
In 2022, Xie Lei was executed by lethal injection in the case of hiding a body in a suitcase, and met his mother before he died without saying a word

author:Half-Half History


This article is a real case, source:

Encyclopedia entry--"9.7 Taihe Suitcase Hidden Corpse Case"

The materials used in this article come from the Internet, and some of the pictures are not real portraits of the case, and are only used for narrative presentation.

"You let me go, please, don't chop off my fingers, I'll pay it back as soon as possible!"

In a KTV darkroom, Xie Lei was held down by a group of people, and in addition to fear, he also lost his continence due to emotional breakdown.

In order to pay off the money owed by gambling, he plans to start with the people around him, and his first target is actually a little sister in 02......


On September 8, 2021, Master Wang, who drives a taxi for a living, did not receive an order in the afternoon, which made him feel extremely depressed, so he launched an online ride-hailing platform to see if there were any big orders to be accepted.

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of an order three kilometers away, which was not too far away, but the other party gave a very high remuneration, a full 45 yuan.

You must know that the general taxi fare for three kilometers is about 14 yuan, and it is difficult not to be tempted by such a high-priced order.

After refreshing it again and again, Master Wang saw that no one took this big order, so he simply ordered "take the order" by himself, and then he drove to the customer's location, for fear that the other party would be in a hurry.

In 2022, Xie Lei was executed by lethal injection in the case of hiding a body in a suitcase, and met his mother before he died without saying a word

But when he arrived at the designated place, after seeing the customer, he couldn't help but be suspicious.

I saw that this person was wrapped tightly in 30-degree weather, not only wearing a long shirt, but also a hat, which made others feel hot just by looking at it.

What's even more strange is that this person is also carrying a black suitcase in his hand, judging from the appearance, it should be filled with a lot of things.

"I'll help you, ouch boy, what are you carrying here, it's heavy."

Seeing Master Wang come forward to help, the man pretended to be grateful, but looked around, looking very nervous.

"Thank you, thank you, you give it to me, I can do the rest myself."

The two worked together to carry the suitcase to the trunk, but when Master Wang pushed hard, he felt that something was wrong, and there seemed to be a smell of blood in the air.

After a closer look, he found that there was a large blood stain on his hand, which was oozing from the suitcase just now.

Seeing this scene, Master Wang instantly stiffened in place, not knowing what to do, and then he said that he still had an urgent matter at home.

He stopped taking the order for a while, and then he moved his suitcase out of the car and left at a speed of 180 miles.

In 2022, Xie Lei was executed by lethal injection in the case of hiding a body in a suitcase, and met his mother before he died without saying a word

Along the way, the more he thought about it, the more scared he became, and then he thought of the corpse dismemberment case often brushed up in short videos, and he chose to call the police without hesitation.

When the police arrived, they were surprised to find that this person was the wanted criminal they had been tracking for a long time - Xie Lei.


In the interrogation room, Xie Lei looked indifferent, looking at the two police officers in front of him, from time to time he still plucked his ears with his little fingers, looking very arrogant, he didn't realize at all what kind of punishment he would face.

"Give you a chance to confess and be lenient, tell the details of the crime, and maybe you can live a little longer."

Faced with the police's questioning, he smiled contemptuously, saying that it was all his own private matter, and there was no reason to explain it to them.

Who would have thought that even before he died, his mouth would be so hard, and he was not afraid of the judgment of the law.

Thinking back to the incident a day ago, he never felt that he had done anything wrong, and if he wanted to blame it, he would blame Fang Xiaoli for being too disobedient.

At the age of 30, he was the sales manager of a local KTV in Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, and his colleagues called him "Brother Lei".

On weekdays, he treats people very kindly, and has never had a conflict with anyone, even when his employees are late for work, he opened the back door, just a warning, and did not deduct money afterwards.

And his appearance is also very delicate, and several little girls working under him have a good impression of him, including the later victim Fang Xiaoli.

In 2022, Xie Lei was executed by lethal injection in the case of hiding a body in a suitcase, and met his mother before he died without saying a word

Fang Xiaoli was born in 2002, not long after she entered this industry, after dropping out of school two years ago, she followed her friends to work at KTV, thinking that she could make money by drinking here, and there was no pressure every day, which was not too cool.

As everyone knows, her choice led her into the boundless abyss.

In fact, this KTV not only sells alcohol, but also has some side-rubbing businesses, such as color services, and gambling business.

As a veteran of this industry, he knows how greasy it is, and he also knows how profitable it is to set up a gambling business under KTV.

He alone once lost 50,000 yuan in one night, so he specially negotiated with the boss and opened up a dark room behind the counter to specialize in gambling business.

Who knew that on the first night of opening, he overturned the car and was detained by the people who came to see the scene.


"This one will definitely win, I bet on 5, open quickly, open quickly!"

At the poker table, Xie Lei has gambled on nearly half a year's deposit, and as long as the number 5 is opened, he can make a net profit of more than 100,000 yuan.

How do you know that after the dice were opened, he was stunned, the number was not 5, but 3, and now, he was going to lose half a year's deposit, which was not over, and he also owed the owner fifty or sixty thousand yuan in foreign debts.

"Give you a deadline, and in seven days, I will see the money."

Seeing that the other party's date was so close, Xie Lei staggered a little, and then said with a smiling face and the black boss.

"Can you be more generous, half a month can't work, I really don't have that much money."

"Where is all this nonsense? I'm the rule here, don't you want your fingers anymore? ”

The black boss said, signaling the little brother next to him with his eyes, and in the blink of an eye, there were two strong men with big shoulders and round waists, holding down Xie Lei's hands stiffly, intending to cut off his fingers with a knife.

In 2022, Xie Lei was executed by lethal injection in the case of hiding a body in a suitcase, and met his mother before he died without saying a word

"Don't, I beg you, don't do this, don't chop off my fingers, I'll pay it back as soon as possible!"

When he got back together, he found that he was so frightened that he lost his mind, and there was a slimy underneath his pants.

In order to pay off his gambling debts, he decided to start with the people around him, and his first target was Fang Xiaoli, who was about to become his object.

"Lili, I urgently need money now, can you lend me 10,000 yuan, and I will pay you back in two days."

On the other end of the phone, it was Xie Lei's deep and magnetic voice, which fascinated Fang Xiaoli for a while.

"It's okay, you are still polite to me in our friendship, wait, and I will transfer your card later."

Within a few minutes, the remittance of 10,000 yuan arrived, which made Xie Lei breathe a sigh of relief, and finally had a little rush.

Originally, he thought that if he found a few more people to borrow money, he would be able to pay off the fifty or sixty thousand yuan soon, but the reality gave him a hard blow, it coincided with the off-season of the market, and few of his friends around him had deposits, and their hands were very tight.

Seeing that the repayment date was approaching, he accidentally learned that Fang Xiaoli still had a deposit of 100,000 yuan, so he had a bad idea.

In order to get the money, he pretended to ask Xiaoli out for dinner, but in fact, it was a long-planned homicide.

After Fang Xiaoli stepped out of the door, he took out a dagger without saying a word and stabbed Xiaoli, and was worried that she would not die thoroughly enough, so he also made up several knives on her neck, until the other party lost his breath, he stopped moving.

After he succeeded, he took out the bank card that Xiaoli was carrying, and after swiping 30,000 yuan at the local bank, he hurriedly ran away, after all, such a large remittance was not obtained by himself, and it was easy to be suspicious.

In order to prevent the incident in the east window, he also dismembered Xiaoli's body, and then stuffed it into the suitcase, thinking about taking a taxi to the wilderness and throwing it away, but unexpectedly, he was discovered by the driver, Master Wang.

In 2022, Xie Lei was executed by lethal injection in the case of hiding a body in a suitcase, and met his mother before he died without saying a word

After receiving the report, the police quickly launched an in-depth investigation into the case, and found that Xie Lei used Fang Xiaoli's feelings for him to commit the murder, and the means were so bad and the circumstances were very serious.

On the evening of January 2022, the murderer Xie Lei was sentenced to death by the judge for robbery and intentional injury, which will be held on a later date.

In this regard, Xie Lei said that he did not obey the trial, saying that he had confessed to the circumstances and should be given a light sentence, but his request was rejected by the local court.

Before leaving, the court agreed to let Xie Lei and his mother meet one last time out of humanitarian considerations.

Due to the influence of long-term migrant work, Xie Lei's relationship with his mother is very weak, and between mother and son, they did not say a word until he got into the execution car, during which they just cried silently, not knowing where to look.

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