
No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

author:Flying Fish Heart

Text/Flying Fish

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

It is inherently difficult for people to live, it is not easy for everyone to make money, and if you have money, you can save it for yourself and use it for yourself.

In life, in the face of some people, find all kinds of reasons to ask you to borrow money, you don't just lend money casually, but look at people and things, the key is to look at the character, bad character, have nothing to do with you, not very familiar people, it is best not to lend money.

When you meet someone who comes to borrow money, don't be selfish, but discuss it with your lover.

In the face of borrowing money, if you don't know how to deal with it, you can learn these three sentences to resolve the embarrassment for you.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

1. I'm sorry, I've been very tight on money lately, and I need money urgently, so I can't lend it out for the time being.

When someone comes to borrow money, if you also need to use money, you can say this sentence to go out, you can explain to others that your financial situation is not very good, there is no money to lend to others, and others will understand, so that you will not be embarrassed.

Emphasize to others that you don't have any money in your own hands and that there are many places to use it, so that others will know your situation and will not ask you to borrow money again.

Then you also show others that you have been short of money recently, and you can't lend money for the time being, and you won't break off your mutual affection, which is also conducive to the previous relationship.

I believe that people with a conscience will not embarrass a person who is short of money. It's not easy for everyone, it's right to understand each other.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

Second, I don't like to lend money to friends, because talking about money hurts feelings.

The relationship between many people is actually because of talking about money, which leads to a face-turn, because of money disputes, it hurts each other's trust and hurts each other's feelings, so that they can no longer be friends.

When a friend asks you to borrow money, you can tell him what you think, and if the other party can take your position, then he will understand and will not force you to borrow money again.

If the other party doesn't understand, but keeps being aggressive, and once you don't borrow money, you start calling you a bad person, then such a friend is not worth contacting anymore.

Borrowing money is a very embarrassing thing, if the other party can't understand, you say you don't borrow, you are anxious, and start to scold you for not being a friend, and it is difficult to listen to words, then borrowing money is a good thing, you can see a person at once, no one owes anyone, as for whether to communicate in the future, it depends on the other party.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

3. The money I borrowed was often difficult to get back, so I was reluctant to borrow again.

remembered that Yu Huanshui in "I Am Yu Huanshui" lent all his money to a friend, the friend was in a better situation, he also did business, and he had money, but he didn't take the initiative to repay the money, and he didn't want to return the money to Yu Huanshui at all.

Yu Huanshui asked him for money, he said that he had no money, and the business could not be turned, in fact, he was deceiving Yu Huanshui, Yu Huanshui had no money to buy a car for his wife because he didn't want to get the money back, and his wife wanted to divorce him, and when he faced the predicament, he suddenly broke down emotionally and cried on the street.

Later, Yu Huanshui lost face, and directly tore his face with his friends, so he asked for the money back.

So borrowing money is a very emotional thing, don't lend money.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone

When someone asks you to borrow money, you can talk about your worries, and even mention that you have never come back because you have lent money to others, either because someone else has disappeared, or someone else doesn't want to pay back the money at all, and you don't want to have this experience anymore.

When you say this, you are actually rejecting others, no matter who it is, you don't want to borrow money anymore, and others can see that you don't want to borrow money, and they won't say anything more.

Human nature is also very realistic, when you borrow money, they are very polite in front of you, once you borrow money, they start to pretend that they don't know you, and when there is no such thing, they don't recognize people when they turn their faces, so no one dares to borrow money anymore.

In our life, we should learn to behave in the world, and if we don't want to be embarrassed, we must learn to refuse others, so that we can feel at ease, don't be a good person, don't be too honest, and others say that borrowing is as much as you want.

We can also use the above three syntax methods to reject others, avoid contradictions and embarrassment, and also adhere to our own principles and keep our money.

No matter who borrows money from you, you will win by answering these 3 sentences, and you will not offend anyone