
Zizhi Tongjian 573: The more powerful the person, the easier it is to fall into a misunderstanding, and you must have made it

author:Read through and understand life

Under Emperor Hirohito

The 18th year of Taiyuan (癸巳, 393 AD)

Chapter Highlights:

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. What is this fishery? My personal understanding is to bear hardships and stand hard work, that is, to always adapt to changes in the external environment and adjust oneself, that is, to continuously learn the laws of nature, and to practice and apply and conform to this law. Other than that, there is no it!

Original text: Di Shuai Yang Buddha Song rebelled, Ben Hou Qin, Yang Yan period, Zhao Mu chased him, September, Bingxu, defeated Buddha Song in Tongguan. Later Qin general Yao Chong rescued Buddha Song, defeated the Jin soldiers, and Zhao Mu died.

In winter, in October, the Lord of Later Qin was very ill and returned to Chang'an.

Yao Chang fell seriously ill and returned to Chang'an.

Original text: The Yan lord discussed the war against Xiyan, and all the generals said: "There will never be a provocation, I have been fighting for many years, and the soldiers are tired and disadvantaged, and they can't do it." Fan Yang Wang De said: "Yong is the branch and leaf of the country, and arrogantly holds up the title, confusing the people to hear and hear, it is advisable to get rid of it first, and to the hearts of the people." Although the soldiers are tired, they are mediocre! He said: "Situ Yi is with me." I am older than the old, and I have enough wisdom to take it, and I will never leave this thief to burden my descendants. "Martial law was ensued.

When Murong killed Zhai Zhao, Murong Yong stood on the dry shore and watched, now that Zhai Zhao was destroyed, it was Murong Yong's turn.

The generals didn't want to fight.

I've been fighting for years, I'm too tired, and Murong Yong is honest, and he didn't provoke us, so let's rest and let the soldiers take a breath (we also enjoy life).

Zizhi Tongjian 573: The more powerful the person, the easier it is to fall into a misunderstanding, and you must have made it

Murong De should have received instructions from Murong Trai before the meeting, and he knew Murong Trai's thoughts. At this time, he needed to stand up and say what Murong Chui thought.

Murong Yong is a side branch of my Dayan, he dared to call himself the emperor privately, set up another court, and didn't kill him, how did the people know who was the master of Dayan? Relatively speaking, although the soldiers were tired, how could they indulge Murong Yong because of their hard work!?

His own ideas have been put forward by Murong De, and what Murong Chui needs to do now is to support Murong De (in fact, he is to affirm his own ideas).

Situ (Murong De)'s thoughts are what I want to say. Although I am old, I can destroy Murong Yong with a little finger, and I must not leave this scourge to future generations! (The descendants are not very reliable, Murong Bao is not successful) is so decided, gather the troops, martial law, and be ready to set off at any time!

Zizhi Tongjian 573: The more powerful the person, the easier it is to fall into a misunderstanding, and you must have made it

Many founding emperors in history, especially promising monarchs, have the same idea as Murong Chui, that is, they hope that in their own generation, they will solve as many problems as possible and let future generations keep them. But it often backfires! The typical representative is Qin Shi Huang (he is the first emperor, and the later emperors are the second and third emperors in order), Zhu Yuanzhang.

This is actually a misunderstanding.

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, don't be cattle and horses for your children and grandchildren. One generation doesn't matter two generations.

This world is very fair, the laws of nature have been limited to death, and no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot break through the life limit. No matter how powerful a person is, he can't control the earth and keep moving forward according to his own wishes.

Then you hold on to the earth and let it go slower. Excerpt from "Red Dust in the Sky"

Zizhi Tongjian 573: The more powerful the person, the easier it is to fall into a misunderstanding, and you must have made it

Instead of solving the difficulties you think you think are solved one by one, it is better to let go and let the successor exercise more and let him go through more tribulations, so that he can survive when he encounters difficulties.

I remember a few years ago, I talked about education with my classmates' families. His wife is very capable and has a first-class earning ability, she said: Instead of forcing the children to study, it is better to let them live happily, and we will save a sum of money for him, so that he can have no worries about food and clothing in the future, even if he fulfills his parental responsibilities.

We don't talk about how to educate children. I think what Mrs. Classmate said is very reasonable, but there is a precondition, that is, the external environment will not change significantly. For example, money will not depreciate, the world will never be war, there will be no natural disasters, no plagues, no turmoil. If none of the above happens, and the world remains the same as it was at the time, then there will be no problem.

But the world is always changing, so the assumptions at the time were only useful based on the conditions at the time. As soon as the conditions change, the external environment changes, the idea becomes a rootless duckweed, and everything becomes a utopia.

Zizhi Tongjian 573: The more powerful the person, the easier it is to fall into a misunderstanding, and you must have made it

Murong Chui fell into such a misunderstanding. He thought that if he was given another ten years of life, he would also solve the Northern Wei Dynasty of Tuoba Jue, the Later Qin of Yao Chang, the Eastern Jin Dynasty of the Sima family, and finally unify the territory of ancient China at that time. If he does this, will he be able to be the emperor in his future generations?

It's impossible, there is still Rouran in the north, and there is Lu Guang in the west, even if Murong Chui takes care of them, there may be some other tribes that dominate the grassland and continue to be their enemies.

Or even if there are no external enemies, internal arrogant soldiers, internal natural disasters, internal families, internal peasant uprisings, internal corruption and greed of meritorious families, and so on, all kinds of problems emerge one after another, and can never be solved.

How to get out of this misunderstanding?

Very simple! Ten words!

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

What is this fishery? My personal understanding is to bear hardships and stand hard work, that is, to always adapt to changes in the external environment and adjust oneself, that is, to continuously learn the laws of nature, and to practice and apply and conform to this law.

Other than that, there is no it!

Zizhi Tongjian 573: The more powerful the person, the easier it is to fall into a misunderstanding, and you must have made it