
In order to gain attention and earn traffic, the man was arrested for spreading rumors about "campus bullying".

author:New Street School Life Newspaper

Recently, a short video of "campus bullying exists in a primary school in Jiangxia District, Wuhan City" appeared on a short video platform, in which a number of male students beat and slapped a relatively short student. So, did such violence really happen at the school? Let's take a look↓↓↓

Jiangxia District, Wuhan, Hubei

Is there bullying in an elementary school?

Zeng Zizhuo, Internet Police of Jiangxia Branch of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: During our inspection that day, we found that at 6 o'clock in the morning that day, some netizens posted a video of a school bullying incident in Jiangxia on a short video platform. In the video, we can see that several male students beat and slap a short student.

This video has attracted the attention of the relevant local authorities, is the bullying real or false? The education department immediately learned about the situation with the relevant schools in the jurisdiction, and there was no information about the incident related to the video. At the same time, they screened the video.

In order to gain attention and earn traffic, the man was arrested for spreading rumors about "campus bullying".

Li Zefeng, head of the School Safety Disposal Center of the Jiangxia District Education Bureau of Wuhan City: Its title is a primary school in our district. But judging from the figure and body shape of the students in the video, we don't feel like elementary school students. We slowed down the video and found that the students' voices in it didn't look like our local accents. In this case, we have a question.

Spread online rumors to gain attention

Harming others is not good for oneself

So, where did the source of this rumor that "there is school bullying in a primary school in Jiangxia District, Wuhan, Hubei" come from? What is the purpose of the people who created this rumor?

Zeng Zizhuo, Internet Police of the Jiangxia Branch of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau: According to the person concerned, he downloaded a video of a bullying incident from a school in another place on the Internet, and the accompanying text was a bullying incident that occurred in a primary school in Jiangxia District, Wuhan. It was published on a short video platform.

After investigation, the Jiangxia police found that the bullying incident in the video did not occur in Jiangxia District, Wuhan at all. And the police at the place where the incident occurred have also intervened to investigate. So, why do video publishers move on and post fake videos?

In order to gain attention and earn traffic, the man was arrested for spreading rumors about "campus bullying".

Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau Jiangxia Branch Internet Police Zeng Zizhuo: According to the party's confession, the purpose of his short video was just to get clicks on the short video and attract everyone's attention, so he released this fake short video.

At present, the police have punished the creator of this online rumor in accordance with the law.

Restore the rumor-mongering routine of the fake video publisher

Topics such as school bullying have always had a high degree of social concern, and the video makers in this case took advantage of this to fabricate rumors, publish and disseminate them, and attract traffic.

The reporter's analysis found that the rumor-mongering routine of the fake video maker is roughly divided into the following steps:

The first step is to choose the eye-catching content of "school bullying" as the theme;

The second step is to download the video related to "school bullying" and transfer the location of the incident and the name of the specific school to make the rumor video look more credible;

The third step is to publish fake videos to attract the attention of netizens.

News link: These are all rumors

In addition to the rumors disclosed above, what other recent remarks have been concocted by online bloggers to gain traffic and attract attention? Let's uncover the truth and shatter the rumors together.

On June 23, some netizens posted a message on social platforms saying that the Guangxi Department of Education had announced the 2024 high school entrance examination admission score line, and the Guangxi Internet rumor refutation platform verified with the relevant departments.

In order to gain attention and earn traffic, the man was arrested for spreading rumors about "campus bullying".

On June 10, some netizens posted news on the Internet that "the first floor of the house in Anhui collapsed". After an investigation by the public security organs, in order to gain attention and attract fans, the party Yang pieced together and grafted the videos that happened in other places seen on the Internet and released them through social media, with more than 700,000 views in just a few hours and a large number of forwards. At present, the public security organs have placed Yang under administrative detention in accordance with the law, and the relevant cases are being further investigated.

In order to gain attention and earn traffic, the man was arrested for spreading rumors about "campus bullying".

On June 25, netizen Tang Moumou posted a video on the short video platform with the caption "Shaoyang has flooded, and the embankment of the Zijiang River has collapsed." It is understood that Tang Moumou is a villager of Dawan Village, Jiugongqiao Town, Shaoyang County, Hunan Province, on the way home from school, he happened to see the water level of the river rising, so he took a shot of it, and uploaded it to the Internet with a completely untrue text. After verification by the public security department, the embankment of the Zijiang River was intact at that time, and there was no landslide. At present, Tang Moumou realized his mistake and took the initiative to delete the video, and the Shaoyang County Public Security Bureau has also imposed an administrative punishment on Tang Moumou in accordance with the law.

Source: CCTV news client