable Tang Jing in the TV series "The First Half of My Life", and her performance was on par with the heroine Ma Yili, setting an example for many young actors.

In the field of drama that she loves, she even won the Golden Lion Award, showing her extraordinary talent on stage.

Xia Yu once again proved his acting prowess with his outstanding performances in works such as "Antiques in the Game" and "Out of Court". 's outstanding performance as the actor Lu Nan in "Out of Court" gave the audience a taste of his actor style again.

Looking at Xia Yu after 14 years and returning to Yuan Quan's side is the most correct choice!

These roles fully demonstrate Xia Yu's multi-faceted nature, and at the same time, they are also a strong proof of his continuous progress in his acting career.

Today's Xia Yu and Yuan Quan have grown from a young couple to a partner who can support each other and face the challenges of life together. Their stories show us that genuine affection and mutual understanding are the keys to long-lasting relationships.

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