
Seven Laws of Summer Rain (Outer Four Songs)

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Wan Xiwen (Qingdao)

Seven Laws of Summer Rain (Outer Four Songs)

Seven laws of summer rain love

The hazy drizzle provokes lovesickness, and I can't bear to leave after sitting on the bow of the boat for a long time.

The sound of dripping willows welcomes the egret, knocking on the lotus song to send the eyebrows.

Yun Mi looks far away from the old village, and the wind rises to convey the love of the old man.

In the warm dream of dating, the frog chirps and asks who is stupid.

Seven Laws of Summer Rain (Outer Four Songs)

Seven Laws Summer Idle Thinking (How Much Is Cool in My Heart)

The mountains are verdant and the grass is deep, and the sound of dry cicadas is heard in the morning.

Crape myrtle often tears when it first blooms, and the young swallow has newly flown into the forest.

Although the red dust is still not chaotic, it is difficult to leave the scorching heat.

Life is short and half wishful, how much is cold in my heart.

Seven Laws Hatsutsugin

The wind is clear and the rain is bright and sunny, and the grass and trees are full of color and fresh.

Honey cherry guest product, containing pearl and butterfly bees.

The love of the wheat wave renovates the scene, and the frog is full of frogs to recount the old fate.

The dream stream is far away, and the old man is fishing leisurely.

Seven Laws of Summer Rain (Outer Four Songs)

Seven laws of summer solstice

Jin Crow looked back at the scenery, full of verdant and wild fragrance.

The peaches are ripe and go down the mountain to find the old path, and the cicadas sing and dry the wheat into the new warehouse.

Affectionate and intentional crape myrtle, the shadow of the shadowless young swallow Xiang.

A round of cold and warm urging the years, life is like a dream, always seeking long.

Seven Laws of Ginko

Preference for the millennium northern country, the introduction of abundant grains debuted.

Flying snow on winter nights, warm spring morning dew and frost.

I have no intention of spitting green in the grassland, and I have the heart to fill the fields with fragrance.

Not for fame and fortune, only for dreams, what is the first food in the world.

Seven Laws of Summer Rain (Outer Four Songs)

The author, Wan Xiwen, a native of Jimo, Qingdao, enlisted in the army in February 1976, college culture, retired from the train service section of Qingdao West Railway Station.

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Chang Xianyun/Song Xianlin "Qingyanwei Literature" Editorial Department

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