
"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

author:Feng Huanyang

In the Chinese table tennis team, there are many former members of the national team, and even athletes who have won Olympic championships and world championships choose to play abroad after retiring from the national team.

Some of these athletes have been forgotten by many fans because it has been too long, but some people will still be remembered by many even if time passes.

Of course, remember some athletes because of his greatness and because of his achievements, but there are also other athletes who everyone remembers because of the pain she once brought to everyone.

For example, Koyama Zhili (He Zhili), I believe that even in the past ten years, there will still be many netizens who remember the scene when she defeated Deng Yaping at the 1994 Hiroshima Asian Games, and the harm that her mouthful of "Yoxi" and "Baga" brought to the Chinese people.

Of course, many netizens feel that He Zhili is like this because she has been wronged too much in the Chinese table tennis team, so she uses this way to take revenge on the Chinese table tennis team.

So, what were things like back then, and today let's revisit the causes and consequences of the He Zhili incident:


He Zhili, born on September 30, 1964 in Shanghai, China, is just 60 years old this year.

The reason why He Zhili embarked on the road of table tennis is because his uncle likes to play table tennis, and when he was a child, He Zhili often liked to go to his uncle's house to play, and He Zhili, who went back and forth, also liked table tennis.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

When he was a teenager, He Zhili was selected for the Shanghai table tennis team, and the Shanghai table tennis team at that time occupied a very important position in the Chinese table tennis world.

At the same time, the Shanghai team also has a very strong strength at the athlete level, such as Cao Yanhua, who entered the national team before He Zhili entered the Shanghai team.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

With her super strength, Cao Yanhua, who is only two years older than He Zhili, has gradually become the number one main force of Chinese women's table tennis after two or three years of entering the national team.

At this time, there is a very big gap between He Zhili and Cao Yanhua, but she is proud in her heart, and she has always regarded Cao Yanhua as her goal to catch up.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

In 1981, she was selected for the national team because she defeated Qi Baoxiang, Xie Chunying, Geng Lijuan and other national team players in the women's team competition of the National Championships.

Although they are all from the Shanghai team, in the national team at this time, Cao Yanhua has become the number one main force in national table tennis, and He Zhili is just a young player, so there is not much intersection between the two.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

But due to one person, there is a natural sense of closeness between the two, that is, Sun Meiying, who was the vice chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association and the coach of the women's team at the time, Cao Yanhua and He Zhili both studied under Sun Meiying.

In the national women's team at that time, in addition to Cao Yanhua and He Zhili, there was also a player from the Shanghai team, that is, Ni Xialian.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Cao Yanhua and Ni Xialian were arranged by the coaching staff to pair women's doubles, and the two also participated in the 37th World Table Tennis Championships in 1983, team competition, and helped the Chinese women's table tennis successfully defend the team championship of the World Table Tennis Championships.

Because of this, Cao Yanhua and Ni Xialian established a deep friendship, and He Zhili did not have further contact with Cao Yanhua until after the 37th World Table Tennis Championships and when the three returned to the Shanghai team to prepare for the National Games.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Cao Yanhua takes care of this little sister very much, and affectionately calls her "Ah He", He Zhili also respects Cao Yanhua very much, after all, she was far behind Cao Yanhua in terms of strength and qualifications at that time.

With the improvement of He Zhili's strength, she also ushered in the opportunity to compete abroad with Cao Yanhua.


In 1984, under the leadership of Sun Meiying, vice chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association and coach of the women's team, the Chinese women's table tennis began to visit Europe.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Among them, Cao Yanhua was ranked No. 1 in the world at that time and was also the number one main force of national table tennis, Geng Lijuan was one of the main forces of the women's team, and He Zhili was a young player who focused on training.

It stands to reason that among these three athletes, Sun Meiying should focus more on Cao Yanhua, after all, she is the number one main force, but Sun Meiying has been revolving around Geng Lijuan, which leads to the scene where Cao Yanhua and He Zhili often give off-court guidance to each other during the competition.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

This incident made Cao Yanhua very angry, she felt that Sun Meiying was a little eccentric, obviously she was the first main force, or her disciple, and everyone was from Shanghai, why did she revolve around Geng Lijuan.

In between the games, Cao Yanhua often complained about Sun Meiying with He Zhili, and He Zhili occasionally echoed a few words, after all, she was also a little resentful in her heart.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

If this is all that happens, it wouldn't be a big deal for everyone to laugh and laugh after so many years, but something happened after that made the trend of this matter a little uncontrollable.

When the delegation arrived in France, the leaders decided to give everyone a day to go out to have fun, but He Zhili suddenly asked for leave, saying that she wanted to rest in the guest house.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Everyone didn't take it seriously, simply thinking that He Zhili was too tired to go out, but who knew where He Zhili didn't know where to get the phone number of the local student, and asked the other party to find a French boyfriend for herself.

This incident was intercepted by the hostel's switchboard, and the staff of the hostel also reported it, so the matter became a bit big.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

After all, the situation in the country was not very stable at that time, and He Zhili's behavior was easily reminiscent of defection.

Therefore, in those days, the faces of the entire delegation to Europe were full of worries, and He Zhili kept revolving around Sun Meiying, after all, Sun Meiying was the highest-level member of the entire delegation to Europe at that time.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

He Zhili's diligence Cao Yanhua didn't take it seriously at all, after all, it had little to do with her, but what she didn't expect was that in order to please Sun Meiying, He Zhili secretly told Sun Meiying what Cao Yanhua said about Sun Meiying.

In fact, most of the words that Cao Yanhua complained about were angry words, but Sun Meiying took it seriously, and when she thought of the relationship between the two of them in the past, Sun Meiying was even more angry.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

When the delegation to Europe returned to China the day after the whole team stopped training and held a criticism meeting, Cao Yanhua thought that the object of criticism was He Zhili, but when he arrived at the venue, he found that it was himself who criticized the fight.

Sun Meiying's reason for criticizing Cao Yanhua was that she wantonly insulted the coach, disobeyed the discipline, and even aimed the gun at Zhang Xielin, the then head coach of the Chinese women's table tennis team.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

At that time, Zhang Xielin and Sun Meiying were both vice presidents of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, but Zhang Xielin was also the head coach of the women's team, and Sun Meiying was just an ordinary coach of the women's team, so many fans later speculated that Sun Meiying did this completely for the head coach position.

But in the end, due to the strong support of Xu Yinsheng and Li Furong, Zhang Xielin was unharmed and still sat firmly in the women's team, while Cao Yanhua was completely suppressed.


In 1985, at the 38th World Table Tennis Championships, Cao Yanhua failed to get a place in the team because she was suppressed, and only participated in three individual competitions (women's singles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles).

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

It is worth mentioning that He Zhili successfully won the team quota in this World Table Tennis Championships and joined the main lineup.

At that time, the team lineup had Tong Ling, Geng Lijuan, Dai Lili, He Zhili and others, and in the end, the Chinese team defeated the North Korean women's table tennis team 3-0 bloodlessly and successfully defended the team championship.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Speaking of individual competitions, He Zhili, who performed well in the team, lost to the Hungarian teenager Bartofi in the second round of the women's singles, while Cao Yanhua was soaring.

Because of the previous nearly half a year of suppression, Cao Yanhua was already a little exhausted in her heart, so she had submitted an application for retirement to the coaching staff before going to the World Table Tennis Championships.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

At that time, Cao Yanhua's head coach Zhou Lansun was also a little disheartened, and he decided to smash the pot with his disciples.

Therefore, when Cao Yanhua reached the women's singles quarterfinals, and at the same time, 7 members of the Chinese team entered the women's singles quarterfinals, and there was only one North Korean teenager Fang Chunde.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

It is worth mentioning that in the women's singles final of the 36th World Table Tennis Championships in 1981, Cao Yanhua obeyed the handicap decision of the coaching staff and gave the championship to Tong Ling.

Because, Cao Yanhua played against Tong Ling in the quarterfinals, she was Zhang Xielin's head player, Zhang Xielin naturally didn't say anything, and the other coaches didn't say anything when they saw that the head coach didn't say anything.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

As a result, Cao Yanhua went all the way to the finals and easily defeated Geng Lijuan, who had not slept all night because she was slapped by Zheng Minzhi the night before, and defended the women's singles championship.

In this World Table Tennis Championships, in addition to the women's singles championship, Cao Yanhua also won the mixed doubles championship (partner Cai Zhenhua) and the women's doubles runner-up (partner Ni Xialian).

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

After the World Table Tennis Championships, Cao Yanhua, who was less than 23 years old, chose to retire.

In the 1986 Seoul Asian Games, He Zhili slowly became the first main force of Chinese women's table tennis.

However, in this Asian Games, the Chinese women's table tennis team led by He Zhili, Geng Lijuan, and Dai Lili lost to the South Korean team in the team final.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

The team's loss made the Chinese women's table tennis players breathe a sigh of relief, so they began to exert their strength in individual events, and finally the Chinese women's table tennis successfully won the gold and silver medals in the women's singles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles events.

In the women's singles event, He Zhili and Jiao Zhimin entered the final, and the day of the final happened to be He Zhili's birthday.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

But who knows, after her birthday, Li Furong, then director of the Training Bureau of the Chinese Sports Commission, found He Zhili and asked her to concede the ball to Jiao Zhimin in the final.

Li Furong is notoriously cold-faced, so He Zhili didn't dare to have a hard time with him, but found Xu Yinsheng, who was then the deputy director of the Chinese Sports Commission, and Xu Yinsheng said: "It doesn't matter, I will give it to you next time."

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

In this way, He Zhili gave the ball to Jiao Zhimin in the final.

What is unexpected is that this "next time" is so close, at the Asian Championships after a few days, He Zhili and Jiao Zhimin met again in the women's singles final.

This time, Li Furong found He Zhili again and asked her to give the ball to Jiao Zhimin, and He Zhili directly told her mentor Sun Meiying this time.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Sun Meiying found Xu Yinsheng: "Didn't you say that the next time you will "give" He Zhili?" ”

Of course, Xu Yinsheng knew, but he quibbled: "When I say next time, I don't mean this time."

Although Xu Yinsheng has a high rank, Sun Meiying's qualifications are not worse than him, so in the end, under Sun Meiying's arguments, the leadership decided to let Jiao Zhimin give the ball to He Zhili.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Although He Zhili and Jiao Zhimin won a championship alone, both of them were comfortable in their hearts, and they both thought that they could win both championships with their own strength.


In 1987, at the 39th World Table Tennis Championships in New Delhi, He Zhili failed to win the team quota because of her poor performance in the team competition of the Asian Games.

But she performed well in the women's singles competition, making it all the way to the semi-finals, where three Chinese players were He Zhili, Dai Lili, Guan Jianhua, and the other member was South Korea's veteran Liang Yingzi.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

The two semi-finals were He Zhili vs. Guan Jianhua and Dai Lili vs. Liang Yingzi, at that time, the coaching staff considered that if Liang Yingzi entered the finals, they would let the chipper Guan Jianhua consume her, after all, Liang Yingzi was not in good health because of her age at that time.

Therefore, the coaching staff asked He Zhili to give the ball to Guan Jianhua, and after participating in the World Table Tennis Championships, Sun Meiying told He Zhili that if the coaching staff asked her to give the ball, she would agree on the surface and really play after playing.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

He Zhili really did this, after going on the field, Guan Jianhua thought that He Zhili would give the ball to her, who knew that He Zhili was completely really playing, and easily won 3-0.

At this time, the other semi-final was not over, and it was going to the deciding game, Dai Lili led 18-12, but with Guan Jianhua losing, all the coaches on the sidelines left, Dai Lili was a little stunned and looked at the score of the other game, she was even more confused, because she knew that the coaching staff let the ball decide.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Dai Lili's distraction gave Liang Yingzi a chance, and in the end she chased 9 points in a row and won the game.

In the end, in the final, He Zhili defeated Liang Yingzi, who had already exhausted her physical strength in the semi-finals, and won the women's singles championship, but she lost the trust of the coaching staff.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

It is worth mentioning that in the previous quarterfinals, Chen Jing gave the ball to He Zhili, and He Zhili entered the semifinals.

Therefore, in the eyes of the coaching staff, He Zhili's behavior is completely undesirable, so He Zhili, who was the number one main force in national table tennis at that time, suffered the same treatment as Cao Yanhua in the national team.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

She also failed to get a quota for the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which made He Zhili and her mentor Sun Meiying very dissatisfied, Sun Meiying had retired at that time, but she still contacted the relevant media and He Zhili together to expose the inside story of the national table tennis leadership asking He Zhili to concede the ball at the 39th World Table Tennis Championships.

Even, the mayor of Shanghai at that time called the National Sports Commission to let He Zhili participate in the Seoul Olympics, but under such pressure, the national table tennis leadership did not give He Zhili a place to participate.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

So, the disheartened He Zhili chose to marry in Japan, and changed her name to "Koyama Zhili", and soon after she represented Japan.

In the women's singles final of the 1994 Hiroshima Asian Games, she successfully defeated Deng Yaping, the number one Chinese women's table tennis player at the time, and He Zhili kept shouting "Yo Xi" and "Baga" in the game.

"Traitor" He Zhili: Enjoy the benefits of handicapping the ball but are unwilling to give the ball to others, and the mouth full of "Yo Xi" angers the Chinese people

Due to historical reasons, the Chinese are unusually sensitive to words such as "Youxi" and "Baga", and He Zhili's behavior is tantamount to spouring salt on the wounds of the Chinese people.

Now, after learning about He Zhili's various stories, how do you think you should evaluate her, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss!