
What kind of tea is Wuyi rock tea? How should I choose?

author:Tea Intelligence Bureau

Oolong tea is a very special one of the six major tea categories, the production process is quite complex, and the variety, aroma and taste have their own merits. Among them, Northern Fujian oolong is a very familiar type of oolong tea. In northern Fujian oolong tea, most of them can be called Wuyi rock tea.

Wuyi rock tea has a unique flavor and aroma, which has attracted the love of countless tea lovers. So, what exactly is Wuyi rock tea? How do we choose high-quality Wuyi rock tea? Today, let's talk about this topic together.

What kind of tea is Wuyi rock tea? How should I choose?

1. What is Wuyi Rock Tea?

Wuyi Rock Tea, as the name suggests, is produced in the Wuyi Mountain area of "Xiujia Southeast" in northern Fujian, and the tea trees grow in the rock crevices. It is a type of oolong tea, and it is called "rock tea" because it grows in rock crevices and absorbs minerals in the rock, forming a unique "rock rhyme".

There are many types of Wuyi rock tea, the most famous of which are Da Hong Pao, Iron Arhat, Narcissus, Cinnamon, etc. Each rock tea has its own unique flavor and aroma, but their common characteristics are that the tea soup is mellow, the aroma is long, and the sweet aftertaste lasts.

Second, the characteristics of Wuyi rock tea

  1. Rock rhyme: The biggest feature of Wuyi rock tea is "rock rhyme". The so-called rock rhyme is that the tea absorbs the minerals in the rock during the growth process, forming a special aroma and texture with a mineral taste.
  2. Aroma: The aroma of Wuyi rock tea is very unique, with a variety of aromas such as floral, fruity, and honey, and the aroma is rich and lasting.
  3. Taste: The taste of rock tea is mellow, the entrance is smooth, and the sweetness is obvious. When you drink it, you will feel the rich layering of the tea soup in the mouth.
  4. Bubble resistance: Wuyi rock tea is very resistant to brewing, and can usually be brewed many times, each brew has a different flavor, and the aroma is still strong.
What kind of tea is Wuyi rock tea? How should I choose?

3. How to choose high-quality Wuyi rock tea?

To choose high-quality Wuyi rock tea, you can start from the following aspects:

1. Look at the appearance

The high-quality Wuyi rock tea has a tight shape, a dark color, a clear cord, and a certain sense of luster. If the tea leaves are dark in color or loose in cords, they may be of poor quality.

2. Smell the aroma

High-quality Wuyi rock tea has a strong aroma with obvious floral, fruity or honey aromas. If the aroma of the tea is weak or has an off-flavor, it may be an inferior tea.

3. Look at the tea soup

After brewing, the color of Wuyi rock tea tea soup is golden or orange, clear and bright. If the color of the tea soup is cloudy or dark, it may be a poor quality tea.

4. Taste the taste

The high-quality Wuyi rock tea has a mellow taste, smooth entrance and obvious sweetness. If the tea soup tastes bitter or bland, it may be a poor quality tea.

5. Look at the bottom of the leaf

The bottom of the soaked Wuyi rock tea leaves should be soft, thick, and uniform in color. If the underside of the leaf is dark in color or rough in texture, it may be an inferior tea leaf.

Fourth, the preservation method of Wuyi rock tea

  1. Moisture-proof: Tea leaves are easy to absorb moisture, so they should be avoided in a humid place when stored, and it is best to keep them in an airtight container.
  2. Anti-odor: Tea leaves are easy to absorb odors, so they should be avoided with items with strong odors.
  3. Protect from light: Tea leaves should not be exposed to strong light, and it is best to store them in a cool, dry place.
  4. Room temperature: Tea leaves can be stored at room temperature, preferably between 20-30 degrees Celsius.
  5. Sealing: Tea must be sealed and stored to prevent moisture absorption and odor absorption, which is very important.

5. How to brew Wuyi rock tea?

  1. Choose a purple clay pot or gaiwan: It is best to use a purple clay pot or gaiwan for brewing Wuyi rock tea, which can better retain the aroma and taste of the tea.
  2. Moderate water temperature: The brewing water temperature of Wuyi rock tea is generally between 95-100 degrees Celsius, and brewing with boiling water can better release the aroma and taste of tea.
  3. Brewing time: The first brewing time is shorter, generally 10-15 seconds, and each brewing time can be gradually extended in the future, but not too long, so as not to make the tea too strong.
  4. Multiple brewing: Wuyi rock tea is very resistant to brewing, and can be brewed many times, more than seven or eight brews, each brew has a different flavor and aroma.
What kind of tea is Wuyi rock tea? How should I choose?

In short, Wuyi rock tea has become a treasure among tea because of its unique rock rhyme and rich aroma. Choosing high-quality Wuyi rock tea can start from the aspects of appearance, aroma, tea soup, taste and leaf bottom. When preserving, pay attention to moisture-proof, odor-proof, and light-proof storage, choose the right tea set and water temperature when brewing, and brew many times in order to better taste the unique charm of Wuyi rock tea.