
Forge the original intention, take on the mission, forge ahead, and forge ahead, the Bila River Brigade is based on its own post and writes a new chapter for the benefit of the people

author:Inner Mongolia Daxinganling forest firefighting
Forge the original intention, take on the mission, forge ahead, and forge ahead, the Bila River Brigade is based on its own post and writes a new chapter for the benefit of the people

In order to comprehensively promote the series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, the series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party will be carried out in depth, and the determination of all fire and rescue personnel to start a business, practice the purpose and benefit the people will be further enhanced. Recently, the Bilahe Brigade of the Daxinganling Forest Fire Protection Detachment in Inner Mongolia carried out the volunteer service activity of party members of "Bright Identity, Be an Example, and I Do Practical Things for the Masses".

Forge the original intention, take on the mission, forge ahead, and forge ahead, the Bila River Brigade is based on its own post and writes a new chapter for the benefit of the people

The party committee of the brigade actively communicated with the local people's government to jointly carry out environmental sanitation rectification actions. During the action, party members, cadres and squad leaders actively played an exemplary and leading role, set an example in practice, and fully stimulated the enthusiasm of fire rescue personnel. They either bend down to pick up drink bottles, scraps of paper, and plastic bags on the side of the road or in the green belt, or wave a broom to clean up the stones on the road, or wipe the roadside signs, resolutely do not leave a "dead end" of hygiene, and use practical actions to convey the responsibility and awareness of maintaining environmental sanitation, and work together to create a clean, tidy and beautiful environment.

Forge the original intention, take on the mission, forge ahead, and forge ahead, the Bila River Brigade is based on its own post and writes a new chapter for the benefit of the people

The brigade went to the No. 1 Primary School in Nuomin Town to carry out fire safety publicity and training. Focusing on the cognitive characteristics of teachers and students, the fire rescue personnel set up different scenarios around "fire prevention, self-rescue, and emergency response", explained in detail the common fire hazards and types in schools, and focused on practical knowledge such as campus fire prevention measures and emergency escape knowledge, so as to help teachers and students deepen their knowledge and understanding of fire safety knowledge and further improve the fire emergency escape ability of teachers and students. Subsequently, the fire rescue personnel focused on the operation and use of fire extinguishers and fire hydrants to explain in detail, teach hand-in-hand, and invited teachers and students to experience the fire extinguishing equipment first-hand, "zero distance" feeling, so that they had a "fire addiction".

Forge the original intention, take on the mission, forge ahead, and forge ahead, the Bila River Brigade is based on its own post and writes a new chapter for the benefit of the people

Since most of the young people in the station go out to work, and most of the left-behind elderly people are left-behind people, the brigade combines this actual situation to organize fire and rescue personnel to go deep into the left-behind families to help the left-behind elderly clean up and check the potential safety hazards of fire and electricity, and also provide psychological hair for the lonely and widowed elderly, so that the life of the left-behind elderly is full of care and warmth, and the "love" is deeply embedded in the hearts of every person.

Forge the original intention, take on the mission, forge ahead, and forge ahead, the Bila River Brigade is based on its own post and writes a new chapter for the benefit of the people
Forge the original intention, take on the mission, forge ahead, and forge ahead, the Bila River Brigade is based on its own post and writes a new chapter for the benefit of the people

In the next step, the brigade will continue to carry out the "Five Advances" activity to provide caring services for the elderly and widows, the disabled, left-behind children and other difficult groups, and write a new chapter in the volunteer service of the fire rescue team.

Forge the original intention, take on the mission, forge ahead, and forge ahead, the Bila River Brigade is based on its own post and writes a new chapter for the benefit of the people

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