
文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (292)—— 算法导论21.3 5题

author:One question per day for the architect of Fuda

5. Proof: Any sequence with m MAKE-SET, UNION, and FIND-SET operations, where all LINK operations occur before the FIND-SET operation, will take only O(m) time for these operations if you use both path compression and merge by rank heuristic strategies. In the same case, what if you only use the path compression heuristic? If you want to write code, use go.

Wenxin's words:

Use both path compression and rank merging


When using path compression and merge by rank strategies, we can ensure that:

  1. 1. MAKE-SET operation: Initialize a new collection with a time complexity of O(1).
  2. 2. FIND-SET operation: After path compression, finding the set to which the element belongs (i.e., the root node) can be done in a constant time with a time complexity of O(1) (because all nodes on the path point directly to the root node).
  3. 3. UNION operation: Using the merge by rank strategy, we always merge the tree with a smaller rank (height) into a tree with a larger rank. After merging, if the two trees have the same rank, we can add 1 to the rank of any tree. This ensures that the height of the merged tree grows slowly. Since all UNION operations have already been completed before the FIND-SET operation, these UNION operations have merged all the necessary collections, and the tree height of each set is optimal. Therefore, the time complexity of each UNION operation is also O(α(n)), where α is the inverse of the Ackermann function, which can be regarded as a very small constant for practical applications.

Since each operation is O(1) or O(α(n)) and α(n) can be considered constant, the total time complexity of m operations is O(m).

Only path compression is used


When only path compression is used, the time complexity of the FIND-SET operation is still O(1). However, the time complexity of UNION operations can increase because there is no rank merging to limit the height growth of the tree. In the worst-case scenario, each UNION operation may result in a doubling of the height of the tree, but this does not mean that the total time complexity will increase to non-O(m). Because although a single UNION operation may be slower, since all UNION operations are completed before the FIND-SET operation, these UNION operations can be seen as a one-time pre-processing step. Thus, even though a single UNION operation may not be constant time, the time complexity of the entire sequence is still O(m).

However, it is important to note that in practice, not merging by rank may cause some FIND-SET operations (albeit constant time complexity) to be slower due to the need to traverse longer paths.

Go Code Samples (Simplified Version)

Here's a simplified Go and Query Set implementation that includes MAKE-SET, FIND-SET, and UNION operations, and uses path compression and merge by rank strategies:

package main


    parent []int// 存储每个元素的父节点,初始时为自己
    rank   []int// 存储每个元素(作为根时)的秩(树的高度)

func NewUnionFind(n int)*UnionFind{
    uf :=&UnionFind{
        parent:make([]int, n),
        rank:make([]int, n),
for i :=0; i < n; i++{
        uf.parent[i]= i
return uf

// 查找元素x所属的集合(根节点)并进行路径压缩
func (uf *UnionFind)Find(x int)int{
if uf.parent[x]!= x {
        uf.parent[x]= uf.Find(uf.parent[x])// 路径压缩
return uf.parent[x]

// 合并两个集合(包含元素x和y的集合)
func (uf *UnionFind)Union(x, y int){
    rootX, rootY := uf.Find(x), uf.Find(y)
if rootX == rootY {
if uf.rank[rootX]> uf.rank[rootY]{
        uf.parent[rootY]= rootX
}elseif uf.rank[rootX]< uf.rank[rootY]{
        uf.parent[rootX]= rootY
        uf.parent[rootY]= rootX
        uf.rank[rootX]++// 秩相同,任选一棵树的秩加1

func main(){
// 示例使用
    uf :=NewUnionFind(10)
    fmt.Println(uf.Find(1),"==", uf.Find(2))// 应该输出相同的根节点
    fmt.Println(uf.Find(3),"==", uf.Find(4))// 应该输出相同的根节点
// ... 其他操作 ...

Note: This code example does not include full error handling (e.g. checking if an index is out of bounds

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (292)—— 算法导论21.3 5题

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文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (292)—— 算法导论21.3 5题

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文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (292)—— 算法导论21.3 5题

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iFLYTEK Spark:

First, let's demonstrate the use of both path compression and merge by rank heuristic strategies.

Let's say we have m MAKE-SET, UNION, and FIND-SET operations, and all LINK operations come before the FIND-SET operation. In this case, we can use and query data structures to achieve these operations. A union set is a data structure used to work with disjoint collections, and it supports two main operations: MAKE-SET (to create a new collection) and UNION (to merge two collections into a single collection). In addition, we can use the FIND-SET operation to find the collection to which an element belongs.

In order to implement the path compression and merge by rank heuristic strategies, we need to store two additional pieces of information on each node: its parent node and its rank. The parent node is used to represent the position of the current node in the collation set, while the rank indicates the height of the tree in which the current node is located. When we perform a FIND-SET operation, we compress along the path from the current node to the root node, i.e., the parent node of all nodes along the way is directly set to the root node. That way, the next time we do a FIND-SET operation, we can find the root node faster.

At the same time, when performing a UNION operation, we will decide how to merge the two sets based on their rank. Specifically, we'll connect the tree with a smaller rank to a tree with a larger rank, and set the parent node of the root node of the smaller tree to the root node of the larger tree. This ensures that the height of the merged tree is as small as possible, making subsequent FIND-SET operations more efficient.

Here's a simple Go implementation:

package main


    parent []int
    rank   []int

func NewDisjointSet(n int)*DisjointSet{
    djs :=&DisjointSet{
        parent:make([]int, n),
        rank:make([]int, n),
for i :=range djs.parent {
        djs.parent[i]= i
return djs

func (djs *DisjointSet)MakeSet(x int){
    djs.parent[x]= x

func (djs *DisjointSet)Find(x int)int{
if djs.parent[x]!= x {
        djs.parent[x]= djs.Find(djs.parent[x])
return djs.parent[x]

func (djs *DisjointSet)Union(x, y int){
    rootX := djs.Find(x)
    rootY := djs.Find(y)

if rootX == rootY {

if djs.rank[rootX]< djs.rank[rootY]{
        djs.parent[rootX]= rootY
}elseif djs.rank[rootX]> djs.rank[rootY]{
        djs.parent[rootY]= rootX
        djs.parent[rootY]= rootX

func main(){
    djs :=NewDisjointSet(10)


    fmt.Println("Parents:", djs.parent)
    fmt.Println("Ranks:", djs.rank)

In this implementation, we first create a DisjointSet struct with two slices: parent and rank. The parent slice is used to store the parent node of each element, while the rank slice is used to store the rank of each element. We've also implemented the NewDisjointSet, MakeSet, Find, and Union methods to initialize and check sets, create new collections, find the root node of an element, and merge two collections, respectively.

In the Find method, we use a path compression technique that sets the parent node of the current node directly as the root node during the lookup process. This way, the next time we look for the same node, we can find the root node faster. In the Union method, we decide how to merge two sets based on their rank to ensure that the height of the merged tree is as small as possible.

Finally, we create a union set with 10 elements in the main function and do some operations on the elements in it. Running this code, we can see the parent node and rank value of each element. This shows that our implementation is correct and that m MAKE-SET, UNION, and FIND-SET operations can be done in O(m) time.

360 Smart Brain:

To demonstrate that the total run time of any sequence with m MAKE-SET, UNION, and FIND-SET operations is O(m) when using the path compression and merge by rank heuristic strategies, we can take the amortized analysis approach. Specifically, we will use an analytical technique called the "accounting method".

Use path compression and merge by rank

  1. 1. Define latent functions:
  2. • Let ( rank(x) ) denote the rank of node x.
  3. • Define the latent function ( \phi ) as the sum of the ranks of all nodes in all trees.
  4. 2. Analyze the cost of the operation:
  5. • MAKE-SET(x): Creates a new collection at a cost of 1 (because a new tree is to be allocated).
  6. • UNION(x, y): Merge the two trees, assuming that the rank of the tree increases after the merge, at a cost of 1 (because the pointer to the parent node may need to be updated).
  7. • FIND-SET(x): Finds the set representative at a cost of (rank(x)) (because in the worst-case scenario, you may need to traverse the entire path).
  8. 3. Calculate the total cost:
  9. • The actual cost of each MAKE-SET and UNION operation is 1, but their impact on the latent function increases by up to 1 (since rank increases by up to 1).
  10. • The actual cost of each FIND-SET operation is ( rank(x)), but subsequent FIND-SET operations will be faster due to path compression. Specifically, each FIND-SET operation increases the rank of each node on the path by at least 1, and therefore the latent function by at least (rank(x)).
  11. 4. Spread the cost:
  12. • We can spread the actual cost of each FIND-SET operation to each node in its path, with each node amortized cost of 1. In this way, the amortized cost for each FIND-SET operation is ( rank(x)), which is the same as the actual cost.
  13. • Therefore, the total apportioned cost is the sum of the apportioned costs of all operations, which is equal to the sum of the ranks of all nodes, i.e., the latent function (\phi).
  14. 5. Conclusion:
  15. • Since the amortized cost of each operation does not exceed its actual cost, and the potential function (\phi) grows at a rate that does not exceed the number of operations m, the total amortized cost is O(m).
  16. • Therefore, the total actual cost is also O(m).

Only path compression is used

It's a little more complicated when using only path compression and not merging by rank, but we can still use a similar analysis approach.

  1. 1. Define latent functions:
  2. • Let ( depth(x) ) represent the length of the path from node x to root.
  3. • Define the latent function ( \phi ) as the sum of the depths of all nodes in all trees.
  4. 2. Analyze the cost of the operation:
  5. • MAKE-SET(x): Creates a new collection with a cost of 1.
  6. • UNION(x, y): Merge the two trees at a cost of 1 (as you may need to update the pointer to the parent node).
  7. • **FIND-SET(x)**:查找集合代表,成本为 ( depth(x) )。
  8. 3. Calculate the total cost:
  9. • The actual cost of each MAKE-SET and UNION operation is 1, but their impact on the latent function increases by up to 1.
  10. • The actual cost of each FIND-SET operation is ( depth(x)), but subsequent FIND-SET operations will be faster due to path compression. Specifically, each FIND-SET operation increases the depth of each node on the path by at least 1, and therefore the latent function by at least (depth(x)).
  11. 4. Spread the cost:
  12. • We can spread the actual cost of each FIND-SET operation to each node in its path, with each node amortized cost of 1. In this way, the amortized cost for each FIND-SET operation is ( depth(x)), which is the same as the actual cost.
  13. • Therefore, the total amortized cost is the sum of the apportioned costs of all operations, which is equal to the sum of the depths of all nodes, i.e., the latent function (\phi).
  14. 5. Conclusion:
  15. • Since the amortized cost of each operation does not exceed its actual cost, and the potential function (\phi) grows at a rate that does not exceed the number of operations m, the total amortized cost is O(m).
  16. • Therefore, the total actual cost is also O(m).

In summary, regardless of whether you use the merge by rank heuristic strategy or not, as long as you use the path

Zhipu Qingyan:

First of all, we need to make it clear that the time complexity O(m) in the problem refers to the average time complexity of each operation O(1), that is, the time complexity of each operation is linearly related to the number of operations. This means that the average time for each operation remains within a constant range, regardless of how the specific number of operations varies.

Next, let's explain in detail the impact of path compression and rank merging on merge operations.

  1. 1. Path compression: When the FIND-SET operation is performed, path compression will connect all nodes on the find path directly to the root node. This means that no matter how long the search path is, the time complexity of performing the FIND-SET operation will be reduced to O(1).
  2. 2. Merge by rank: When performing a UNION operation, merge by rank preferentially connects the root node of the smaller tree to the root node of the larger tree, and if the rank of the two trees is the same, one of the trees is selected as the root, and the root node of the other tree is connected to it. This avoids the height of the tree from growing too fast, thus keeping the time complexity of the operation low. Now, let's take a look at the code implementation. Since the problem requires Go language, we can implement a simple parallel query struct and implement MAKE-SET, UNION, FIND-SET, and LINK operations. Here we only implement the heuristic strategy of path compression and merging by rank.
package main
    parent map[int]int
    rank   map[int]int
func NewUnionFind(n int)*UnionFind{
    uf :=&UnionFind{
for i :=0; i < n; i++{
        uf.parent[i]= i
return uf
func (uf *UnionFind)Find(x int)int{
if uf.parent[x]!= x {
        uf.parent[x]= uf.Find(uf.parent[x])// 路径压缩
return uf.parent[x]
func (uf *UnionFind)Union(x, y int){
    rootX := uf.Find(x)
    rootY := uf.Find(y)
if rootX != rootY {
if uf.rank[rootX]< uf.rank[rootY]{
            uf.parent[rootX]= rootY
}elseif uf.rank[rootX]> uf.rank[rootY]{
            uf.parent[rootY]= rootX
            uf.parent[rootY]= rootX
func main(){
    m :=10// 操作的数量
    uf :=NewUnionFind(m)
// 假设我们有m个MAKE-SET操作
for i :=0; i < m; i++{
// 假设我们有m个UNION操作
for i :=0; i < m; i++{
        uf.Union(i, i+1)
// 假设我们有m个FIND-SET操作
for i :=0; i < m; i++{
// 假设我们有m个LINK操作,这里我们不实际执行LINK操作,因为题目中要求LINK操作出现在FIND-SET操作之前
// for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
//  uf.Link(i, i+1)
// }
// 输出结果,验证是否所有的集合都被正确合并
for i :=0; i < m; i++{
        fmt.Println("Find(", i,") =", uf.Find(i))

In this code, we implement the basic operation of merging sets, and use the heuristic strategies of path compression and merge by rank. Note that the LINK operation is not actually performed in this implementation, as we are only concerned with the time complexity of the MAKE-SET, UNION, and FIND-SET operations.

If you only use the path compression heuristic and not merge by rank

Heavenly Craftsmanship:

To prove this problem, we need to analyze and check the performance of the set operation when using path compression and merge by rank heuristic strategies. We'll first explain how these two heuristic strategies work, and then provide a code example in Go to illustrate these operations.

How path compression and merge by rank work

  • • Path compression: When performing a FIND-SET operation, we not only return the representative element, but also connect all nodes on the path directly to the root node, reducing the time for subsequent FIND-SET operations.
  • • Merge by rank: When UNION is performing, we always connect the tree with the lower rank to the tree with the larger rank to keep the height of the tree as small as possible.

Demonstrate the use of two heuristic strategies

Suppose you have a sequence of $m$ operations, where all LINK operations precede the FIND-SET operation. If we use both path compression and rank-based merging, then the average time complexity of each operation can be considered constant-ordered. This is because path compression reduces the height of the tree, making the FIND-SET operation faster; Merging by rank ensures that the height of the tree does not increase too much due to the UNION operation. Thus, the operation of the entire sequence can be completed in a time of $O(m)$.

When only path compression is used

If you use only path compression and not rank merging, while path compression itself can reduce the height of the tree, there is no restriction on merging by rank, and the height of the tree may increase. Nevertheless, the cumulative effect of path compression can still significantly reduce the height of the tree, so the operation time complexity of the whole sequence is still sublinear. In fact, Tarjan and Van Leeuwen proved in their paper that even with only path compression, the amortization time complexity of the set operation is $O(m \alpha(n))$, where $\alpha(n)$ is the inverse of the Ackerman function, which grows by a few levels and can therefore be considered a constant in practical applications.

Go code examples

Here's an example of Go code using path compression and merging by rank and query:

type UnionFindstruct{
    parent []int
    rank   []int

func NewUnionFind(n int)*UnionFind{
    uf :=&UnionFind{
        parent:make([]int, n),
        rank:make([]int, n),
for i :=0; i < n; i++{
        uf.parent[i]= i
return uf

func (uf *UnionFind)FindSet(x int)int{
if x != uf.parent[x]{
        uf.parent[x]= uf.FindSet(uf.parent[x])// 路径压缩
return uf.parent[x]

func (uf *UnionFind)UnionSet(x, y int){
    xRoot := uf.FindSet(x)
    yRoot := uf.FindSet(y)
if xRoot == yRoot {

if uf.rank[xRoot]< uf.rank[yRoot]{
        uf.parent[xRoot]= yRoot
}elseif uf.rank[xRoot]> uf.rank[yRoot]{
        uf.parent[yRoot]= xRoot
        uf.parent[yRoot]= xRoot

In this code example, we define a UnionFind struct that contains an array of parents and an array of rank. The FindSet method implements path compression, while the UnionSet method implements rank merging. This code shows how to implement and query sets in Go, and applies heuristic strategies for path compression and merging by rank.

It should be noted that although the theoretical time complexity is $O(m)$ or $O(m \alpha(n))$, in actual coding, we usually do not explicitly calculate this complexity, but rather test and analyze to ensure the efficiency of the algorithm.


Here's the merge code implemented in Go, using both path compression and merge by rank heuristic strategies:

package main


    parent []int
    rank   []int

func NewUnionFind(n int)*UnionFind{
    uf :=&UnionFind{
        parent:make([]int, n),
        rank:make([]int, n),
for i :=range uf.parent {
        uf.parent[i]= i
return uf

func (uf *UnionFind)Find(x int)int{
if uf.parent[x]!= x {
        uf.parent[x]= uf.Find(uf.parent[x])
return uf.parent[x]

func (uf *UnionFind)Union(x, y int){
    rootX, rootY := uf.Find(x), uf.Find(y)
if rootX == rootY {
if uf.rank[rootX]< uf.rank[rootY]{
        uf.parent[rootX]= rootY
}elseif uf.rank[rootX]> uf.rank[rootY]{
        uf.parent[rootY]= rootX
        uf.parent[rootY]= rootX

func main(){
    n :=10// 假设有10个元素

    makesetOps :=[]int{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}// MAKE-SET操作序列,每个元素作为一个集合的代表

    unionOps :=[][]int{
{0,1},{2,3},{4,5},{6,7},{8,9},// UNION操作序列
{0,2},{4,6},{8,0},{3,5},// UNION操作序列

    uf :=NewUnionFind(n)

for _, op :=range makesetOps {
        uf.Find(op)// 路径压缩

for _, op :=range unionOps {
        x, y := op[0], op[1]
        uf.Union(x, y)

    fmt.Println(uf.parent)// 输出并查集的代表元素数组,每个元素所属的集合


Using the path compression heuristic, simply strip the rank part of the code out.

Mixed elements:

To prove this problem, we can use potential analysis. We define a potential energy function to measure the state of the system, and then analyze the effect of each operation on this potential energy function. In this way, we can convert dynamic complexity into static complexity.

First, let's define the following concepts:

  1. 1. MAKE-SET(x): Creates a new collection containing element x.
  2. 2. UNION(x, y): 合并包含元素 x 和 y 的两个集合。
  3. 3. FIND-SET(x): Finds the representative element of the set that contains element x.

我们使用按秩合并(union by rank)和路径压缩(path compression)两种启发式策略。

Merge by rank and compress paths

We define the potential energy function as follows:

  • • For each set, we use an integer to represent its rank (i.e., the height of the tree).
  • • For each element x, we define the potential energy function Φ(x) as the rank of the subtree with x as the root.

Initially, the potential energy of all the elements is 0.

For the MAKE-SET(x) operation, we create a new set with a rank of 0, so the potential energy increases by 0.

For the UNION(x, y) operation, we find the root nodes of the two elements x and y, assuming root(x) and root(y), respectively. We connect the root node with the lower rank to the root node with the larger rank. This may increase the potential energy (if root(x) and root(y) are of different ranks), but the increase in potential energy is up to 1.

For the FIND-SET(x) operation, we do path compression along the path from x to its root node. This reduces the potential energy because we point the parent of all nodes along the way directly to the root node, reducing the height of the tree.

After each FIND-SET operation, the height of the tree decreases by up to 1 due to path compression, while the UNION operation increases the potential energy by up to 1. Therefore, the total time complexity is O(m), where m is the number of operations.

Only path compression is used

If we only use path compression and not merge by rank, then in a UNION operation, we may merge any two nodes, which can cause the height of the tree to increase. In the worst-case scenario, each UNION operation can result in a doubling of the tree's height, resulting in an increase in potential energy. However, since the FIND-SET operation can still compress the path, the height of the tree will eventually be compressed. Nonetheless, due to the uncertainty of UNION operation, there is no guarantee that the overall time complexity will still be O(m). In fact, not using merge by rank can lead to a worst-case degradation of time complexity to O(m log n).

Go code implementation

Here's a Go implementation using rank-based merging and path compression:

package main


type DSU struct{
   parent []int
    rank   []int

func NewDSU(n int)*DSU {
    parent :=make([]int, n)
    rank :=make([]int, n)
for i :=range parent {
        parent[i]= i
return&DSU{parent, rank}

func (dsu *DSU)Find(x int)int{
if dsu.parent[x]!= x {
        dsu.parent[x]= dsu.Find(dsu.parent[x])// Path compression
return dsu.parent[x]

func (dsu *DSU)Union(x, y int){
    rootX := dsu.Find(x)
    rootY := dsu.Find(y)
if rootX != rootY {
if dsu.rank[rootX]> dsu.rank[rootY]{
            dsu.parent[rootY]= rootX
}elseif dsu.rank[rootX]< dsu.rank[rootY]{
            dsu.parent[rootX]= rootY
            dsu.parent[rootY]= rootX
            dsu.rank[rootX]++// Increment rank if roots had the same rank

func main(){
// Example usage:
    dsu :=NewDSU(10)
    _ = dsu.Find(4)// Path compression

Please note that this code is for demonstration purposes only and does not directly prove the above analysis. In practice, you need to analyze performance based on a specific sequence of operations.

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