
Behind the Commission for Discipline Inspection informing judges of illegal dinners, the court issued two freezing orders to start a 10 billion equity war

author:China Television simulcast

Recently, a notice from the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection with the document number "Jin Jitong [2024] No. 10" caused an uproar.

The theme is the "Notice on Yang Haibing and Others Violating the Spirit of the Eight Regulations of the Central Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "Circular"), according to the "Circular", on January 19, 2024, Yang Haibing, President of the Xiaoyi Municipal Court, and two vice presidents, Wu Wenfei and Du Yajie, together with the director and deputy director of the Executive Directorate and 27 staff members went to the state-guest hotel under the local private enterprise Pengfei Group for dinner. Cover up the facts.

Behind the Commission for Discipline Inspection informing judges of illegal dinners, the court issued two freezing orders to start a 10 billion equity war

According to the report, Yang Haibing and others paid the price for the dinner, Yang Haibing and Wang Yifei, director of the Executive Bureau, were removed from their positions within the party and dismissed from government affairs, and Vice President Wu Wenfei was given a serious warning within the party. But what is surprising is that the Pengfei Group, which hosted the dinner of the staff of the Xiaoyi Court, was not affected in any way.

What kind of company is Pengfei Group? According to the company's official website, Pengfei is a private enterprise in Shanxi with assets of 150 billion yuan and more than 30,000 employees, and in 2023, Pengfei Group will once again be ranked among the top 500 Chinese enterprises, ranking 244th; Ranked among the top 100 private enterprises in China, ranking 92nd; China's top 500 manufacturing enterprises, ranked 119th. After combing, it was found that many officials who were good friends with this entrepreneur had fallen, but it was a miracle that the company and its founder Zheng Peng were safe and sound.

What exactly did the more than 30 judges eat? How much did it cost?

According to the Jin Jitong [2024] No. 10 "Notice on Yang Haibing and Others' Violation of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "Circular") issued by the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the time for the judges of the Xiaoyi Court to have dinner was January 19, 2024, and the time for the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to meet to decide on punishment was May 19 of the same year, that is, the investigation lasted for 4 months.

According to public information, Pengfei State Guest Hotel is a brand of Xiaoyi Pengfei State Guest Friendship Hotel Co., Ltd., which is a comprehensive business hotel integrating catering, tourism, conference, leisure and entertainment, and is located next to Zhenxing East Road in Xiaoyi City, covering an area of 18,000 square meters, with a height of 60 meters, and only 2 kilometers away from Xiaoyi Forest Park, Wetland Park and other tourist attractions. Judging from the pictures on the Internet, Pengfei Guobin Hotel and Pengfei headquarters are next to each other, and the surrounding environment is beautiful.

Behind the Commission for Discipline Inspection informing judges of illegal dinners, the court issued two freezing orders to start a 10 billion equity war

According to the data, Pengfei State Guest Hotel has perfect functions, including 143 guest rooms including presidential suites and luxury business suites, and the hotel has three different flavors of catering establishments such as Chinese restaurant, Western restaurant and Japanese restaurant, with a total of more than 650 seats, and a banquet hall that can receive more than 200 people, an international conference center that can accommodate more than 200 people, as well as SPA sauna and foot tracks, swimming pools, fitness centers and other places, which can provide guests with a variety of new five-star hotel accommodation, catering, banquets, conferences, Integrated recreation and recreation services.

It is worth mentioning that Pengfei Guobin Friendship Hotel Co., Ltd. is a quasi-five-star luxury hotel carefully built by Shanxi Pengfei Group in accordance with international standards. What did the judges of the Xiaoyi Court eat in such a luxurious hotel? According to the report, in addition to the consumption of high-end dishes such as fish maw and sea cucumber, 10 bottles of 25-year-old Fenjiu and 2 bottles of 30-year-old Fenjiu, and 12 boxes of Zhonghua brand cigarettes (Shuangzhongzhi) were also consumed at the dinner, spending a total of four 13,426 yuan. According to the names of the people who appeared in the report, a total of 35 people participated in the dinner, which cost a total of 13,426 yuan, 383.6 yuan per capita, and also included alcohol and cigarettes.

However, the circular also pointed out that all the expenses of this dinner were later handled by Pengfei Group, and later, in order to resist the organization's review, Pengfei Group was also instructed to tamper with the names of dishes and the amount of consumption, falsify evidence, and cover up the facts. In this way, we wonder whether 13,426 yuan is the cost after tampering, or the total amount before tampering. Let's take a look at the prices of tobacco and alcohol related to Pengfei State Guest Hotel that Li Jianjun, a former media person in Shanxi, heard about.

Li Jianjun said that the fish maw mentioned in the notice of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is the cheapest 168 yuan per person; Liao ginseng, the cheapest 138 yuan per person; 25-year-old Fenjiu, 528 yuan for a bottle; 30-year-old Fenjiu, 1538 yuan a bottle; Chinese double-stick cigarettes, 98 yuan a box. There are about 35 people in the report of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, calculated by 30 people, all according to the cheapest Liaoning cucumber and fish maw, fish maw requires 5040 yuan, Liao Shen requires 4140 yuan, 10 bottles of 25-year-old Fenjiu 5280 yuan, 2 bottles of 30-year-old Fenjiu 3076 yuan, 12 boxes of Zhonghua brand (double Zhongzhi) cigarettes need 1176 yuan, only these parts, at least 18712 yuan.

The above prices do not include the price of the main dishes on the dinner table, think about it, 35 people should set up at least 3 tables, what kind of meal standard for each table? Li Jianjun said that a pre-dinner fruit plate at Pengfei State Guest Hotel costs 128 yuan, a plate of chili peppers mixed with peanuts costs 38 yuan, a home-cooked tofu costs 38 yuan, and a spicy white fried vermicelli skin costs 38 yuan. These are just cold dishes for garnish, as for the price of the main dish, I can't calculate it without seeing the menu. And the cost of these dinners has been tampered with under the instruction of Yang Haibing and others after the meal, and there is no way to know the real dishes and the real cost.

Four months after this dinner, the punishment of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection came. On May 19, 2024, with the approval of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection made a decision that Yang Haibing was dismissed from his position in the party and dismissed from government affairs, and demoted to a first-level chief clerk; Wang Yifei, director of the Executive Bureau, was dismissed from his position in the party and in government affairs, and demoted to a third-level chief clerk; Vice President Wu Wenfei was given a serious warning within the party.

In addition, Zhang Jianxiong, member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaoyi Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Party Committee of Xiabao Town, Yang Bianying, a third-level chief staff member of the Xiaoyi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision who is responsible for the work of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the Xiaoyi City People's Court, and Hou Yongqing, chairman and general manager of Xiaoyi Urban and Rural Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd., also attended the dinner and were also punished. Among them, Yang Bianying was warned and punished by the party, Zhang Jianxiong, Hou Yongqing, Vice President Du Yajie, and Executive Director Pei Zhiwen were admonished to talk, and 27 staff members were criticized and educated.

It is worth noting that in the report of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the conclusion of Yang Haibing is: Yang Haibing, as the secretary of the party group, turned a deaf ear to the requirements of the Party Central Committee, failed to fulfill his main responsibility, and agreed to and participated in the illegal dinner; As a leading cadre of Party members in the political and legal system, he violated the law and violated the bottom line, accepted banquets that might affect the fair performance of official duties, and resisted organizational review, violating political discipline. So, what has the Xiaoyi Court under the leadership of Yang Haibing done in the face of legal affairs related to Pengfei?

The Xiaoyi Court froze twice, opening a battle for tens of billions of shares

An equity freeze event occurred on August 16, 2022, which is regarded as the starting point of the equity dispute case of Jinliu Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinliu Energy") that began in 2022. According to the valuation recognized by the government, the equity value involved in this equity dispute is more than 10 billion yuan. The applicant for this equity freezing case is Pengfei Group, and the court that froze the equity is the Xiaoyi Court.

Jinliu Energy is an enterprise reorganized and established in Liulin County, Shanxi Province, after the bankruptcy of Xing Libin's Liansheng Group, and its shareholders are financial institutions that hold the creditor's rights of Liansheng Group in various periods. Jinliu Energy owns 9 mines in Luliang City, Shanxi Province (including 7 production mines, 1 mine that has been suspended from construction, and 1 mine that is undergoing reduction and restructuring and waiting to be closed); The approved production capacity is 8.1 million tons/year; The reserves are about 580 million tons, the recoverable reserves are about 320 million tons, and the coal type is high-quality main coking coal.

On December 11, 2021, Lubao Coking Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Lubao Coking") of Changzhi, Shanxi Province, stood out from 14 buyers with an offer of 14.9 billion yuan and became the restructuring investor of Jinliu Energy, and subsequently jointly established Shanxi Puyang Lubao Coking Coal Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Puyang Lubao") with Hebei Puyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Puyang Iron and Steel") and others, preparing to acquire no less than 51% of the equity of Jinliu Energy.

On July 20, 2022, Puyang Lubao signed an equity transfer agreement with 9 shareholders of Jinliu Energy to acquire 68.3987% of the equity. On July 22, Lubao Coking signed a "Strategic Investment Cooperation Agreement" with Xiaoyi Pengfei New Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Pengfei Group"), the parent company of Pengfei Group, to transfer 30% of the equity of Puyang Lubao held by Lubao Coking to Pengfei Group, worth 3.429 billion yuan, but after only receiving 1.5 billion yuan, the two parties entered into a lawsuit.

The specific details are that on August 15, 2022, representatives of Lubao Coking, Puyang Iron and Steel and other companies participated in the second extraordinary shareholders' meeting of 2022 held by the lively Jinliu Energy, and 10 representatives including Guo Enyuan and Puyang Lubao joined the board of directors. Among the representatives of Puyang Lubao Company who have become directors of Jinliu Energy, there are three people including Liang Dongyuan from Pengfei Group, who participate in the operation and management as technical engineers of Lubao Coking.

Unexpectedly, Lubao Coking received the news that the Xiaoyi Court had judicially frozen its 30% equity in Puyang Lubao on the same day (Tianyancha showed that the freezing announcement time was August 16, which is hereby explained), and when I inquired, it was the pre-litigation preservation applied by Pengfei Company. Han Changan said angrily: "It's like two young people are talking about marriage, but one party has seized the other party's house, can such a marriage continue?" This was followed by a notice that Pengfei Group sued Lubao Coking in the Xiaoyi Court.

In response to the equity freezing order of the Xiaoyi Court, Lubao Jiaohua submitted an application for reconsideration, which was later rejected by the Xiaoyi Court. In response to Pengfei Group's lawsuit due to the Strategic Investment Cooperation Agreement, Lubao Coking submitted a jurisdictional objection, and finally removed the case from the jurisdiction of the Xiaoyi Court, escalated it to the Lvliang Intermediate People's Court for trial, and rendered the (2023) Jin 11 Min Chu No. 3 Civil Judgment (hereinafter referred to as the "Lvliang No. 3 Judgment") on October 27, 2023.

According to the Lvliang No. 3 judgment, Pengfei Group claimed to have paid 3.39 billion yuan in court, in addition to the 1.5 billion yuan in the early stage, it also deposited 1 billion yuan through the Xiaoyi City Notary Office, and also advanced a total of 890 million yuan in the subsequent transaction of Puyang Lubao to transfer 11.88% of the equity of Jinliu Energy, including 322 million yuan for Lubao Coking; Lubao Coking insisted that it only received 1.5 billion yuan from Pengfei Company, which did not meet the conditions for Pengfei's shareholder rights.

As for Pengfei's alleged act of depositing 1 billion yuan, Lubao Coking claimed that this act was a unilateral act of Pengfei, and the conditions for its withdrawal were unilaterally set by Pengfei, and should not be regarded as the equity purchase money paid by Pengfei Group; However, Pengfei claimed that the payment for the transfer of 11.88% of the equity of Puyang Lubao was directly transferred to Puyang Lubao's account, which had nothing to do with Lubao coking and should not be regarded as an equity transfer.

It is worth noting that in the process of escalating the trial of Pengfei Group's lawsuit against Lubao Coking, there was a conflict between Pengfei personnel and Lubao Coking's personnel. Lubao Coking said that on January 6, 2023, more than 100 people from Pengfei Company sealed the corridor door and safety fire door of Jinliu Company, restricted the personal freedom of the staff of Puyang Lubao stationed in Jinliu Company, forced Lubao Coking to hand over the right to operate and manage, and evacuated within 24 hours. In the evening, he went to the office of the chief financial officer of Jinliu Company, pried open the safe, snatched 176 seals of various kinds and financial ledgers, and forcibly drove all the staff of Lubao Coking stationed in Jinliu Company out of Jinliu Company the next day (January 7). Pengfei argued that the fact of snatching the official seal was fabricated, but Lubao Coking also produced video materials and photos at the time in court.

After Lubao Coking withdrew from Jinliu Company, Pengfei Group signed an equity transfer agreement and equity custody agreement with Puyang Iron and Steel on January 7, 2023 for 30% of Puyang Lubao's transfer price of less than 3.765 billion yuan, and then Pengfei Group personnel fully took over Jinliu Energy. However, in April 2023, the representative of Puyang Iron and Steel found that Pengfei personnel privately engraved the official seal, financial seal and legal person seal of Shanxi Liansheng Xingyue Coal Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xingyue Coal"), a subsidiary of Jinliu Company, and used the privately engraved Xingyue Coal Industry seal to reopen the online banking, and transferred 500 million yuan of Jinliu Company's funds to Xingyue Coal Industry Account, and then transferred 415 million yuan of them to Pengfei Company through a fictitious contract.

Puyang Iron and Steel believes that Pengfei personnel are suspected of embezzling the company's funds and seriously infringing on the rights and interests of shareholders, so on May 8, 2023, Guo Enyuan, chairman of Puyang Iron and Steel, officially announced the termination of cooperation with Pengfei Group, and on May 12, Puyang Iron and Steel returned the equity transfer money received at the end of April. Pengfei Group argued that the reason why Jinliu Company was transferred to the subsidiary was because it had business and capital transactions with the subsidiary, and paid the equity transfer money again on May 12, but it was returned by Puyang Iron and Steel.

On May 12, when Puyang Iron and Steel and Pengfei Group were playing between payment and refund for the transfer of 30% of Puyang Lubao's equity, the Xiaoyi Court took action again and froze the 30% equity of Puyang Lubao held by Puyang Iron and Steel. Subsequently, Pengfei Group sued Puyang Iron and Steel in the Xiaoyi Court, but due to the jurisdiction objection and litigation fee objection filed by Puyang Iron and Steel, the case was transferred to Taiyuan City, where Puyang Lubao was registered, and the case was filed in the Taiyuan Intermediate People's Court in August 2023 and was initially scheduled to be heard on June 28, 2024.

As for the 30% equity transfer of Puyang Iron and Steel of 3.765 billion yuan, Pengfei was returned again and deposited to the Xiaoyi City Notary Office.

"Characteristic mergers and acquisitions" have become the dragon slaughtering knife of Shanxi private enterprises

Zheng Peng, founder and chairman of the board of directors of Pengfei Group, once said that the development of Pengfei is achieved by the spirit of law and contract. However, people familiar with the development of Pengfei said that the contract in the development of Pengfei is relative, and the biggest feature in the development process of Pengfei is mergers and acquisitions, and its main approach is to pay the deposit very happily when signing the contract, and then begin to take over the company.

The above-mentioned person familiar with Pengfei said that Zheng Peng's most powerful thing is the relationship between government and business, after entering the link of refusing to pay in the process of mergers and acquisitions, he first used his strong political and business relationship to crush the target of the dispute, and then let the other party struggle to resist - whether by legal means or non-legal means, in the end it is almost to no avail.

The acquisition of Xinyu Coal & Coke Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xinyu Coal & Coke") is the first order of Pengfei's new merger and acquisition method that is currently circulating in the market. In October 2014, Yang Shumao, the actual controller of the debt-ridden Xinyu Company, and Zheng Peng negotiated the transfer of the company and reached a transfer intention: 1. Pengfei Company acquired the assets, creditor's rights and debts of the four companies under the name of Xinyu Company worth more than 2 billion yuan (debt of about 1.23 billion yuan); 2. Pengfei Group paid Yang Shumao 100 million yuan to solve the 50 million yuan owed by Yang Shumao outside the debt catalog of Xinyu Company.

However, when signing the contract, Zheng Peng designated Shanxi Fuhua Hengtong International Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Fuhua Hengtong") to sign the "Acquisition Agreement", after paying 20 million yuan, Xinyu Coal and Coke cooperated with Fuhua Hengtong to quickly carry out the handover and change of legal representative, and then did not mention the remaining amount paid to Yang Shumao, nor did he bear any debts of Xinyu Coal and Coke.

This transaction caused Xinyu to fall into a number of debt lawsuits, Yang Shumao's family was included in the blacklist of dishonesty, the company's equity and a number of properties under their names were seized, bank cards were frozen, the whole family's travel and consumption were restricted, and life, study, and health were seriously affected. According to reports, after several of Yang Shumao's properties in Beijing and Sanya entered the auction process, Zheng Peng got Yang Shumao's property at a price far below the market.

In the end, under Yang Shumao's repeated urging, Pengfei Company delayed for four years to pay 60 million yuan one after another, which is equivalent to getting more than 2 billion yuan of Xinyu's assets at a cost of more than 80 million yuan. Now Yang Shumao is very negative about getting his assets back, and even if there are interviews with reporters, most of them refuse to do so.

Soon after taking Xinyu, Zheng Peng asked a friend to contact Xue Deping, the owner of Xiaoyi Dewei Coal Industry Co., Ltd., and said that he wanted to buy his company. A minority shareholder of Dewei Coal said that at that time, Dewei Coal still owed 1.04 billion yuan to China Resources Trust, and Xue Deping and Zheng Peng negotiated that Pengfei would take over the creditor's rights and debts, and also gave Xue Deping 880 million yuan. After Zheng Peng paid more than 70 million yuan, Dewei Coal changed its legal person and handed over the official seal, and then Pengfei Group refused to pay the remaining amount.

According to the minority shareholder, after Pengfei Group took over all the control of Dewei Company, Xue Deping had repeatedly talked to Zheng Peng about the performance of the contract, but Zheng Peng found various reasons to refuse. Later, in a court transcript, Zheng Peng argued that Fuyang Thermal Power was an independent legal person, that he was only an intermediary, and that the money paid was a personal loan to Xue Deping. "The most odious thing is that Zheng Peng also bribed relevant witnesses to frame Xue Deping and sentenced him to five years in prison, and now the sentence is almost over, I heard that Zheng Peng also tried to increase his sentence through connections." Xue Deping's family said.

According to reports, Zheng Peng also "acquired" Changping Group's Majunyu Coal Mine (actual controller Chen Zhongxiao), Shanxi Pingding Huineng Coal Industry Co., Ltd. (actual controller Zhao Guohao), Qinhe Energy Group (actual controller Lu Zhonglou), Hermei Group (actual controller Wang Lei) and other enterprises. Zheng Peng used his strong political and business connections to crush these people, and had a clear advantage in the execution of post-deal contracts and in litigation, the most unfortunate of which were Xue Deping of Dulwich and Liu Qiang, a minority shareholder in Ma Junyu Coal Mine, both sent to prison by Pengfei.

According to insiders, Pengfei and the entrepreneurs of these "acquired" companies are currently engaged in lawsuits of different sizes. At present, the most eye-catching is the equity dispute of Jinliu Energy, which has formed the outcome of Pengfei Group, Lubao Coking and Puyang Iron and Steel litigation with each other, of which Pengfei has two cases as the plaintiff and two cases as the appellant, and Lubao Coking has one case as the plaintiff and one case as the appellant, and Puyang Iron and Steel has not sued as the plaintiff, but there are two cases as the defendant to respond to the lawsuit. The tripartite cases were heard in the Shanxi Provincial High Court, the Hebei Provincial High People's Court and the Taiyuan Intermediate People's Court.

If the official falls, he does not fall, he is a tumbler in Shanxi's political and business circles

In the course of Pengfei's development, he has had deep intersections with many officials. These officials include Zhang Xuguang, former mayor of Xiaoyi City and secretary of the municipal party committee, Ma Wenge, secretary of the municipal party committee, Wang Tinghong, mayor of Xiaoyi and secretary of the Shilou County Party Committee, Yang Jucai, vice mayor of Luliang City, and Wang Jinfeng, former secretary of the Xiaoyi City Commission for Discipline Inspection and secretary of the Fangshan County Party Committee. So far, these officials have been dismissed for violating discipline and law, and some of them have been put on file for review and investigation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Luliang City Commission for Discipline Inspection.

and Zhang Xuguang, who has served as the mayor of Xiaoyi City and the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, has intersected for the longest time. Zhang Xuguang served as the mayor of Xiaoyi City in 2001 and the secretary of the Xiaoyi Municipal Party Committee in 2009 until he was dismissed in March 2015, a total of 14 years. Before the forced banning of coke ovens in 2000, Zheng Peng was a major local coking producer. With Zhang Xuguang's appointment, Zheng Peng began to wash coal with a coal washing equipment of less than 500,000 yuan, and eight years later, when Zhang Xuguang served as the secretary of the Xiaoyi Municipal Party Committee, Pengfei had become an independent coal washing enterprise with a washing capacity of 15 million tons of coal washing in 22 coal washing plants.

In 2008, affected by the financial crisis, coal prices plummeted, and Zheng Peng turned to the development of the coking industry, and successively acquired some local coking enterprises. According to the locals, Zhang Xuguang was very supportive of Pengfei Group at that time, but there was no official announcement. In public reports, Zhang Xuguang also participated in the completion and ignition ceremony of the first phase of Pengfei Group's 5 million ton coking project in 2012. After 2013, Pengfei, which received great support from Zhang Xuguang, began large-scale mergers and acquisitions and expansion, and Pengfei entered a stage of rapid development.

Zhang Xuguang was dismissed from his post in March 2015, but Pengfei's pace of development continued unabated, and observers believe that Pengfei and Ma Wenge, the new party secretary of Xiaoyi, quickly established a closer relationship. The "Decision on Giving Ma Wenge the Sanction of Dismissal from Public Office" (hereinafter referred to as the "Ma Wenge Punishment Decision") issued by the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision disclosed that from 2009 to 2018, Ma Wenge took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres and business management, and solicited and accepted property from Zheng Peng, chairman of Xiaoyi Pengfei Industrial Company, and many others, equivalent to a total of more than 1,209 yuan and 130 silver dollars.

According to the official resume, Ma Wenge was born in Liulin, Shanxi Province in November 1966, entered the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee in 2000, and was transferred from the post of deputy director of the Political Research Office of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee in March 2015 to be a member of the Luliang Municipal Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee, and the secretary of the Xiaoyi Municipal Party Committee. In the "Ma Wenge Punishment Decision", it was disclosed that in July 2015, at the request of Ma Wenge, Zheng Peng invested more than 500 yuan to purchase real estate in Taiyuan Wanda Mansion and configure high-end furniture and other supplies for Ma Wenge's use, and arranged special services for 50 years. From August 2015 to November 2017, Ma Wenge ate and drank here 12 times, eating high-end dishes such as Oyster Emperor Buckle Six Heads of South African Abalone, Australian Spotted, Meizai, and Hongdong Star Grouper, spending 69,100 yuan, and drinking 50-year-old Moutai liquor.

Ma Wenge was investigated on May 18, 2018, and was notified of "double opening" on August 15 of the same year, and then transferred to justice, but Zheng Peng still led his Pengfei Group to flourish. According to Xiaoyi locals, this may be due to another official, Wang Tinghong, "Some time ago, Wang Tinghong was investigated, and I heard that Lao Zheng was very anxious." This Wang Tinghong was born in Jiaokou, Shanxi Province in October 1972, joined the work in July 1992, and served as the deputy secretary and mayor of Xiaoyi Municipal Party Committee since May 2015, and the time to Xiaoyi was only two months later than Ma Wenge, but his tenure was much longer than that of Ma Wenge - Wang Tinghong was transferred to Shilou County Party Secretary in 2021. In May 2024, Wang Tinghong was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. The Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has not yet announced the conclusion of its investigation into Wang Tinghong, and as for the relationship between Wang Tinghong and Zheng Peng, there are only different opinions in Shanxi circles, and it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

In the legend in Shanxi circles, Yang Jucai is also one of Zheng Peng's good partners in officialdom. Yang Jucai was elected as the deputy mayor of Luliang City twice in 2015 and 2022, and in September 2022, he was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. In April 2023, he was placed on file for review and investigation by the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Yang's problem was to ignore the spirit of the eight central regulations, accept gifts and money, and accept banquets that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Violating organizational principles, not truthfully explaining problems when organizing conversations and inquiries, using the influence of one's position to seek benefits for others and accepting property; Running a business in violation of regulations, seeking profits for the business activities of relatives and friends in violation of regulations, and accepting gifts and money; Taking advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in business operations, job promotions, etc., and illegally accepting huge amounts of property.

After Lubao Coking became a strategic investor of Jinliu Energy through public bidding, Han Changan soon received a call from Yang Jucai, and only then did he introduce Zheng Peng's Pengfei Group, which led to the subsequent freezing of equity and endless lawsuits. Before the public introduction of strategic investors in Jinliu Energy, it was reported that Yang Jucai and Zheng Peng originally planned to take control of Jinliu Energy with 7 billion yuan, and after Puyang Lubao became the controlling shareholder of Jinliu Energy, Zheng Peng controlled the two 30% shares held by Lubao Coking and Puyang Iron and Steel, and its total transaction costs were also about 7 billion yuan. However, judging from the equity value held by Puyang Lubao as the controlling shareholder of Jinliu Energy, the total value of the 60% equity frozen by Pengfei through the Xiaoyi Court is about 9 billion yuan.

In the legend of Shanxi circles, Wang Jinfeng, the former secretary of the Xiaoyi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and secretary of the Fangshan County Party Committee, is also an important figure in Pengfei's 100 billion journey, Wang Jinfeng served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaoyi Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection from 2011 to 2015, was transferred to the secretary of the Fangshan County Party Committee in 2015, was dismissed from his post in 2020 for eating and drinking with public funds, and was demoted to a first-class investigator, and in 2023, he was disciplined and supervised by the Luliang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and finally expelled from the party and public office. According to the report, Wang Jinfeng accepted gifts and money in violation of regulations, and used the convenience of his position to seek personnel benefits for others and accept property; engaging in for-profit activities in violation of regulations; Improper performance of duties, taking advantage of the convenience of his position, seeking benefits for others in project contracting, project payment settlement, etc., and illegally accepting huge amounts of property.

In public news reports, there does not seem to be much intersection between Wang Jinfeng and Pengfei, only the first phase of Pengfei Group's 5 million tons of coking project in 2012 was completed and ignited, and Wang Jinfeng and the then secretary of the Xiaoyi Municipal Party Committee and the mayor attended and ignited the fire. However, according to Xiaoyi locals, the relationship between Wang Jinfeng and Pengfei was established around 2011, when Xiaoyi City implemented a system of a standing committee member contracting a mine, that is, to help coal mines solve difficulties and problems, Wang Jinfeng was Pengfei, and the two sides established a very close relationship.

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Source: Anti-Short Selling Research Center

Editor: Qin Zheng