
has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

author:Cheerful cheese Yl

Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai brought the new drama "Spending the Year of China", a rebirth and return to the early years of the youth, constantly facing the inner love from the quarrel all the way, and starting to move towards the end of happiness again.

"Jewel on the Side" is a new drama brought by Xu Lu and Bi Wenjun, the beginning of the story starts because of "jade", and a love collides with the encounter of the enemy.

is also an ancient puppet drama, but some dramas don't squeak when you watch it.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

watched 6 episodes of "Jewel on the Side", avoided the brainless and intelligent plot, couldn't avoid the protagonist's ugly male and female pretends, and was hit hard by the ancient puppet drama.

is just a small money fan, in order to sell jade, she worked overtime in the Qinglou to meet Pei Pei, the young master of Pei Mansion, and she recommended jade pendant to Pei Pei.

Seeing this, Pei Pei neither refused nor accepted, let him just dance first, just perfunctory and fiddling with his body, Pei Pei really couldn't stand it, and asked him to sing a song to listen.

is not a real jade girl, she doesn't know any talent at all, she immediately refused to show her talent, Pei Pei was not embarrassed, let her take off her clothes, she just refused, and was emotional and said that selling jade is not selling her body.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

Just forced to buy and sell, Pei Pei finally had to buy the jade, not on his own initiative, but under threat, and was even forced to spend fifty taels to buy jade before being let out.

The classic routine of not fighting and not knowing each other in ancient puppet dramas is to meet each other with happy enemies, and the familiar opening of déjà vu can meet the subsequent plot development.

Let's not discuss the problem of routines, two big men are so powerless that they let a weak woman restrain them, which is completely incomprehensible.

Pei Pei didn't dare to move, even if his entourage saw that his son-in-law was coerced, he was frightened away by the white eyes of the Qinglou woman, in order to promote the development of the plot, he didn't pay attention to reasonableness at all, and the convincing set relied on nonsense.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

Just a woman dressed as a man, it is obvious that her chest is bulging, and compared with Pei Pei's flat chest in a woman's clothes, the kidnappers can still identify the wrong gender.

The kidnappers even said, "Why do women dressed as men only have bulging breasts?" However, in the next second, a magical scene appeared, just by not admitting that it was a woman, the kidnapper believed it, Pei Pei said that he was a woman, and he was convinced.

To Pei Pei, a big man, the kidnapper said that she was like a wife who had just died, and she was impatient to kiss her.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

I can't figure it out if I squeeze my head, this delaying plan is to change clothes, is the screenwriter really coming up with a plot with his brain?

Pei Pei asked the kidnapper to change back into a woman's clothes, which was outrageous enough, but the kidnappers really agreed and quickly changed Pei Pei into the clothes of the deceased wife.

But, when you change clothes, you don't find anything? The kidnapper is a person with weak intelligence to understand, so a large group of people, no one can see who is a man and who is a woman, all the staff are like a blind man, in order to make a reasonable plot, it is really painstaking to the director.

The protagonist is not smart enough, and deliberately highlights the protagonist's aura with a supporting role, but there are obviously other logical ways to make the logical plot convincing, but there is no brainless output, only according to the mood of the director and screenwriter, how outrageous and strange comes.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

This is only a small part of it.,The heroine paid fifty taels of silver but was able to unanimously get the approval of the male owner and his mother.,And willingly take care of her.、Maintain her.、The heroine became a maid in Pei's mansion and asked others to do things.,Climbed the wall in the middle of the night and was caught red-handed.,Reasonable.,Mrs. also resolutely maintains.,One by one, I think unclear plots with my brain.,It's not logical at all.,Unconvincing bridge.,Don't squeak at a glance.。

In addition, in terms of actors, they are not amateurs who are unfamiliar to the audience, but they are not big names. is also a loss to not a traffic actor, otherwise I am really afraid that as soon as the drama comes out, I will fall directly off the traffic altar and suffer from the audience's complaints.

Xu Lu's resources are very good, but in recent years, most of them have appeared in ancient puppet online dramas, and she can be regarded as a "professional heroine" in online dramas.

The subject matter this time is similar to most of the previous light comedies that don't need to be brained, and it will only seem more outrageous.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

Similarly, just like Xu Lu's roles in other ancient puppet dramas, he is a quirky character, not afraid of heaven and earth, and has the protagonist's aura and body.

The dream is to push the jade master, but no one cares about it at all, in order to complete what she thinks in her heart, if there is a little ghost idea, she will carry it out.

In order to sell jade, she boldly came to Qinglou to take the initiative, vowing to realize her dream, she blackmailed money in the last second, and became Pei Pei's maid in the next second, lived in Pei's mansion, and fell in love with Pei Pei.

After scolding the money and living in Pei's mansion openly, Mrs. asked her to be a maid to deal with Pei Pei, but she pushed herself to the position of young lady, all by imposing the halo of the protagonist to push the upper position.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

Xu Lu has acted in so many dramas, and the performances in the comfort zone are the same, and the characters of the same type are as glaring as always, with exaggerated expressions.

Her "startled" style performance is used to fit a certain role, and the feeling of the performance will be more natural, but she can't bear to play the same type of ancient puppet dramas, and the personalities of the characters are not much different, so I can't see whether the acting skills are improving or not.

When arguing, scaring people, and getting angry, throw a big white eye at the other party, and when you are surprised, your facial features fly wildly, your mouth opens, your eyes are staring, your expression is exaggerated, and your expression changes exactly the same.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

Pei Pei's male number one can see my eyes dark, is there no one in internal entertainment? I have to choose an actor who has no appearance or acting skills, did he bring money into the group or whose aesthetics went wrong?

The thin face is covered with thick "bracket" bangs, the face is yellow and thin, revealing a haggard sense of powerlessness, vicissitudes, the back is not straight, the management of body and expression is greatly reduced, and it can't support the character image.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

Sure enough, the actor can't be too thin, otherwise the "sexual contraction" is equal to nothing, and the appearance is greatly reduced, no matter how gorgeous the costumes are, they can't show the aristocratic temperament of the character.

Bi Wenjun was born in a men's group, and she had a lot of fans in the previous appearance, but she didn't expect to lose so much weight now, she really can't support the temperament of the male protagonist, she has no masculinity, and she has no elegant beauty.

Non-professional actors, the strength can't have too many requirements, but since he was elected as the male lead, the most basic emotions and performances must at least.

has no appearance and no strength, but he can take it, is there no actor in internal entertainment?

In the play, sometimes the force is too violent, the emotions are exaggerated, sometimes the face is off-screen, there is no emotion to read the lines, and Xu Lu plays against him, and suddenly he feels that Xu Lu's performance is simply a powerful level, and there is a clear contrast between the two.

I have to say that there are a lot of ancient puppet dramas, and there are more and more bad dramas, the script is not good, the production is not good, and now any actor can be the protagonist casually, without taking into account the feelings of the audience.