
did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

author:Tech Gail talks about sports
did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

During the Asian Cup journey of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team, a final turmoil has become the focus of attention.

In the finals, the fierce battle between the girls and the Australian team was exciting, and after the game, captain Wang Jiaxin suffered unprecedented cyberbullying due to the decision at a critical moment, and was even forced to close the comment area.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

This series of events has undoubtedly added more twists and turns and thinking to the growth of this young team.

1. The "fierce battle" of the Asian Cup final

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is a contest of honor and dreams.

The Chinese girls had a fierce confrontation with the Australian team, and the score went up like a roller coaster, and every point was exciting.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

The Australian team, with its tough physical fitness and excellent teamwork, has brought great pressure to the Chinese women's basketball team.

The Chinese women's basketball team relied on its indomitable will and accurate shooting to deal with it.

In this final, the Australian team showed their toughness and strength, constantly causing problems for the Chinese women's basketball team.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

However, the Chinese girls were not intimidated, and with their excellent technical and tactical skills and perseverance, they launched a fierce confrontation with the Australian team.

During the game, the two sides went back and forth, not giving in to each other, and the score also rose alternately like a roller coaster.

Whenever the Chinese women's basketball team took the lead, the Australian team always responded quickly to tie or even overtake the score.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

And the Chinese women's basketball team can always stabilize its position at critical moments and recover the score again.

Such a fierce confrontation made the audience present and the fans in front of the TV hold their breath, for fear of missing any detail.

For the Chinese women's basketball team, this game is not only a test of skills and tactics, but also a big parade of psychological quality.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

They will need to remain calm and focused under intense pressure to stand a chance against strong opponents.

And the victory in this game will also be the best proof of their strength and will.

Therefore, the girls of the Chinese women's basketball team tried their best to fight for their dreams and honors.

They were sweating and tearing on the field, interpreting what real struggle and struggle are with their actions.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

In this decisive battle, Zhang Ziyu's performance is undoubtedly the brightest star.

Like a beast, she wreaked havoc on the court, scoring a staggering 42 points and grabbing 14 rebounds.

Every attack she strikes is like a hammer, making it difficult for her opponent to parry.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

In the face of the strong confrontation of the Australian team, Zhang Ziyu showed an extraordinary ability to adjust, whether it was an inside strong shot or an outside shot, he was at ease.

Her place at the heart of the team is unassailable, and she is the twin pillars of the team's offense and defence.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

Whenever the team needed to score, she was always able to step up and contribute points to the team with accurate shots and tough breakaways.

And when the team needs to defend, she is always able to stand at the front line, building an iron wall for the team with a solid body and keen judgment.

It is precisely because of a core player like Zhang Ziyu that the Chinese women's basketball team can have such a fierce confrontation with the Australian team in the final.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

However, at the critical moment of the game, a shooting and defensive error by captain Wang Jiaxin became the turning point of the game.

She hesitated in an attack and missed the opportunity to pass the ball to the better-placed Zhang Ziyu, causing the attack to be blocked.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

And in the subsequent defense, she failed to fill in in time to allow the opponent to score easily.

This mistake, like a bolt from the blue, instantly changed the situation of the game.

For Wang Jiaxin, the psychological pressure at that moment was undoubtedly huge.

As the captain and one of the core players of the team, she carries a lot of responsibility and pressure.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

However, at that moment, she may have been influenced by the tense atmosphere of the match and made the wrong decision.

In any case, the mistake has become a fact, and she has been criticized and questioned like never before.

2. The "hidden danger exposure" of the previous game

Looking back on the previous games, the Chinese women's basketball team looked particularly chaotic when Zhang Ziyu was not present.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

There are obvious problems in the coordination between other players and Zhang Ziyu, and they are often unable to form an effective offensive and defensive system.

The shortcomings of the team's overall tactics and teamwork were laid bare in this final.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

This has also become the direction that the Chinese women's basketball team needs to focus on improving in the future.

In the absence of Zhang Ziyu, the Chinese women's basketball team's offense and defense looked very chaotic.

The cooperation between other players is not tacit enough, and it is often impossible to form an effective offensive and defensive system.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

This puts the team in a very passive position in the game and is unable to play to its full strengths.

And when Zhang Ziyu was on the field, although the team's overall performance improved, there were still some problems.

III. The "Ins and Outs" of Cyberviolence Incidents

After the finals, Wang Jiaxin suffered unprecedented cyberbullying because of a mistake at a critical moment.

Netizens left messages accusing her of making mistakes, with fierce rhetoric, and some even attacked her personally.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

Faced with the overwhelming negative comments, Wang Jiaxin had no choice but to close the comment area.

This incident undoubtedly brought her great psychological pressure and damage.

The unreasonableness of cyberbullying and the harm to players were exposed at this moment.

As a young team, what the Chinese U18 women's basketball team needs is not accusations and abuse, but more encouragement and support.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

However, in this cyberbullying incident, Wang Jiaxin suffered unprecedented accusations and doubts.

Some netizens made personal attacks and malicious comments about her on social media, and the intensity of the rhetoric was shocking.

These negative comments undoubtedly brought huge psychological pressure and damage to Wang Jiaxin.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

As the captain and one of the core players of the team, she carries a lot of responsibility and pressure during the game.

However, a mistake at a critical moment caused her to suffer such serious accusations and doubts.

This is undoubtedly an unfairness and disrespect to her.

4. Personal evaluation and conclusion

Hey, this game is really up and down! It's not easy for the players, so let's have more understanding and encouragement! After all, they are the girls who fight the field for their dreams and honor.

did not pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu at the critical moment, and Wang Jiaxin, the captain of the women's basketball team, was scolded to comment

I hope that the Chinese U18 women's basketball team can grow from this experience and achieve better results in the future! At the same time, I also hope that netizens can look at the results of the game and the performance of the players more rationally, and support our young team with more positive energy.

After all, every failure and setback is a stepping stone to growth, and only by going through the wind and rain can we be stronger to meet the challenges of the future.

The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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