
Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful


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Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

Text: Yu Yu

Edited by Yu Yu


How powerful is the Dongfeng-21 missile, the aircraft carrier killer that makes the US military like a fish in the throat?

In the face of the advanced US air defense and anti-missile network, can it really break through the obstacles and deal a fatal blow to the US aircraft carrier?

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

Aircraft carrier killer: the birth and development of the Dongfeng-21 missile

In the chess game of modern warfare, the Dongfeng-21 missile is undoubtedly a decisive chess piece, and its appearance is like a heavy hammer, which suddenly shatters the US Navy's strategic superiority in the far sea for many years.

Known as an aircraft carrier killer, this medium-range ballistic missile is known not only for its impressive performance, but also because it represents the military rise of an emerging power.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

The predecessor of the Dongfeng-21 missile can be traced back to the 70s of the last century, when in the face of a complex international situation, China urgently needed a strategic weapon that could effectively deter the enemy.

After decades of painstaking research and development, the Dongfeng 21 finally made its debut in 1991, shocking the entire Western world, but what really made the US military sleepless was the improved model that entered service in 2010 - DF-21D.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

This missile not only inherits the excellent genes of the original model, but also adds anti-ship capabilities, becoming the world's first real anti-ship ballistic missile.

Its appearance completely changed the rules of the game in naval warfare, and the technical characteristics of the DF-21D were breathtaking.

It uses two-stage solid-fuel propulsion and has a maximum range of more than 1,500 kilometers, which means that it is capable of covering the entire first island chain and its surrounding waters, effectively deterring any enemy fleet that attempts to violate China's territorial waters.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

Even more amazing is the DF-21D's precision guidance capabilities. It is equipped with an advanced composite guidance system, including inertial guidance, satellite navigation, and active radar homing terminal guidance.

It can maintain extremely high hitting accuracy after high-speed re-entry into the atmosphere, which can be called a missile.

It is worth mentioning that China does not stop there, according to reliable sources, the new generation DF-21E is in full swing under development.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

The missile will have a longer range and higher maneuverability, further enhancing China's long-range precision strike capabilities.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

Breaking through the sky: an analysis of the combat capabilities of the Dongfeng-21 missile

The power of the DF-21 missile is not only reflected in its amazing technical parameters, but also in its unique combat mode.

The penetration capability of this aircraft carrier killer can be called a great spectacle in modern naval warfare, and every launch of this aircraft carrier is like a well-choreographed ballet, elegant and deadly.

From launch to hitting the target, the flight trajectory of the DF-21 missile can be divided into three stages: the power stage, the free stage and the reentry stage.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

In the power section, the missile was like an arrow from the string, quickly breaking through the sound barrier and pointing straight to the sky, although this stage was short, but it laid the foundation for the subsequent long-distance attack.

After entering the free section, the missile glides like a soaring eagle in the void of near space, where it is free from atmospheric interference and can easily cross thousands of kilometers of distance.

This characteristic makes the DF-21 missile a veritable strategic weapon, with a range that covers the entire first island chain and can even deter important US military bases such as Guam.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

The real challenge, however, lies in the re-entry segment. When the missile re-enters the atmosphere, it faces an extreme thermal and dynamic environment.

However, the Dongfeng 21D can still maintain precise guidance in such harsh conditions, which is undoubtedly a remarkable technological breakthrough.

What's even more amazing is that in the re-entry stage, the Dongfeng 21D also has the ability to maneuver, it can adjust in real time according to the movement of the target, just like an experienced hunter, biting the prey tightly.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

This capability greatly increases the success rate of strikes against moving targets, such as aircraft carriers, and in terms of precision strike capabilities, the DF-21D is a must.

It is reported that its circular probability error can be as small as 10 meters, which means that even against large targets such as aircraft carriers, it can accurately hit the vital parts and kill them with one blow.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

However, the power of the DF-21 missile is not only reflected in a single missile, but also in its overall combat system.

Through the coordination with satellites, early warning aircraft, UAVs and other reconnaissance platforms, the DF-21 missile can form a complete kill chain.

From target discovery and tracking to final strike, every link has been carefully designed to ensure maximum combat effectiveness.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

It is worth noting that the Dongfeng-21 missile also has a saturation attack capability, and by launching multiple missiles at the same time, it can effectively break through the enemy's defense system and greatly improve the success rate of penetration.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

Impregnable: Challenges and Responses to the U.S. Aircraft Carrier Defense System

In the face of the Dongfeng-21 missile, the sword of Damocles hanging overhead, the US Navy will naturally not sit idly by.

They are trying their best to build an impregnable wall to try to stop this threat from the east, but this battle of defense and breakthrough is like a never-ending cat-and-mouse game, full of drama and uncertainty.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

The defense system of the US aircraft carrier battle group can be called the pinnacle of modern naval warfare, it is like a multi-layered onion, each layer has its specific defense function.

The outermost layer is an air defense network of destroyers and cruisers equipped with the Aegis system, which act as loyal guardians, guarding the safety of the aircraft carrier day and night.

The standard missile family plays a central role in this defense system, from the latest SM-6 to the established SM-3, each with its own unique role.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

The SM-6 is particularly noteworthy, as it is not only capable of intercepting cruise missiles, but also has certain anti-ballistic missile capabilities, which makes it an important weapon against the DF-21D.

However, the Americans are well aware that the existing defense system alone is not enough, and for this reason they are developing an ambitious new system - the Great Wall of the Sea.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

The system is designed to build an all-round, multi-layered defense network against a variety of anti-ship ballistic missile threats, including the DF-21D.

The core concept of the Great Wall of China is to achieve real-time information sharing and rapid response through the integration of various sensors and weapon systems.

It's like a giant neural network that can spot threats in the first place and mobilize the most appropriate resources to intercept them.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

This systematic defense method has undoubtedly greatly improved the survivability of aircraft carrier battle groups, and in addition to traditional missile defense, the United States is also actively exploring new defense technologies.

One of the most striking is the laser weapon system. This seemingly sci-fi weapon has now become a reality.

It operates at the speed of light and can theoretically effectively intercept hypersonic missiles. Although there are still problems such as insufficient power, its potential should not be underestimated.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

However, the upgrade of the defense system does not happen overnight, and it faces many technical and economic challenges.

First of all, intercepting ballistic missiles is an extremely difficult task in itself, not to mention that the DF-21D also has the ability to maneuver.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

Second, building a complete defense system requires huge investment, which is undoubtedly a heavy burden in the current situation of tight US finances.

What's more, in this arms race, the attackers always seem to have the upper hand, and while the United States is just developing new defense systems, China may already be developing more advanced penetration technologies.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

Faced with this situation, both sides have to continue to invest large amounts of resources, and some U.S. strategists have begun to rethink their traditional combat concepts.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

Strategic chess game: the impact of the Dongfeng-21 missile on the regional situation

The appearance of the Dongfeng-21 missile is like a bombshell, setting off a stormy wave in the strategic chess game in the western Pacific.

It has not only changed the balance of military power, but also profoundly affected the regional political landscape, and this weapon system, known as the aircraft carrier killer, has become a key chess piece in the game between China and the United States.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

First of all, the existence of the DF-21 missile has greatly improved China's anti-access/area denial capabilities, and it is like a sword of Damocles hanging over the head of the US Navy, forcing the US military to reconsider its deployment strategy in the western Pacific region.

This kind of strategic deterrence far exceeds the physical destructive power of the missile itself, and secondly, the successful development of the Dongfeng-21 missile marks a major breakthrough in the field of high-end military science and technology in China.

It is not only a weapon, but also a symbol of China's comprehensive national strength, and this display of capability has undoubtedly strengthened China's voice in the international arena and forced other countries to reassess China's strategic position.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

However, the presence of the DF-21 missile also poses new challenges. It has exacerbated the dynamics of the regional arms race and raised concerns among neighboring countries.

Some countries are beginning to seek to strengthen military cooperation with the United States to balance China's growing military power.

This situation has undoubtedly increased the complexity and uncertainty of the regional situation, and it is worth noting that the Dongfeng-21 missile has become an important bargaining chip in the strategic game between China and the United States.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

The missile has often been mentioned in diplomatic and military exchanges between the two sides, and has become the focus of discussions, with the United States trying to limit China's development of such weapons through diplomatic means, while actively developing countermeasures.

This kind of back-and-forth contest constitutes an important aspect of the current Sino-US relations, and at the same time, the existence of the DF-21 missile has also promoted the transformation of US military strategy.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

In the face of this new threat, the US military has to rethink its mode of expeditionary operations, and the concept of air-sea integrated warfare is to a large extent to deal with China's increasing anti-access capabilities.

Such a strategic readjustment will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on the future regional situation, but we must also realize that the growth of military strength does not necessarily lead to conflict.

On the contrary, a balance of power can often promote peace, and the presence of the DF-21 missile may push China and the United States to manage their relationship more carefully and avoid escalation.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful


The existence of the DF-21 missile not only demonstrates China's progress in the field of military science and technology, but also demonstrates its determination to safeguard national security and regional stability.

Although it is known as an aircraft carrier killer, its real meaning lies in maintaining peace through deterrence and facing a complex international situation.

We should uphold rationality and restraint, promote the development of international relations in a fairer and more reasonable direction, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful


On October 5, 2019, CCTV released "Dongfeng Express, the mission must be achieved"! Demystifying the Dongfeng 17 Conventional Missile Squadron》

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful

On April 9, 2018, the released "The Growth History of the Dongfeng-16 Ballistic Missile on the Plateau Debut Deters Asan, the "Dominant Huadan"

Will the Dongfeng-21 be intercepted by the US air defense under US interference? Anti-ship missiles are hugely powerful


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