
Mu Mingjun went to Daping Township to give a lecture on party discipline learning and education, and carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

author:Yuanyang Hani Rice Terraces

From June 27th to 28th, Mu Mingjun went deep into Daping Township to give a special party course on party discipline learning and education for grassroots party members and cadres with the title of "Always Adhere to the Strict Tone and Comprehensively Strengthen the Party's Discipline Construction". At the same time, carry out the "July 1st" condolence activities to investigate the work of safety production.

Mu Mingjun went to Daping Township to give a lecture on party discipline learning and education, and carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

In the conference room of the Daping Township Government, Mu Mingjun closely followed the theme of "in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on strengthening the party's discipline education, and promote the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart, and go deep and practical", comprehensively expounded the importance and necessity of strengthening the party's discipline construction, and deeply analyzed the current situation and tasks facing the party in an all-round and strict manner, as well as the discipline requirements that party members and cadres should abide by.

Mu Mingjun went to Daping Township to give a lecture on party discipline learning and education, and carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

Mu Mingjun emphasized that carrying out party discipline study and education is an important way to strengthen the party's discipline building and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to develop in depth. All Party members and cadres should adhere to the goal orientation, thoroughly study and implement the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", shoulder leadership responsibilities, take the lead in learning, strengthen propaganda and guidance, vigorously guard against formalism, and ensure that the study and education of party discipline achieve practical results. It is necessary to adhere to the orientation of responsibility, strengthen ideological understanding, improve political standing, enhance the consciousness of party members, the masses, and the sense of responsibility, and earnestly enhance the consciousness, initiative, and firmness of implementation. It is necessary to adhere to the discipline orientation, strictly abide by the six disciplines of "politics, organization, integrity, masses, work and life", achieve the "four obedience", concentrate on forging ahead together, forge ahead and sail again, and contribute to the high-quality development of Yuanyang.

Mu Mingjun went to Daping Township to give a lecture on party discipline learning and education, and carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

After the party class, Mu Mingjun and his entourage went to Huaxi Gold Co., Ltd. to inspect the mine tailings on the north bank of the Jinzi River and the Bajiaoling mine cave in the Jinhe Gold Mine Plant (which has been abandoned) to learn more about safety production and mine governance, listen carefully to the relevant introduction of the person in charge of the company, and put forward rectification requirements and guidance for the existing problems. He demanded that all relevant departments should improve their political positions, consolidate regulatory responsibilities, and ensure that safety production work is effectively implemented. At the same time, enterprises are required to strengthen the awareness of safety production, strictly implement the main responsibility of safety production, promote the full and effective implementation of rectification measures, and ensure that the mine safety rectification work has achieved remarkable results.

After the investigation, Mu Mingjun visited the old party members of Taiyangzhai Village and Huaxi Company, talked with them cordially, patiently inquired about their daily life and physical condition, listened carefully to their voices and demands, and sent them condolences and holiday blessings, and told the old party members to take care of their health and live a healthy and happy life.

Reporter: Chen Qianqian

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