
Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

author:Worry-free Planet E

In today's society, video games have become an integral part of many people's lives, especially those that simulate war and battles. They have captivated countless players with their high level of interactivity and realistic visuals. However, while these games may visually and operationally simulate some aspects of warfare, they are fundamentally different from real-life warfare.

First of all, wars in games tend to be predictable and repetitive. Players can keep trying different strategies until they find the most effective way to defeat their enemies. This process of trial and error is unthinkable in reality. In reality, every decision and action can have irreversible consequences, and there is no chance of repeating it. In street fighting, for example, soldiers must make quick judgments in complex urban environments, often based on limited information and time pressures. Poor decision-making can lead to casualties or mission failures that cannot be recognised by simply pressing the "restart" button.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

Street fighting, also known as urban warfare or street warfare, is a form of combat that takes place in an urban environment and tests the willpower, tactical intelligence, and psychological endurance of both attackers and defenders. This form of combat is conducted in a narrow space, with extremely high complexity and challenge, and it is a tough battle between the two sides in a three-dimensional space, full of uncertainty and danger.

First of all, the environmental complexity of street fighting is one of its greatest features. The dense nature of the city's buildings provides defenders with natural cover and concealed positions, allowing them to attack in unexpected places. High-rise buildings, underground passages, narrow laneways, and a complex transportation network all add an extra dimension to the battle. Attackers need to find their way through these complex terrains while guarding against attacks that could come from any direction.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

Secondly, the uncertainty in street fighting is extremely high. On an open battlefield, both sides usually have a clearer line of sight, making it easier to judge the enemy's position and movements. However, in urban environments, the view is often blocked by buildings, and it is difficult for the attacker to predict the defender's next move. This uncertainty requires the attacker to be highly alert and adaptable, ready to respond to unexpected situations.

Moreover, the danger of street fighting cannot be ignored. Because the fighting takes place in densely populated areas, the lives of innocent civilians are often at risk. The attackers, in carrying out their missions, not only had to face enemy fire, but also tried to avoid causing damage to civilians, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty of the battle. At the same time, infrastructure in urban environments, such as electricity, water and communication systems, can be destroyed during the fighting, further compounding the fighting.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

In addition, street fighting puts forward higher requirements for the tactical use of both attackers and defenders. In this environment, traditional tactics of large-scale deployment and linear advance are often no longer applicable. The attacker needs to adopt more flexible and covert tactics, such as squad operations, special forces infiltration, etc. At the same time, they also need to take cover from night, smoke and other conditions to reduce their own exposure risk.

The street fighting also tests the willpower and psychological endurance of both sides. In this environment, the fighting is often brutal and bloody, and the soldiers face great psychological pressure. They have to face not only the threat of the enemy, but also possible accidental injuries and manslaughter. This psychological pressure is a severe test of the soldiers' morale and will to fight.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

Finally, information gathering and intelligence analysis in street fighting are also crucial. In this complex battlefield environment, accurate intelligence can provide an attacking side with a critical advantage. They need to use a variety of means, such as drone reconnaissance, electronic surveillance, and ground reconnaissance, to gather information about enemy troop deployments, weaponry, and operational operations. This intelligence is essential for developing tactics, choosing attack routes, and anticipating enemy movements.

To sum up, street fighting is an extremely challenging form of combat, which tests the tactical wisdom, adaptability, psychological endurance and adaptability of both sides. In this kind of battle, every decision and action may affect the direction of the battle, and even determine the outcome of the battle. Therefore, both the attacking and defending sides need to have a deep understanding and preparation for the characteristics of street fighting in order to deal with this complex and dangerous combat environment.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

War, as an extreme social phenomenon, often places humanity at a crossroads of morality and responsibility. In the context of war, lowering moral boundaries is sometimes seen as an effective means of reducing casualties, but this practice also raises questions about accountability to soldiers. This is not only a challenge to military operations, but also a profound test of human nature.

First, the brutality of war often forces military commanders and soldiers to choose between morality and survival. In traditional warfare, the two sides follow certain rules and principles, such as not harming civilians and not using chemical weapons. However, with the development of the pattern of warfare, especially the rise of asymmetric warfare and the war on terror, these rules and principles have been challenged. When confronted with an enemy hidden among civilians, soldiers often have to make quick judgments that can violate traditional moral boundaries.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

Second, lowering the moral bottom line may lead to tactical advantages, but it can also lead to questions of accountability to soldiers. When soldiers are on duty, they may face ethical dilemmas, such as whether they should attack a civilian building that may harbor enemies. If an attack results in civilian casualties, soldiers may suffer psychological trauma and moral remorse. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the military and the government to provide psychological support and moral guidance to the soldiers to help them deal with these dilemmas.

Moreover, the question of morality and responsibility for war also involves the legitimacy and justice of war. In some cases, wars may be waged to defend national interests or protect innocent civilians, in which case the war may be seen as just. However, if the purpose of the war is unclear or for improper gain, then soldiers may feel morally confused and conflicted when carrying out their mission. In such cases, the military and the government need to be clear about the purpose and legitimacy of the war in order to reduce the moral burden on the soldiers.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

In addition, the question of the ethics and responsibility of war also involves reflection and assumption of the consequences of war. War not only causes casualties and material damage, but can also trigger social unrest and long-term psychological trauma. Therefore, after the end of the war, the military and the government need to reflect on the consequences of the war and provide compensation and support to the affected individuals and society. This is not only a responsibility to the victims, but also a moral responsibility for war.

Finally, the question of the ethics and responsibility of war is also closely linked to international law and the protection of human rights. In the international community, there are many laws and treaties that set out the rules of conduct during war, such as the Geneva Conventions and the International Human Rights Law. These laws and treaties are designed to protect civilians and prisoners of war in war and limit the brutality of war. Therefore, when the military and the government start and conduct war, they need to abide by these laws and treaties in order to maintain the moral bottom line of war.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

To sum up, the question of morality and responsibility for war is complex and multidimensional. It is not only about tactical choices and personal moral judgments, but also about the legality of war, the assumption of consequences, and the observance of international law. In the context of war, soldiers, militaries, and governments all need to confront these ethical and responsible issues to ensure the legitimacy of war and the dignity of human nature.

With the rapid development of science and technology, modern warfare technology has undergone earth-shaking changes. From mechanical dogs to drones, the application of these high-tech equipment has not only changed the tactics and strategy of warfare, but also had a profound impact on the shape of warfare. They play an important role in reducing soldier casualties, increasing combat efficiency, and performing complex tasks.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

First of all, as a new type of war equipment, the mechanical dog has emerged on the modern battlefield. They are usually equipped with advanced sensors and cameras and are capable of conducting reconnaissance and surveillance missions in complex or dangerous terrain. The agility and mobility of the robot dog allows it to access areas that are difficult for humans to reach, such as ruins, tunnels, or narrow roadways. They can carry the necessary equipment, such as communication repeaters or small explosives detectors, to provide soldiers with critical information while avoiding direct exposure to enemy fire.

Secondly, the role of UAVs in modern warfare is becoming increasingly prominent. They can perform high-altitude reconnaissance, surveillance, targeting, and even direct strike missions. The widespread use of drones reduces dependence on ground forces and reduces the risk of casualties among soldiers while performing dangerous missions. For example, armed drones can launch precision-guided weapons far from the front line, striking enemy targets without putting soldiers at risk. In addition, drones can also be used for non-combat missions, such as delivering supplies, medical rescue, or search and rescue in the event of a natural disaster.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

In addition to mechanical dogs and drones, other modern warfare technologies are emerging. For example, cyber warfare technology has become an essential part of modern warfare. With cyber attacks, the military can disrupt the enemy's communications systems, command and control networks, and even critical infrastructure. Such asymmetric tactics can have a significant impact on the enemy without launching a traditional military operation.

In addition, artificial intelligence technology is also playing an increasingly important role in modern warfare. Through big data analysis and machine learning, AI can help commanders quickly analyze the battlefield situation and make tactical decisions. In some cases, AI can even control unmanned combat systems for autonomous operations. The application of this technology has greatly increased the efficiency of operations, while also sparking discussions about the moral responsibility of AI in warfare.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

The development of modern warfare technology has also put forward new requirements for the training and education of soldiers. With the continuous updating of technical equipment, soldiers need to master more technical knowledge and operational skills. This includes not only the familiarization and use of new types of equipment, but also the understanding of emerging areas such as cyber warfare and electronic warfare. Therefore, the military needs to constantly update its training curriculum to keep pace with the pace of technological development.

Finally, the application of modern warfare techniques also poses challenges to international law and the rules of war. With the wide application of unmanned combat systems, how to ensure that these systems operate under the premise of abiding by international law and the rules of war has become an urgent problem to be solved. At the same time, cyber warfare and the application of artificial intelligence technologies have sparked discussions about the responsibility and moral boundaries of war.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

To sum up, the application of modern warfare technology has profoundly changed the form and tactics of warfare. They have played an important role in reducing soldier casualties and improving combat efficiency, while also posing new challenges to soldier training, international law and the rules of war. With the continuous progress of science and technology, we can foresee that more innovative technologies and equipment will appear in future wars, which will further promote the evolution of the form of warfare.

War, a recurring theme in human history, is known for its ruthlessness and devastation. It has not only claimed countless lives, but also destroyed homes, destroyed civilizations, and brought deep trauma to human society. Through the description of the brutality of war, we can feel more deeply the preciousness of peace and the deep desire to reduce the sacrifices of war.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

First of all, the brutality of war is manifested in the ruthless deprivation of life. On the battlefield, both soldiers and civilians can become victims of war. Every explosion, every shot, can mean the loss of a life. The war has not only claimed the lives of soldiers directly involved in the fighting, but has also affected innocent civilians, especially women, children and the elderly. They may lose loved ones in an instant, their homes destroyed, and their lives fall into despair.

Secondly, the destruction of the environment and infrastructure by war is also a reflection of its cruelty. Wars are often accompanied by large-scale acts of destruction, with cities being bombed into ruins, farmland barren, and transport and communication facilities paralyzed. This disruption not only affects the daily lives of local residents, but can also lead to a long-term economic recession and social instability. In the aftermath of war, reconstruction often requires enormous human, material and financial resources, which can bring about even more positive changes if they are used for peaceful development.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

Moreover, the impact of war on people's psychology cannot be ignored. Soldiers have witnessed too much death and destruction on the battlefield, and they may suffer from PTSD. This psychological trauma not only affects their physical and mental health, but can also have a negative impact on their family and social relationships. In addition, the brutal experience of war can also leave a permanent shadow on the minds of soldiers, making it difficult for them to adjust to normal life after the war.

The brutality of war is also manifested in its destruction of human civilization. Wars are often accompanied by the destruction of cultural heritage, with many historic buildings, works of art and documents destroyed in the war. The loss of these cultural heritages is not only a loss to a country or region, but also a loss to all human civilization. In addition, war can also lead to the stagnation of science and technology and education, hindering the progress and development of human society.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

However, in the face of the brutality of war, people's desire for peace has also grown. Peace means not only the absence of war and conflict, but also a state of social stability, economic development and cultural exchange. In a peaceful environment, people can focus on improving their quality of life and pursuing personal growth and development. Peace can also foster international cooperation to address global challenges such as climate change, poverty and disease.

The yearning for peace has also prompted people to seek ways to reduce the sacrifices of war. This includes the diplomatic settlement of disputes, the strengthening of international law and rules, and the promotion of arms control and disarmament. In addition, enhancing people's awareness of the consequences of war and cultivating awareness of the peaceful resolution of conflicts through educational and cultural exchanges is also an important way to reduce war casualties.

Why are street fights so hard to fight? Netizen: The CS classic street battle map has been played for ten years, and people may be killed

In short, the brutality of war has made us deeply aware of the preciousness of peace. By describing the destructiveness of war, we can cherish peace more and strive to find ways to reduce the sacrifices of war. Although war may be inevitable in some cases, we can still make various efforts to minimize the occurrence of war and protect human life and civilization.


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