
Greetings in the morning: Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you, good morning!

author:Nostalgia for natural ecology

Life is like a plate of mixed sushi, there are always good and bad things in it, if you choose the good food, you will inevitably eat the bad food later, and some people eat the bad food first, and then eat the good heart, but no matter what, there is a bad side to things, and there will always be a good side, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you, good morning!

The best encounter is not that you are ape and horse, nor that I am full of empty words, but that you are a horse, and I am the grassland where you gallop; The best encounter is not to hang you in my mouth all day long, nor to make false promises to me every day, but that you are in my dreams, and I happen to live in your heart.

Greetings in the morning: Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you, good morning!

Don't ask, there are groups of friends, but ask, confidant alone; If you don't ask, you can be high, but you want to be rich in thoughts; Don't ask, the status is prominent, but ask, the work is smooth; Don't ask, life is brilliant, but ask, no regrets in life; Don't ask, the days are wonderful, but ask, full and happy; Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you!

The real state of wealth for girls should be: seeing a lot of knowledgeable friends, not lacking food, clothing and money, but they will still be coaxed to be happy by a beautiful dress, they will still be swept away by delicious food, and they will forgive the whole world because they have watched a good movie and listened to a good song; Don't make a fuss, but still be touched by every little beauty and be the happiest yourself.

Greetings in the morning: Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you, good morning!

Life is still like a glass of red wine, people who love life will taste endless beauty from it, hold it in their hands and observe it carefully, its dark red has the feeling of blood, which is the trace of life; Take a sip and leave it in the mouth to taste, its sweetness has a hint of bitterness, as complex and blurry as life; Life is a one-way train, there will be many large and small stops along the way, but return tickets are never sold, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you, good morning!

We are sometimes like two extremely sleepy hedgehogs, hugging each other because of the cold, but because each of them has thorns on their bodies, the stabbing makes each other uncomfortable, so they leave a distance, but they are too cold to bear, so they get together again, and after several tosses, they finally find a suitable distance, which can not only get each other's body temperature but also not be pricked.

There are two kinds of people in the world who are bound to fail miserably, one is the lazy and the other is the proud, the former wants to do everything again "tomorrow", but always achieves nothing; The latter looks down on everyone in the world, thinks he is the smartest, and often attracts the resentment and resentment of others, so he is often slandered by others, and always ends up failing.

Greetings in the morning: Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you, good morning!

If your dream is not understood, it may be because you have boasted a lot of Haikou and have not achieved it many times, the real dream is enough to sprint with all your strength in the bottom of your heart, and if you want to glorify your ancestors, you are afraid of losing and being injured, you can only be the same forever.

Greetings in the morning: Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you, good morning!

Some people say that travel is to go from a place that they hate to another place that others hate, in today's fast-paced society, everyone is tired, tense nerves, tired body and boring heart, and they really need a trip to make themselves fresh again, good morning!

Greetings in the morning: Don't ask, there are countless readers, but beg, it's good to have you, good morning!

The absolute perfectionist means the eternal self-denial, because he will never achieve any of the goals he has set for himself; An absolute perfectionist also means that he does not know the importance and does not prioritize, and he will force himself to make excessive unnecessary stops in every detail. More wonderful emotions, philosophical, and beautiful essays; Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: Heart into a piece