
"Making Asia"|The world view of Huayi inside and outside the round sky in the ancient map


In the study of Chinese geography, it is also called "geoscience", and maps are also called "geographies". Maps are a unique way to compress vast expanses of geographic space onto a limited number of drawings, giving us an unobstructed view of the world.

The map shows the geographical location of mountains, rivers, cities and villages, and even the undulation of the terrain can be reflected through the density of contour lines, and the depth of color reflects the altitude of the altitude.

Maps are also rich in culture and history. Different countries and regions, due to differences in history, culture, politics, etc., will have different ways of drawing maps and content. Therefore, maps are not only a window for us to understand the world, but also a bridge for us to understand different cultures, histories and societies.

"Making Asia"|The world view of Huayi inside and outside the round sky in the ancient map

Making Asia: A History on a Map (hereinafter referred to as Making Asia) uses ancient map data as clues to explore the development direction, historical background, and value forms involved in the process of "being made" in Asia.

What is Asia? Our traditional understanding is that it is one of the "seven continents" on Earth. Is that right? The author asks four questions for this:

1. How has the "space" of Asia been constructed from ancient times to the present?

2. How is it given a "local" physical meaning?

3. How can we explain this concept?

4. Can this concept, which lacks universality at its source, be used as a way to understand the world and history?

"Making Asia"|The world view of Huayi inside and outside the round sky in the ancient map

"Asia emerges as an organic, trans-regional system with its diverse spatial awareness."

Before the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, "the world view of the round sky and the outside of Huayi always dominated the macrospatial perception of the Chinese."

The cartographic tradition of China's "Yu Trace Map", "Huayi Map", "Ming Dynasty Mixed One Map", and North Korea's "Mixed One Territory and Map of the National Capitals of the Past Dynasties" is mainly based on the Yuji-Huayi framework, with the Central Plains as the core, the four directions as Yi, and the four seas as the end. The map is centered on the Central Plains, and the interior and exterior are distinguished by "Zhongbang" and "Four Seas".

"Making Asia"|The world view of Huayi inside and outside the round sky in the ancient map

Japan's cartographic tradition, on the other hand, is more influenced by Buddhist elements and has its own characteristics, known as "yojitu". "Japan Map" and "Five Heavenly Zhu Map" are this kind of cartographic worldview.

The mandala diagram is a typical Buddhist cosmology. Thousands of worlds, thousands of Mount Meru. Surrounded by the vast sea, the sea floats in all directions and four continents. Humans inhabit the southern island of Kanbu.

"Making Asia"|The world view of Huayi inside and outside the round sky in the ancient map

The horizon of the East Asian world is constantly expanding westward, and this expansion is based on the theme of exploration, exchange, and trade. But Europe's eastward gaze is based on occupation, plunder, and colonization.

Created in 1389 in the 22nd year of Hongwu, the southern tip of Africa in the lower left is a corner surrounded by the ocean. And this horn was discovered by Europeans 100 years later in 1389, the "Cape of Good Hope".

"Making Asia"|The world view of Huayi inside and outside the round sky in the ancient map

In Making Asia: A History on a Map, the author systematically sorts out the evolution of Asia (including China) from its emergence, development, change to stereotype in carography with the help of more than 100 precious ancient map materials. At the same time, he also deeply analyzes the embodiment and expression of various power structures such as capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, and territorial states on the map in this evolutionary process, showing the far-reaching impact of these forces on mapping and geographical cognition.

"Making Asia"|The world view of Huayi inside and outside the round sky in the ancient map


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