
In 1979, in the early hours of the morning, when her husband died suddenly and his wife cried for help, the police found a letter that made her suspicious

author:Winter melon talk history
In 1979, in the early hours of the morning, when her husband died suddenly and his wife cried for help, the police found a letter that made her suspicious

Text: Winter melon

Edit|Winter melon

On October 20, 1979, a suspicious case occurred. A man died suddenly in his home and was later found by his wife. The man's wife, who was a doctor, went to the factory clinic for help after failing to resuscitate her. However, the man was still not rescued.

Although the woman claimed that her husband had died suddenly, the man's family did not approve of it.

In general, there are several possible causes of sudden death. For example, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory disease, or drug or food allergies. In addition, overwork, emotional overexcitement and poor diet can also increase the risk of sudden death.

Take heart disease, for example. Acute myocardial infarction causes a sudden decrease in heart function, and arrhythmias can lead to cardiac arrest, which can lead to sudden death.

However, the man has no underlying medical conditions and no disadvantages that trigger sudden death. Therefore, the man's family hopes that the public security police can find out the truth about the man's death.

So, the public security department intervened. As the investigation deepens, a letter is unexpectedly discovered. When the contents of the letter gradually surfaced, the police became suspicious of the man's wife. Was it really her who killed?

In 1979, in the early hours of the morning, when her husband died suddenly and his wife cried for help, the police found a letter that made her suspicious

Picture: The benevolence of the doctor

Was it sudden death or homicide

Two days after the man's death, the five public security departments reported to the public security department: the deceased's name was Lu Junwen, a man, and a technician.

In the early morning of October 20, 1979, Lu Junwen was found by his wife Wang Yongshi and died suddenly in his bedroom. Wang Yongshi said that Lu Junwen died suddenly, but Lu Junwen's family did not approve of it. So he called the police and asked the public security officers to find out the cause of his death.

After receiving the police, the criminal investigation police set off overnight. When the police arrived, Lu Junwen's bedroom was in shambles, and his body had already been moved to the unit's repair yard.

Although the forensic doctor was a little helpless, he could only conduct a preliminary examination of Lu Junwen's body first to see if there was anything suspicious.

After a preliminary autopsy, the medical examiner found that the deceased's head was swollen, his nose was bleeding, and the tips of his ten fingers were blue and purple. From these points, it can be seen that the cause of death was not a simple sudden death. As a result, the police immediately launched an investigation into Lu Junwen's unnatural death.

It didn't take long for a letter to surface as an important clue.

In the seventies and eighties of the last century, it was very fashionable to write letters. Unlike now, when friends write postcards, they are still considered old-fashioned. Compared with the cumbersome correspondence, e-mail or simple and direct instant messages have become a means of communication instead of letters.

Although the detection skills of the public security officers and police were limited at that time, after investigation, many inconspicuous physical evidence became very important evidence to solve the case.

It turned out that a few days before Lu Junwen's death, although there was nothing unusual. However, on the afternoon of his death, he was greatly angered by a letter.

The letter was first discovered by Lu Junwen's daughter, Lu Qin. Later, she was handed over to her father. It was this letter that became the fuse for the quarrel between Lu Junwen and Wang Yongshi.

Lu Junwen saw some fleshy words in the letter, but the person who told him was not him, so he didn't get angry.

Do you think I'm being unfaithful to you by doing so. Chun: I will always remember what you said in the past, and I will do what I said, and I would like to reiterate here today that I have spent the past three years dealing with everything and achieving your goal, and this statement will never change. If you change your mind and lie to me...

As soon as the two met, they quarreled.

I don't know if Lu Junwen is too angry, after a big quarrel with his wife, he feels uncomfortable. Then, I went to sleep in the bedroom.

"I saw that he seemed to be sick, so I gave him an injection."

Everything is just as Wang Yongshi said, the forensic doctor did find the eye of a needle on Lu Junwen's body. Among them, Lu Junwen has a total of 6 injection holes in his limbs and left chest.

In addition, there was a conspicuous red spot outside Lu's right ventricle, and the forensic doctor also found a lot of white particles on the wall of his stomach.

In response to this situation, the interrogators immediately approached Wang Yongshi to check the situation. According to Wang Yongshi, Lu Junwen often had high blood pressure before his death. At the time of his illness, his face was pale, his heart was beating rapidly, and his blood pressure was soaring. In addition to this, the body will also experience symptoms of high fever.

So, based on her previous experience, Wang Yongshi injected her husband with penicillin, analgesic, hibernation and other drugs. Seeing that these didn't work, she gave her husband oral drugs such as antihypertensive and paracetamol.

In the 80s of the last century, doctors had the following basic methods for treating high blood pressure.

For example, nonpharmacological treatment is widely used, with low-dose thiazide diuretics or β-blockers in addition to severe hypertension. If the response to treatment is not satisfactory, a second class of drugs may be added. For example, diuretics, β-blockers, reserpine, methyldopa, hydralazine, or pyrazosin.

Wang Yongshi's treatment of her husband can be described as multi-pronged. Sure enough, Lu Junwen was not uncomfortable. Unlike usual, he fell asleep all the time, from about 3 p.m. to about 3 a.m. Wang Yongshi got up in the middle of the night to check on her husband, but found that he was no longer breathing. So, she hurriedly ran to the unit, trying to find someone for help.

In 1979, in the early hours of the morning, when her husband died suddenly and his wife cried for help, the police found a letter that made her suspicious

Illustration: Drugs

According to the investigators' feedback, Wang Yongshi did go to the health center and looked for Yin Xiulan.

"I remember it was like three o'clock in the morning, and she came to me crying to save people." After receiving the news, Yin Xiulan hurriedly found two colleagues and went to Wang Yongshi's house together.

When Yin Xiulan arrived, Lu Junwen was lying on his back on the bed, his face was very white, his pupils were dilated after examination, and his heartbeat was gone.

According to common sense, if Lu Junwen has symptoms of sudden death, Wang Yongshi, as his wife, can perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on her husband when she rescues her. Especially when Lu Junwen's breathing and carotid pulse arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed.

If ordinary people don't know the steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, doesn't Wang Yongshi, as a doctor, still know?

Yin Xiulan also noticed that on the cabinet next to Lu Junwen, there was a box of sodium camphor sulfate, a box of lamin, and two syringes, one of which had blood stains on it, and the other was not.

Because the person was dead, there was no need to rescue him, so Yin Xiulan and her colleagues prepared to leave. Before leaving, she took all the utensils she had used.

"As far as you know, how is Lu Junwen's body?"

"He was very healthy when he died, and he didn't hear about any underlying medical conditions."

If Lu Junwen's physical condition is really as Yin Xiulan said, there is no disease, then Wang Yongshi must be lying. According to the results of the forensic autopsy, it can be seen that there is no pathological phenomenon in Lu Junwen's organs. In this way, it can better confirm the credibility of Yin Xiulan's statement.

After a search of Lu Junwen's home, the investigators finally found the letter. After receiving the letter, the forensic experts immediately conducted an appraisal of the handwriting. In the end, it was concluded that the letter was written by Wang Yongshi.

So, who is Wang Yongshi writing this letter to? What did she mean by her promise in the letter that she would "take care of everything in three years"?

Because of this letter, the police became suspicious of Wang Yongshi. So, was Lu Junwen's death an accident, or was he killed by Wang Yongshi?

Murder of her husband?

The police have come to the following conclusions based on the combing of existing clues:

First of all, the possibility that Lu Junwen died of acute illness was ruled out; secondly, the possibility of suicide is ruled out; Third, according to the autopsy results, Lu Junwen was poisoned. After ruling out the possibility of suicide, it can be inferred that he died of poisoning; Fourth, an injection pinhole was found in Lu Junwen's left chest, where it is presumed that he had been injected with drugs;

In the end, judging from the letter found, Wang Yongshi's relationship with "Chun" is doubtful. Lu Junwen and Wang Yongshi quarreled because of the letter, speculating that Wang Yongshi did something sorry for Lu Junwen.

And Wang Yongshi and the "spring" mentioned in the letter, Wang Yongshi is more suspicious, after all, Lu Junwen has always been fed medicine and injected by her. In order to confirm this speculation, the police listed Wang Yongshi as the focus of the next investigation.

Next, the police first conducted a further examination of Lu Junwen's body. After examination, Lu Junwen contained a large amount of phenobarbital and chlorpromazine in his body. The content of these two ingredients has far exceeded the normal standard.

Chlorpromazine alone is already 100 times the standard amount.

Through laboratory testing of the on-site equipment, the two syringes on Lui's bedside table contained chlorpromazine and phenobarbital.

By comparing the blood on the syringe with the blood of Lu Junwen, it can be basically determined that he is the drug injected by the two syringes mentioned above.

In 1979, in the early hours of the morning, when her husband died suddenly and his wife cried for help, the police found a letter that made her suspicious


As the facts of the case are peeled back step by step, the truth is about to surface.

When Wang Yongshi heard that the syringe she had used had been taken for testing, she was about to commit suicide by taking oral medicine. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and Wang Yongshi was out of danger. However, her move is undoubtedly a kind of "self-explosion".

In order not to let go of any of the real culprits, the police intensified the monitoring of Wang Yongshi. On the other hand, the investigation of Wang Yongshi was accelerated.

Although it has been proved that the syringe used by Wang Yongshi is the one used to inject medicine to Lu Junwen, there is another key question that has not been confirmed, that is, whether Wang Yongshi injected her husband with an overdose of phenobarbital and chlorpromazine.

In order to obtain evidence of Wang Yongshi's crimes, the police intensified their investigation. They made a detailed investigation of Wang Yongshi's home, office, and her possible whereabouts. Although many drugs have been found, none of them contain phenobarbital and chlorpromazine.

The police searched the health clinic where Wang Yongshi worked again, and finally found many empty bottles in a dirty bucket. In addition to phenobarbital, there are also chlorpromazine injections.

Although the packaging of the medicine was found, it could not be proved that the medicine was used on Lu Junwen.

Investigators approached Ms. Yin and asked if anyone had used phenobarbital and chlorpromazine. It was confirmed that no one had used either drug.

Next, investigators began to investigate the use of phenobarbital and chlorpromazine in recent years. Fortunately, after a lot of detailed investigation, there is exciting news: no one has used these drugs in the past few years.

Investigators can finally conclude that Wang Yongshi injected all the drugs into Lu Junwen's body.

Crazy for love

Now there is the last key question, what is Wang Yongshi's motive for committing the crime?

Through the investigation of Wang Yongshi's social relations, I finally found out the person referred to by "Chun". It turned out that this person was a staff member of the Engineering Bureau, and he had an improper relationship with Wang Yongshi.

Investigators also learned that Wang Yongshi had also been punished for her style of life. Not only was she expelled from the group, but she was also punished with a major demerit.

After an investigation of the employee, investigators found that the person did not have the time to commit the crime. Not only that, but this person did not know that Wang Yongshi had poisoned her husband.

In 1979, in the early hours of the morning, when her husband died suddenly and his wife cried for help, the police found a letter that made her suspicious


After layers of investigation, the police finally confirmed that Wang Yongshi was the murderer of Lu Junwen. Earlier, Wang Yongshi mentioned that she had "rescued" her husband, which was just an excuse for her to cover up and poison him.

On December 21, 1979, the public security organs arrested Wang Yongshi in accordance with the law. After interrogation, Wang Yongshi finally confessed her crime.

It turned out that as early as June 1979, Wang Yongshi went to the bureau to work and met the section chief. After Wang Yongshi took the initiative to show favor many times, the two came together.

Wang Yongshi made a plan to kill, and she told Chun that she would kill her husband within three years. This is the "three-year commitment" referred to in the letter.

Since then, the two have maintained a correspondence with each other. On the afternoon of October 19, the day Lu Junwen was angry, because he saw a letter from his wife to his lover. On the one hand, he promised his lover, and on the other hand, he deceived himself, and Lu Junwen was very angry because of this letter.

Wang Yongshi refused to admit her mistake and quarreled with her husband. It was also because her attitude was too arrogant that she completely angered Lu Junwen. Lu Junwen said that he was going to the bureau to teach this staff a lesson, and then go to Wang Yongshi's unit to make trouble.

Wang Yongshi heard that her husband was going to "clean up" her like this, and she was finally scared. In order not to anger Lu Junwen, he had to pretend to soften. She comforts her husband with the aim of stunting him and then destroying the evidence.

At around six o'clock in the evening, Wang Yongshi pretended to care about Lu Junwen, and then coaxed him to eat ten tablets of phenobarbital. After a while, Lu Junwen fell asleep.

In 1979, in the early hours of the morning, when her husband died suddenly and his wife cried for help, the police found a letter that made her suspicious

Picture: Pills

During this period, Wang Yongshi began to look for the letter, but she never found it. Because of this incident, she decided to strike first.

Around dinner time, Wang Yongshi took out 8 tablets of phenobarbital and forcibly poured them into Lu Junwen's mouth. Two hours later, it still didn't work.

In order to enhance the effect of the drug, Wang Yongshi went to the health center overnight, pumped about 20 milliliters of chlorpromazine with a syringe, and then injected it into her husband's vein.

Perhaps because she was too nervous, Wang Yongshi punctured Lu Junwen's blood vessels. She had no choice but to change another blood vessel and continue the injection. But this time, Lu Junwen's blood vessels were broken again. In the end, she could only inject the remaining potion into Lu Junwen's buttocks.

After this toss, Lu Junwen is still alive. Wang Yongshi was completely crazy, and she rushed to the health room at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. In order to "get results" at once, she ruthlessly pumped a large amount of phenobarbital, and then hit all of Lu Junwen's left chest. She was in such a hurry that she didn't have time to dispose of the empty bottle. This also laid the groundwork for the police to later find the medicine bottle from the dirty bucket.

This time, Lu Junwen could no longer bear the large dose of medicine, and finally stopped breathing at about 3 a.m. on October 20.


Wang Yongshi thinks she is seamless, and she can be described as a "pediatric" in front of investigators. In the end, she was arrested and brought to justice, and she took the legal responsibility she needed to bear.

If you really have no feelings for your other half, please get together and disperse, after all, it is better to have one more relative in the world than one more enemy. I hope that all of you who read the article have pure love, touching family affection, sincere friendship, and can walk a lifetime with your lover and enjoy different scenery.

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