
Air-fryer oven French dessert "Burnt cream Fernancier"! The rich aroma is hard to swallow

Air-fryer oven French dessert "Burnt cream Fernancier"! The rich aroma is hard to swallow

Burnt Cream Fernancy Snow (Serving 6 pieces)


Unsalted butter 55g (filter 38g after coaking and use)

Egg white 70g

Honey 5g

Ingredient A:

Cake flour 20g

Almond flour 25g

Baking powder 0.3g

Icing sugar 50g


1. Put 55g of unsalted butter into a small pot, heat over low heat, and stir while preventing the butter from squirting. Continue to heat until it is amber-like golden to brown, the color does not need to be too deep to avoid the bitter taste of fuel consumption, filter it with a fine sieve to filter out the slag, and you should be able to smell a very strong butter sugar aroma at this time.

Air-fryer oven French dessert "Burnt cream Fernancier"! The rich aroma is hard to swallow

2. Sift all the powder materials A together into another bowl and stir evenly with a whisk. Egg whites and honey, pour into the sifted powder and stir well with a whisk. Then add 38g of the caramelized butter and stir well to complete the batter.

Air-fryer oven French dessert "Burnt cream Fernancier"! The rich aroma is hard to swallow

3. Rub a little butter on each mold on the Fernanx baking tray and wipe off the excess butter with a kitchen paper towel. Pour the batter evenly into a baking dish, pour about 8~9 minutes full, send it to a preheated 180 degree air fryer oven, and bake for about 7~9 minutes.

Air-fryer oven French dessert "Burnt cream Fernancier"! The rich aroma is hard to swallow

4. Bake until the surface is golden brown and the edges are a little burnt, and the color is the most beautiful. After baking, cover with baking paper, cover with a cutting board, quickly turn over, pour out the Fernancies, and put it on the rack to cool, or eat it hot.

Tips: If the baking temperature of 180 degrees is a little too burnt after baking, you can change it to 170 degrees and extend it for 2~3 minutes. If you don't eat it immediately after roasting, you can bake it back at 170 degrees for 5 minutes before eating it the next day, and it will taste better if it is overheated.

Air-fryer oven French dessert "Burnt cream Fernancier"! The rich aroma is hard to swallow

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