
Yuanyang County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

author:Yuanyang Hani Rice Terraces

On June 28, Yuanyang County held a listing ceremony for the Fire and Rescue Bureau. Huang Pei, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and the main leaders of the county fire safety committee attended the listing ceremony.

Yuanyang County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

Huang Pei pointed out that the county's fire rescue team thoroughly implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important precepts, adheres to the "two strict and two accurate" disciplined force construction standards, gives full play to the function of "the main force and the national team" of emergency rescue, and actively responds to the task requirements of "all disasters and major emergencies", and performs well in maintaining the county's fire safety situation and successfully completing various rescue tasks, effectively maintaining the county's fire safety situation is stable and improving, and encourages everyone to take this as a new starting point, continue to work hard, and constantly create a new situation in fire rescue work in the new era.

Yuanyang County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

Huang Pei emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implement the work requirements of the higher-level fire rescue bureau, the county party committee and the county government, firmly shoulder the responsibility of local fire supervision and management, and promote the green and high-quality development of Yuanyang. On the new journey, we must fill up the oil, drum up all our energy, and make greater contributions to writing a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Yuanyang with new responsibilities, new actions and new achievements.

Yuanyang County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

At the listing ceremony, Huang Pei and the two chief officers of the county fire and rescue brigade jointly unveiled the plaque for the county fire and rescue bureau.

The listing marks a solid step forward in Yuanyang County's rescue capabilities to deal with various disasters and accidents, and is of great significance for strengthening regional fire safety and ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. After the listing, the Yuanyang Fire and Rescue Bureau will better perform the duties of local fire supervision and management, standardize the construction and management of the full-time fire brigade of the local government, further improve the level of fire safety risk prevention and comprehensive rescue capabilities, and earnestly assume the political responsibility of "promoting the development of one party and ensuring the safety of one party", so as to provide high-level fire safety service guarantee for the high-quality economic and social development of Yuanyang.

Reporter: Li Si Bai Xi (intern)

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