
Also 17 years old, who is more powerful, Zhang Ziyu or Cambage? After reading the comparison of the data of the two, you will understand!

author:Sports personality YeZN

The purpose of this article is to compare the data of the famous high school forward of the world women's basketball team at the age of 17, so as to horizontally evaluate the development potential of Zhang Ziyu's future career at 2.24 meters.

However, there are very few center players in the women's basketball team who are more than 2.20 meters tall like Zhang Ziyu, so we chose Cambage, who is 2.04 meters tall, as the target of the target!

Also 17 years old, who is more powerful, Zhang Ziyu or Cambage? After reading the comparison of the data of the two, you will understand!


Cambage is now a well-known female basketball star for Chinese fans, as she played in our WCBA league last season and helped the Sichuan women's basketball team win the WCBA championship.

Also 17 years old, who is more powerful, Zhang Ziyu or Cambage? After reading the comparison of the data of the two, you will understand!

Therefore, Cambage's performance at the age of 17 can be a better assessment of Zhang Ziyu's future development potential.



Also 17 years old, who is more powerful, Zhang Ziyu or Cambage? After reading the comparison of the data of the two, you will understand!
Also 17 years old, who is more powerful, Zhang Ziyu or Cambage? After reading the comparison of the data of the two, you will understand!

2007年‬,不满‬17岁‬的‬坎贝奇‬就‬开始‬征战‬WNBL,2007年10月5日,在丹顿农对阵布林队的比赛中,坎贝奇完成了自己的WNBL首秀,上场8分19秒,4投3中得到7分5个篮板。 这个‬赛季‬她‬打了‬10场‬WNBL,场均得到3.7分2.9个篮板0.7次封盖。

In 2008, Cambage played for the Australian Institute of Sport, averaging 3.3 points, 3 rebounds and 03 assists per game.

Also 17 years old, who is more powerful, Zhang Ziyu or Cambage? After reading the comparison of the data of the two, you will understand!


First, from the point of view of data, Cambage's data at the age of 17 is also relatively ordinary! After all, the age is not very old, and the coaches are all protective use. The main feature is that the playing time is not long, the score is not high, but the shooting rate is relatively high!

Second, from the perspective of the professional league, Cambage entered professional basketball at the age of 16, and Zhang Ziyu has not yet competed in the WCBA, but Zhang Ziyu has played an absolutely dominant performance in the Asian Youth Championships!

Also 17 years old, who is more powerful, Zhang Ziyu or Cambage? After reading the comparison of the data of the two, you will understand!

Third, from the perspective of physical talent, Cambech has shown strong technique, strength, and feel since his debut; Zhang Ziyu is more than 2.20 meters tall, and the situation is even more special.

In this way, it is easier for Zhang Ziyu to score under the basket than Cambage; Similarly, the coordination and strength of the body may not be as good as that of Cambage. Compared to Cambage, Zhang Ziyu needs to be more protected.

Also 17 years old, who is more powerful, Zhang Ziyu or Cambage? After reading the comparison of the data of the two, you will understand!


Zhang Ziyu is more than capable of reaching the heights of Cambage. In the future, it is necessary to do a good job in the following two aspects: first, the strengthening of body strength and coordination, Zhang Ziyu should keep his body weight from increasing, and strengthen the exercise of body coordination and flexibility; The second is the exercise of the core strength of the body.

Both aspects are considered to avoid injury. As long as he is not injured, Zhang Ziyu's "going to the second floor" style of play does not have an offensive problem!