
The 31-year-old woman was scratched and bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and was vaccinated overnight

author:One of the animal circles of the tanuki

The information comes from Gale News.

Just come and make a card

"Health" and "comfort" are probably the two things that people who are familiar with the oppressive city life need the most. This pain point has been discovered by many people, so more and more outdoor activities have been discovered and held, regardless of whether anyone has experienced it or not, many people are willing to experience it.

Recently, the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area in Meishan, Sichuan Province held a hiking check-in activity, and Ms. Liu from Zigong, Sichuan Province signed up alone. On June 28, Ms. Liu came to the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area on time to participate in the hiking check-in competition held by the scenic spot. At more than 9 o'clock in the morning, Ms. Liu had already arrived at the third check-in point located on the Hengtong Plank Road.

At this time, she saw a lot of wild monkeys moving in the area. Ms. Liu didn't bring anything to eat and didn't plan to tease the monkey, but she felt that it should be okay in her long pants, so she continued to walk forward. But at this time, these monkeys suddenly attacked, more than a dozen monkeys surrounded and tried to snatch Ms. Liu's clothes, Ms. Liu had no counter-action, she did not bring any protective tools after all, she could only hold the mobile phone with both hands, and shouted for help.

The 31-year-old woman was scratched and bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and was vaccinated overnight

The monkeys continued to attack for 3-4 minutes before Ms. Liu was rescued by the people who came from behind and took her to the infirmary of the scenic spot.

There is no surveillance at the place of the incident

Ms. Liu had multiple scratch and bite wounds on her legs, and she must have been vaccinated if she was scratched and bitten by wild animals, but the infirmary of the scenic spot obviously did not have this condition, so Ms. Liu returned to Zigong from the scenic spot that night, went to the hospital doctor for examination, and was injected with rabies vaccine, rabies immune globulin and tetanus vaccine.

The 31-year-old woman was scratched and bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and was vaccinated overnight

Ms. Liu said that there was no surveillance near the place of the incident at that time, and she did not see half of the staff of the scenic spot nearby. This must be a problem with the scenic spot, there is no objection, but Ms. Liu said that she negotiated the medical expenses with the scenic spot for more than two hours that day, and the scenic spot was only responsible for 80% at first. ”

Ms. Liu has a diagnosis certificate from the hospital and a certificate of taking medicine and injections, and when she communicated with the scenic spot at that time, the scenic spot said that it would only reimburse the injection fee, and the others were not within the scope of reimbursement and were not responsible. Ms. Liu reported to the Sichuan Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the local police station in Hongya County that she did not receive a reply that day, possibly because it was a weekend.

The next day, the scenic spot has reimbursed 1,382 yuan for medical expenses, apparently the relevant departments have communicated with the scenic spot, but miscellaneous items such as travel expenses have still not been reimbursed.

The 31-year-old woman was scratched and bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and was vaccinated overnight

Scenic response

In this regard, a reporter went to interview the scenic spot, and the staff in charge of this matter said that there was indeed a hiking activity recently. Admission is free for both days, but there is a voluntary accident insurance, and being scratched by a monkey is an accident insurance. The staff said that their scenic spot is a regular state-owned enterprise, and hopes that the masses will not unilaterally listen to Ms. Liu, Ms. Liu did not buy accident insurance, the scenic spot has public liability insurance, and the scenic spot should divide the insurance liability according to the responsibility, so there is no compensation for all the money.

The staff said: Ms. Liu, as an adult, can take emergency shelter if she encounters a monkey, or call the scenic spot for help. And it is not excluded that monkeys are artificially teased. These monkeys may appear at a certain scenic spot at any time, and the scenic spot has continuous patrols, but the scenic spot is so large that it is impossible to see all corners at any time, and it is impossible to monitor everywhere.

The 31-year-old woman was scratched and bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and was vaccinated overnight

At the same time, the staff denied that the scenic spot did not admit the account, and he said that after the final treatment fee came out, the scenic spot would deal with it reasonably, because the scenic spot has a normal processing process.


From Ms. Liu's point of view, this is completely unwarranted for her. It can't be said that Ms. Liu is unlucky, and she will be fine if she doesn't participate. Since the scenic area has held an event, the scenic spot has an obligation to ensure the safety of the participants. As a result, when it should be compensated and reimbursed, the scenic spot is not active or even intends to pay for it in full, can Ms. Liu not be angry?

From the perspective of the scenic spot, the monkey group is wild, and it is a national second-class protected animal, the Tibetan chief monkey, and the scenic spot cannot control its actions. Ms. Liu did not buy accident insurance, and the scenic spot divided the insurance liability according to the public liability insurance according to the responsibility, and the illness needs to be in accordance with the formulated process, and it is not a non-compensation at all. And there is no monitoring in that place, so I don't know the cause of the incident at all, so the scenic spot can only come according to the procedure, right?

The 31-year-old woman was scratched and bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys in the scenic spot, and was vaccinated overnight

Who do you think has the bigger problem in this matter?

As an ordinary citizen, I can definitely empathize more with Ms. Liu, but the current chaotic environment is really hard to say.