
"Mountains and rivers are broken"? Du Fu cried! There is a serious lack of cultural knowledge of oriental selection anchors!

author:Shin Ling Jun
"Mountains and rivers are broken"? Du Fu cried! There is a serious lack of cultural knowledge of oriental selection anchors!

The anchor said "the mountains and rivers are broken", and Du Fu cried directly!

Background information: On June 22, when the anchor explained the terrain of Guizhou in the live broadcast room of "Oriental Selection to See the World", he actually used the word "broken mountains and rivers" to describe the terrain of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

The word sparked controversy on the Internet, and netizens severely criticized the Oriental anchor!

"Mountains and rivers are broken"? Du Fu cried! There is a serious lack of cultural knowledge of oriental selection anchors!

The anchor "Mingming" retold the context of the words used at the time: "The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, if you look at it from aerial overhead, it can really be described as 'broken mountains and rivers', it is difficult to appear large plains on the surface, basically rolling hills and continuous mountains."

After reading the anchor's interpretation, I laughed! Netizens also laughed!

I only remember Du Fu's "The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in spring." When I feel the tears, I hate the birds. Did the oriental anchors feel Du Fu at that time? Why did the words "mountains and rivers break" suddenly pop up? Otherwise, it's uneducated!

"Mountains and rivers are broken"? Du Fu cried! There is a serious lack of cultural knowledge of oriental selection anchors!

杜甫‬写‬长安沦陷,国家破碎,只有山河依旧; Spring is coming, and the sparsely populated city of Chang'an is lush with vegetation. 有‬感于战败的时局,看到花开而潸然泪下,内心惆怅怨恨,听到鸟鸣而心惊胆战。

The poet writes about today's scenes, in fact, to express people's sense of history that people are not things, to place feelings on things, and to use the scenery to reflect emotions, creating a desolate and miserable atmosphere for the whole poem. 由于“国破”,国家衰败,国都沦陷而失去了春天的光彩,满目疮痍‬!

Today is not what it used to be, and the wheels of history are rolling forward! I don't know how the anchors selected by the East face today's country, how can they use a "broken mountains and rivers" to describe the appearance of mountains and rivers?

Is it stupid, or is it uncultured? Is it full of lust, or is there no ink in the chest? However, these so-called Internet celebrities are so popular!

"Mountains and rivers are broken"? Du Fu cried! There is a serious lack of cultural knowledge of oriental selection anchors!

I never think that the oriental self-selected anchors have any cultural heritage!

But before, the so-called "knowledge with goods" anchor Dong Yuhui was hyped by his mother-in-law!

"Mountains and rivers are broken"? Du Fu cried! There is a serious lack of cultural knowledge of oriental selection anchors!

However, since Mo Yan walked into the Oriental live broadcast room, I knew that these people had no culture and taste at all! The so-called close to Zhu is red, and close to ink is black.

Faced with netizens' doubts about "big breasts and fat buttocks", Dong Yuhui shouted: "There is controversy to prove that this writer is popular!" This time completely exposed that the anchors of Oriental Selection actually don't know what real culture and temperament are! They don't understand what it means to be born from the heart!

"Mountains and rivers are broken"? Du Fu cried! There is a serious lack of cultural knowledge of oriental selection anchors!

Alas! The era of Internet celebrities is sad! Guo Youcai represents the ceiling of Chinese singers, Dong Yuhui represents the beacon of Chinese knowledge, and Mo Yan represents the pinnacle of China's literary scene!

I advise the Lord of Heaven to be vigorous and reduce talents without sticking to one pattern!


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