
DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

author:DNF Xiaoxian

Before you know it, the Sea Rush has been open for 2 weeks! If the player has completed the cumulative quest in the previous 2 weeks, then the weapon crossover stone can be obtained as soon as 7.1. So the question is, after the player obtains the weapon crossover stone, which weapons are worth crossing?

Weapon crossover stone use is recommended

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

First of all, before discussing which weapons are worth crossing, let's explore what are the current graduation weapons of the 11 classes!

In terms of ghost swordsmen, the red-eyed graduation weapon is the Meridian/Crazy Dragon, the Devil May Cry is the Shadowless Sword, the Sword Soul is the Tianji Qiankun Sword, and the blind one is also the Shadowless Sword.

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

In terms of martial artists, the graduation weapon of female qigong is the Gravity Contract Finger Tiger, and the female sanda is the Spiral Meteor Gauntlet.

As for the sharpshooters, the male roamer's graduation weapon is the Instant Burst Revolver, and the male big gun is the Forgotten Baron.

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

On the mage's side, the Demon's graduation weapon is the Comprehension's Doodle Pen, and the element is Ezra Pound's Foreknowledge. On the female clergy's side, there is only one profession, and her graduation weapon is the Dark Scythe of Nilbas.

A profession worthy of crossover weapons

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

After talking about the graduation weapons of each profession,Let's talk about which professions' graduation weapons are worth crossing,First of all,The most worthy of crossing must be your own tuba,If the large weapon is not graduated,It must be the priority to cross the tuba,As for which professions are worth crossing,Personally, I recommend 2。

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

One is red eyes! Red Eye is the current Phantom God class, as for the trans-meridian or the dragon, each weapon has its advantages, the meridian is a higher ceiling, but the trigger is unstable, suitable for players who have strengthened 15 or more, and the wild dragon has stable triggers, and the attributes are also very good, suitable for players who have strengthened 15 or less

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

The second is the Martial God! Valkyrie is currently the second best class in output ability after Red Eye, although the range of skills is relatively small, but the output is very explosive, if the player has the Spiral Meteor Gauntlet, and wants to play a powerful output class, then Valkyrie is definitely the best choice.

There is 1 large pit in the cross-border stone

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

It is worth noting that there is a big pit in the weapon cross-border stone, what big pit? When the level 50 epic crossover stone crossover equipment produced by the production department is produced, the crafting attributes can be retained, but the weapon crossover stone sent by the event is not retained when it is transferred, and the enhancement stage, enhanced charge value, and enchantment attributes, so when you cross the border, you must not build it and cross the border, otherwise you will lose a lot.

Leave it for July ~ August to be more fragrant

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

In addition, what many players may not know is that the crossover stones given away are indefinite, which means that they can be used for subsequent professions. According to the progress of the launch of the Hanbok profession, 6 classes will be launched in the future: Mechanic, Ammunition, Sword Emperor, Sword Sect, Dark Emperor, and Sword Demon.

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

According to the planner at the press conference, the summer set will be launched at the end of July, and these professions are expected to be launched at the end of July, as well as in August, their graduation weapons are shown in the picture, and they have been marked, if players have the idea of practicing these professions, they will stay until the end of July, and it will be more fragrant to use them in August.

DNF Mobile Game: Recommended for the Use of Weapon Crossover Stones! There is 1 large pit, and it will be more fragrant to stay until July ~ August

【Personal Summary】

In general, weapon crossover stones are the most suitable for large ones first, followed by some powerful classes, of course, if the player likes a class and has a crossover stone of that class, it is also worth crossing. Crossover Stones do not retain enhancements, charges, and enchantments, so you should pay attention to them in Crossover Stones. Of course, there is no deadline for cross-border stones, and you don't have to use it immediately if you send it, if you like it in the follow-up career, it will be more fragrant in use.