
99.9% of computer users have a must-have artifact

author:Stupid big black technology


Xiaomei recently discovered a launcher called "DawnLauncher", which is really good! Not only free and open source, but also supports Chinese interface, files, folders, URLs, system settings, and even the start menu and multiple items can be added to this launcher, which is simply a universal existence!

Four AI Powers Firefox, Including ChatGPT and Google Gemini

Microsoft released a new version of Windows 11, a new version of the Start Menu, taskbar drag-and-drop, and Android drawer

The latest version of the Windows 11 New Features Activation Tool

Imagine how convenient it is to be able to easily manage and open frequently used tools in a single window. Be sure to Amway everyone!

Software Introduction

The installation process is too simple, so it will be omitted here. When opened, the default background color is white, which looks quite peculiar, maybe you'll wonder if it has been successfully launched, but don't worry, it's alive, and its functions are all in the context menu, so there are no function keys on the screen, and the background color can be modified later.

99.9% of computer users have a must-have artifact

Open the context menu, and "New Project" is where you can set the features you want to add to the launcher:

Files, folders, URLs, system settings, start menu, and even Appx can be added.

99.9% of computer users have a must-have artifact

If you want to add software or applications to this launcher, go to the "Start Menu" and it will automatically scan the installed software on your computer, and then just click on the software you want to add to the launcher.

99.9% of computer users have a must-have artifact

In this way, you can put all the commonly used software here, and when you want to open it in the future, you can quickly open it directly through this launcher, and you don't need to open the start menu at all, which is much more convenient! The folder is no problem, the target below sets the path of the folder, the name can be changed at will, you can call it whatever you want.

99.9% of computer users have a must-have artifact

That's right,Windows system settings are no problem.,I think this is very good.,For example, my sister often uses the control panel.,I'll add it to the launcher.,So that you can open it quickly in the future.。

99.9% of computer users have a must-have artifact

The URL is no problem, fill in the URL field below, and then press "Get URL Information", it will automatically read into the logo of this website, and you can change it to something else.

99.9% of computer users have a must-have artifact

Adding frequently used software, folders, files, settings, and websites not only makes it easier and faster to use in the future, but also makes the taskbar and desktop cleaner and tidier.

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Click on the menu in the upper right corner, you can find the "Settings" function, where you can adjust the language, and you can also set shortcut keys. The theme can also be changed to other colors you like, and the dark style is also very good! Did you know that I always think that the dark interface looks more advanced and woody? Hee-hee.

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