
"Lonely Battle in the Maze" 02: Ou Xiaoan was originally Wen Yishan's person, how could Wen Yishan be demoted

author:Golden beans

It turned out that Ou Xiaoan in "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" was a military commander at the beginning, and he joined the organization later.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" 02: Ou Xiaoan was originally Wen Yishan's person, how could Wen Yishan be demoted

He betrayed the military commander before and took refuge in Ohashi Kazuno, which was also the handiwork of Wen Yishan.

That's not right! If this is Wen Yishan's handiwork, how could Wen Yishan be demoted because of this?

At most, it is a failure of the operation, and no matter how it is, it will not be demoted!

Could it be that someone made the fake real, in Shangfeng's opinion, Wen Yishan's student Ou Xiaoan betrayed the military command, so Wen Yishan will eventually bear the corresponding responsibility.

So who's doing it? Of course, whoever benefits the most in the end is who is doing the trick.

In Ou Xiaoan's incident, the person who benefited the most was Wei Qingming, the acting stationmaster of the Chongqing Military Command Station.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" 02: Ou Xiaoan was originally Wen Yishan's person, how could Wen Yishan be demoted

If it weren't for Ou Xiao'an's betrayal, Wei Qingming would not be able to sit in this position now.

It seems that this drama will have some power struggle dramas within the military command.

Now, it's already dawning.

Wen Yishan arranged for Ou Xiaoan to lurk around the Japanese, and must have left some evidence.

He didn't come up with these evidences in the end, which means that these evidences have been destroyed by Wei Qingming in advance, Wen Yishan is really empty and speechless, and can only watch Wei Qingming, the villain, sit in the position that originally belonged to him.

This can also explain why Ou Xiaoan survived after returning to Chongqing?

Because Wen Yishan will definitely protect him! From Wen Yishan's point of view, Ou Xiaoan did not betray the military command at all, he was his own person and his student.

"Lonely Battle in the Maze" 02: Ou Xiaoan was originally Wen Yishan's person, how could Wen Yishan be demoted

At the beginning, someone was playing ghosts, and Wen Yishan also thought that Ou Xiao'an was dead, so he couldn't find a chance to fight back.

Now that Ou Xiaoan has come back to life and returned to Chongqing, this makes Wen Yishan see the opportunity to be reinstated.

"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" 01: Ou Xiaoan returned to Chongqing with amnesia and faced those grievances and grievances in the past
