
Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

author:No. 2 Explorer
Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

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Text|No. 2 Explorer

Editor|Explorer No. 2

Once, Hou Mengsha's name was the representative of "military dramas".

I don't know when military dramas are still the sweethearts of major directors, but she disappeared into the sea of people.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Later, when she reappeared, it was the news of her marriage.

thought that she married into a wealthy family and lived the life of a rich wife.

Who would have thought that she would marry an unknown actor and then embark on a "road of no return".

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded


Many people pay attention to Hou Mengsha, all from "I am the sharp knives of special forces".

She starred in "Tang Xinyi" with a heroic appearance, so she was also rated as the "most beautiful military flower".

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

The reason why she can play the demeanor of a female soldier on the screen is because she has such an experience.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

In 2008, after obtaining a master's degree from Nanjing University, she joined the Art Troupe of Nanjing Military Region.

Before she could get trained, her nobleman came to the door.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

This person is Liu Meng, a literary author.

"Ice is Sleeping Water", "The Last Bullet Left for Me" and other military-themed works are all from his hands.

In the years when he wrote books, it happened that military dramas exploded.

Aware of this development prospect, he immediately transformed into a director, mainly shooting his own works.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

At the time, he was preparing to adapt his novel "Assassin" into a TV series.

In order to better interpret the realism of his works, he did not recruit actors in the society, but went to major art troupes to select experienced actors.

After interviewing a group of actresses, he chose Hou Mengsha, who had the least qualifications.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

In addition to the beautiful skin that makes him amazing, the more important thing is that she graduated from a serious class.

It is also for this reason that not long after she joined the art troupe, her strength was recognized by everyone.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

After many communications, Liu Meng decided that Hou Mengsha would play the role of "Lin Donger" in "Sniper Life and Death".

This is the first time the two have worked together, although there are not many scenes, but the excellent performance has also laid the foundation for the relationship between the two.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Later, "Sniper Life and Death" became popular, and in order to strike while the iron was hot, Liu Meng decided to prepare for the filming of "I Am a Special Soldier".

He found Hou Mengsha again.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

In this drama, there are many training scenes, which Hou Mengsha has not experienced.

Despite the hard work, she never complained.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

At that time, her body was often bruised and purple, but she still gritted her teeth and persevered.

This tenacious quality made her Liu Meng's queen actress, and at the same time became the "best couple" with Wu Jing.

Just when everyone thought that the two of them were really fake, who thought that she was "missing".

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded


In 2011, he appeared in "特种兵之利刃出鞘" 找到她与吴京.

At that time, Wu Jing had not yet become popular, but the excellent performance made the audience remember the two.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Since this drama exploded, many viewers have coaxed the relationship between the two.

In the face of cheers from the outside world, Hou Mengsha ignored it, but filmed more low-key.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

As an actress, she knows the benefits of hype.

If used properly, it will not only broaden her acting path, but also allow her to have more film contracts.

It's just that her awe of the profession doesn't allow her to do so.

As a result, her career hit a plateau.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

With the popularity of one drama after another, many traffic newcomers have come to this track to get a piece of the pie.

Like Di Lieba, Zhang Ruoyun and others, they have all filmed military dramas.

In addition, some of the capital that circles money is even more eye-catching.

In order to attract attention, military dramas no longer become pure, but have become "divine dramas".

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

There are all kinds of non-rigorous pictures such as tearing devils, hiding mines in the crotch, soldiers wearing lipstick, and plastic surgery.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

After the advent of this uneven work, the reputation of military dramas was shattered.

The audience, who originally liked this theme, also began to scoff at it.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Seeing that the industry is occupied by bad money, the actors and directors who were originally good at filming dramas have also been affected.

Hou Mengsha is one of them.

Originally, relying on military dramas, she was able to have her own place in the entertainment industry.

Unexpectedly, at the peak of her career, she also ushered in a career crisis.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

At that time, many actors of the same type were transforming.

Just like the familiar "Li Erniu" Zhao Xun, he has always been the spokesperson of the "tough guy" back then.

Now for the sake of life, he has long been transformed into a beautiful man.

Although it is no longer masculine as before, it has ushered in the most popular stage since its debut.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

And she is imprisoned by the subject matter, and has never played other genres.

With the emergence of newcomers in an endless stream, coupled with the lack of strength behind her works, she "disappeared" in the entertainment industry.

When she reappeared, it was the news of her marriage that broke out.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded


In 2021, she received the drama "Ace Troops" after not filming for a long time.

This drama is starring Huang Jingyu, Xiao Zhan and other top performers, so even if it is a small supporting role, Hou Mengsha still took it.

I thought I would withdraw after filming, but I didn't expect to gain a husband.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

This person is Mao Yi, he is an actor and also participated in this drama.

Although Hou Mengsha has lost her popularity, compared with Mao Yi, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Hou Mengsha has become popular, but the only memorable role of Mao Yi is the coffee shop owner of "Thirty Only".

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Not long after being together, the two entered into marriage, and the two often posted some loving daily lives on the Internet.

I thought that husband and wife would work together to develop their acting careers.

Who would have thought that she did not participate in a work after getting married.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

The only one that was broadcast was "Black and White Code" before marriage.

It's just a matter of not developing his acting career well, but he also entered the ranks of live broadcasts.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

For her behavior, many viewers who like her have questioned her, feeling that she is "not doing her job" and has embarked on the "road of no return"

After all, at the beginning, she could see her awe and love for performance.

But if it weren't for the compulsion of life, why would she bother to embark on the road of live broadcasting.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

The actor industry, although it looks glamorous, is also the treatment of top actors.

An outdated actor like them, once he doesn't act, it is equivalent to having no income.

And the most embarrassing actors are also "demanding but outdated" artists like them.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Because it was once popular, it was difficult to take on small roles.

Because they have seen a good team, they can't destroy their reputation in the face of shoddy crews.

Gradually, people like them were labeled as "high and difficult to serve".

In the end, only the word "decent" remained.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

In order to make a living, she can only make money with the help of being an actress.

Zhu Zixiao has a deep understanding of this experience.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

After he fell into a scandal that year, he became an "abandoned baby" in the entertainment industry.

The huge mortgage and car loan have long overwhelmed him.

Later, if he hadn't caught up with the live broadcast, his life would almost have gone on.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

After becoming popular through live broadcast, he ushered in the opportunity to show his strength on the screen.

But these behaviors have become a drama of "making money" in Hao Lei's eyes.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded
Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

In fact, there is no need to criticize artists for bringing goods in live broadcasts, what is criticized is to borrow their own fame to sell fake and shoddy products to deceive consumers.

As long as you can keep your original intention and don't harm consumers, it's your freedom to make any money.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded


Seeing that the once popular actress has become a selling anchor, many viewers feel sorry for her.

Every industry is equal, as long as you make money diligently and cleanly, there is nothing inferior.

So it's not a pity that she sells goods to make money, but laments how difficult it is for artists with no background resources to pursue their dreams.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

But luckily, she met a husband who understood her.

In her live broadcast room, Mao Yi occasionally makes surprise appearances.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Today, Mao Yi is still wandering around the major crews.

He has cooperated with Zhang Guoli, Guan Xiaotong, Wang Gang and others.

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

Although the development of their careers is in different directions, what is the same is that they are both trying to live positively.

I believe that in the coming days, the lives of the two will get better and better, and Hou Mengsha will once again usher in the third spring of her career!

Looking at the situation of Hou Mengsha, the "most beautiful military flower", I understand why Hao Lei, who has a "moral high point", was scolded

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