
The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

author:Thoughts on the perch

It's outrageous, working at height on the 32nd floor can be child's play!

When four workers in a community in Chongqing were doing 32-story aerial work, the owner cut off the worker's safety rope just because the worker destroyed the owner's flowers and plants while working at height! Now that the follow-up is finally here, the insider broke the news, and there is indeed a problem! The workers responded that this time the owner was in trouble.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

On June 30, the buildings in a community in Chongqing were seriously aged, and the tiles on the exterior walls fell off in a large area.

For the safety of the owner, the property quickly found the maintenance personnel, and four workers quickly arrived at the scene to start the restoration work.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

This building has a very high floor, there are 32 floors, the tiles are falling off from above, and the workers must check the tiles on each floor, so the workers must work at height, and the rope is lowered from the top of the 32nd floor little by little.

This kind of high-altitude work is very dangerous, and the four workers can be said to walk on the tip of the knife, and the four workers took their equipment to the top of the 32nd floor, only to find that it was full of flowers and plants, and turned into the owner's private garden.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

After seeking the consent of the property, the workers began to make preparations, and the four workers first inspected the environment of the roof and found that many flowers and plants were hindering normal work.

So the workers temporarily removed the flowers and plants, but no one thought that such a normal action could not be normal, and then it would cause such a big disaster!

After making preparations, the workers began to check the tiles on the floor along the rope. At this moment, an owner actually came to the roof of the building with a shovel.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Seeing the safety rope of the worker's high-altitude work, the owner angrily picked up the shovel in his hand and slashed angrily at the worker's safety rope!

At this time, the worker is in the air at an altitude of 100 meters, and if the safety rope is cut, then the consequences will be unimaginable! At this point, the worker's safety rope is almost cut.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer
The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Fortunately, the safety officer on the roof of the building heard the movement and rushed over, and saw the owner holding a shovel in the cut safety rope, and the safety officer hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

The safety officer immediately notified the four workers who were working at Qualcomm, and the four workers were frightened by the owner and hurried back to the roof. At this time, the owner was still holding a shovel, completely unaware of the absurdity of his actions.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

The workers were also angry when they looked at the arrogant owners, so they angrily questioned why the owners were so careless about human life, but the owner's next words made everyone present stunned.

"This is my environment, private place!" The owner kept scolding the workers and arrogantly said that they would ask the workers to call the boss to solve the problem.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Just because of these flowers and plants, the owner had to cut the safety rope of the workers, and the workers were not convinced, saying that the roof of the building was originally a public place, so why should it be used as a private venue.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

The owner has not been relenting, and the workers can't tell the owner clearly, so they choose to call the police. After the police arrived, the owner who was arrogant and domineering just now was instantly intimidated.

After the video was posted on the Internet, it quickly attracted the attention of many netizens, who said that the four lives of workers are not as important as the flowers and plants planted by the owner? It's just in vain.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Some netizens said that it was not right for the owner to privately renovate the roof, did he really think that the roof belonged to his own territory? This is an illegal building, and the worker just removed his flowers, just turn a blind eye, who would have dared to call the police.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

There are also informed netizens who said that they are from this community, and the owner is notoriously arrogant, and many householders asked him to rectify him, but he didn't listen, and the people in the community didn't dare to mess with this householder.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Netizens said that they are workers, and they don't know what the situation is before every construction, and someone will lose their temper and ask the workers not to do it, and hard work will only make the other party more irritable.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Netizens believe that in fact, the property also has part of the responsibility in this matter, and the workers should be informed of the situation on the roof in advance before construction, so that it is very problematic for a person to suddenly come up during construction.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Some netizens said that if the owner cut the rope of the safety rope at that time, and the four workers would fall down from a height of 100 meters after the rope fell off, what a terrible thing it was, and what consequences would the owner bear?

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Netizens said that the nature of this incident has changed from the moment the owner cut the safety rope, and it is obviously an intentional homicide, with serious consequences.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

After the police intervened in the investigation, the owner of the party also realized his mistake, and the worker also responded, and under the coordination of the police, a compensation settlement was reached between the owner and the worker, but netizens did not seem to be willing to buy it.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Netizens lamented that workers may not know how much risk they have just taken, but they just think that nothing happened anyway, and there is no big deal in the first place.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Some netizens believe that the settlement of this incident will encourage the owner to continue to encroach on public places, and more public places will become the owner's private customization.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Netizens said that adults should be responsible for their own actions, and the owner's behavior has become a criminal case, and the criminal case should not be mediated, but should be sentenced, otherwise the owner may be even more serious next time.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

Some netizens also expressed their understanding, in fact, the police did not interfere too much in this matter, after all, no substantial harm was caused, and the workers accepted the owner's apology and did not continue to pursue the prosecution.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

A well-known lawyer also expressed his opinion on the incident, and the lawyer believes that the owner's behavior has actually constituted an attempt to commit intentional homicide.

The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer
The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

This incident also reminds our friends that we must remain rational in our daily lives and not be carried away by anger. Impulsiveness is the devil, and don't make a decision that you will regret for the rest of your life because of a moment of recklessness.

What do you think about this? Feel free to leave your views in the comment section.

Information source: 2024-07-01 21:56·Cover News: The owner of a community in Chongqing cut the safety rope of a worker working at height Lawyer: The owner may be held criminally responsible
The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer
Source:2024-07-02 07:55·Gale News: 32-Story Building Workers Cut Safety Rope in Aerial Work Is this considered murder?
The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer
Information source:2024-07-02 10:52·Hefei Traffic Radio: Too thrilling! When the community workers were working at height on the 32nd floor, the safety rope was cut by the owner
The owner cut the safety rope follow-up: The insider broke the news, and sure enough, there was a problem, and the worker responded and commented on the fryer

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