
Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue


The latest voice of the Indonesian Badminton Association: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest!

Netizens said that this proves that cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be the first time.

Zhang Zhijie, a talented young player in the national feather, was already famous in elementary school. From the beginning of the kindergarten class, the family discovered and began to develop his badminton talent. In his 17 years of life, he has won gold medals in various badminton events.

2022 National U Series Badminton Competition U15-17 Finals 15-year-old group men's singles champion.

2023 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B Men's Singles Champion and Men's Team Champion.

2024 Dutch Youth Badminton International Men's Singles Champion.

2024 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B Men's Team Champion.

Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue

If it weren't for such a tragic accident, if the treatment was proper and timely, Zhang Zhijie's future would be bright.

Zhang Zhijie was born on January 30, 2007 and passed away on June 30, 2024. He has only been in this world for 17 years and 6 months.

Mr. Wang, Zhang Zhijie's brother-in-law, said that Zhang Zhijie's family is from rural Anhui Province and is from Fuyang. The child is very pitiful, he has no father since he was a child, and his father had an accident in a car accident. Her mother, Ms. Jiang, has been working in a shopping mall in Jiaxing, so Zhang Zhijie was born in Jiaxing.

Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue

On June 30, the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships, during an event in the evening, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted at the scene, and his limbs twitched weakly.

Although he is only 17 years old, he is tall and tall, and he is usually in good physical condition, but he may have been a little tired and nervous in the early stage of the race. In a foreign land. Maybe not a good rest. Or maybe you train too much before the game.

Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue

Potassium deficiency after exercise can lead to irregular heartbeats and sudden fainting. In the video, he was still breathing on his own after he fell to the ground, his body was convulsed, and the badminton racket in his hand was still tightly held. He even propped up his elbows to get up by himself, and it was really tearful to see this scene.

He went out to play on behalf of the motherland, he was a good boy who won glory for the Chinese people, but after he fell, he never got up again, and we all felt so sad! Not to mention his mother and loved ones.

Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue

The coach came over and hesitated, not daring to move forward, maybe the coach didn't imagine the seriousness of the matter, and the coach was blaming himself afterwards! The odious referee stopped the coach from approaching, and the first responders who entered the stadium did not use an automated external defibrillator (AED) and implement effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in a timely manner. Instead, the athlete was carried off the field on a stretcher after nearly two minutes.

Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue

Consider the Danish football star Eriksen in the European Championships.

In the European Cup that year, Eriksen fainted, and at the scene, a variety of professional and effective rescue equipment, and professional first aid personnel, carried out on-site CPR and AED defibrillation, which was known as the "first aid model", and pulled Eriksen back from the hands of death step by step. Now, his athletic figure is still present on the football field.

Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue

Such a comparison is even more regrettable.

Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue

Zhang Zhijie's brother-in-law said that Ms. Jiang worked hard to raise Zhang Zhijie and his sister, and now her sister has also gone to college. Zhang Zhijie's college escort book was just sent to his home yesterday. Zhang Zhijie is so good and very sensible. It has always been a child who makes moms proud.

Now there is bad news, Ms. Jiang has collapsed and is hospitalized.

At present, Zhang Zhijie's sister rushed to Indonesia to deal with her younger brother's funeral.

Indonesian Badminton Association voiced: Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest! Compare with Danish star Eriksen rescue

The Indonesian side released the process of Zhang Zhijie's treatment at a press conference, and also called on everyone to stop disseminating relevant videos and photos. The video has already spread on the Internet, and since it is already a fact, everyone must see the truth. The process of being rescued is also very heart-wrenching, the first golden four minutes without CPR, to the hospital after four or five hours of CPR is in vain.

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