
Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!


I don't know if you have heard that "boiling water secondary heating" is easy to cause cancer, when I was a child, the older generation often said that boiling water cannot be reheated, if it must be heated, when you see water bubbles under the water, you must stop heating immediately;

Thinking that it is already 2024, some people still say that boiling water cannot be reheated, I have checked the information for a long time, and I have not seen the proof that the secondary heating of boiling water will cause cancer;

Therefore, to be clear here, the second heating of boiling water itself does not cause cancer, and the rumors on the Internet are exaggerated and lack scientific basis, so don't believe it;

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

The terrible "Thousand Boiling Waters"

However, there is one kind of water that is really not suitable for frequent heating, that is, the hot water mode of bottled water, first of all, there are a lot of impurities and dirt hidden around the bottom of the bottle and the barrel machine, and if the shell is not removed, it may not be detected;

However, the bottled water has been heated many times in the water dispenser, which is also often referred to as "thousands of boiling water", which will lead to accelerating the volatilization of harmful substances, if you drink this water for a long time, it may interfere with gastrointestinal function, causing temporary diarrhea and bloating and other problems, therefore, it is actually the "thousand boiling water" of the water dispenser that can not be drunk frequently;

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

"These 5 Foods" That Can't Be Reheated

Moreover, there are really some ingredients that are not suitable for secondary heating, so let's talk to you in this issue, "boiling water" secondary heating can cause cancer? What really can't be reheated is "these 5 kinds of food", so be sure to pay attention! Let's take a look.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

(1) Milk

In order to save money or not to waste it, I heat the milk repeatedly, always thinking that "I can still drink it if I heat it a few more times". As a result, not only does this denature the proteins in the milk and lose their nutritional value, but it also increases the risk of bacterial growth, which can lead to health problems such as diarrhea.

Moreover, the boxed and bagged milk on the market has undergone strict sterilization or sterilization treatment, and it is completely drinkable or slightly heated, without cooking thoroughly at all, let alone heating repeatedly.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

(2) Overnight leafy greens

Vegetables are mainly nutritious from vitamins, but did you know? After the second heat, the loss of vitamins will be very serious, and the nutritional value will be greatly reduced. In particular, spinach is a vegetable with a high oxalic acid content, so it needs to be blanched before eating.

If it is reheated, the nitrate in it will be converted into nitrite, and long-term excessive consumption may be harmful to the body and even increase the risk of cancer.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

In addition, the longer the vegetables are stored, the more bacteria will increase, and the nitrite content will also increase. This not only deprives vegetables of nutrients, but can also pose health risks.

In particular, if you have elderly people and children at home, try not to give them vegetables that have been stored for too long. For the sake of health, try to eat fresh vegetables as much as possible!

In fact, many nutritionists recommend that it is best to eat fresh vegetables and reduce the number of heats in order to maximize the retention of nutrients. In this way, you can not only enjoy delicious food, but also eat healthier.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

(3) Various fungi

Mushrooms and black fungus, although delicious and nutritious, produce a certain amount of nitrate when cooked for the first time at high temperatures. If you store these leftovers in the refrigerator, nitrate will gradually convert to nitrite under the right conditions.

When reheated, nitrite levels can rise even further, which can cause diarrhea and even more serious health problems.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

To avoid these risks, it's best to eat freshly cooked mushroom ingredients as much as possible and don't store them for too long. In addition, if storage is really required, it is recommended to keep it as short as possible and ensure thorough heating before reheating to minimize nitrite production.

Studies have shown that frequent intake of nitrite may increase the risk of cancer, so it is important to pay more attention to your diet and try to avoid letting food be reheated multiple times and stored for a long time. While enjoying the delicious food, make sure you eat a healthy diet!

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

(4) White fungus soup

During the stewing process, the nitrate contained in white fungus will gradually convert to nitrite over time. If the stewed white fungus soup is left for too long, the nitrite content will increase significantly.

When reheated, the nitrite content increases further. If the nitrite content is too high, it will affect the normal hematopoietic function and have a great impact on health.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

(5) Seafood

Seafood such as crabs and flower nails are high-protein foods, and although they are delicious, they will produce protein degradants after secondary heating, and these degradants may have certain toxicity.

If toxins accumulate too much in the body, they can increase the burden on the kidneys and may even impair kidney function. Therefore, if you don't finish the seafood like hairy crab the first time, don't heat it up and eat it a second time.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

To avoid these risks, it is best to eat seafood all at once, try to eat it fresh, and eat it in time after cooking, so that it not only ensures the deliciousness of the food, but also protects our health to the greatest extent and does not leave it to be reheated.

If there is a surplus, consider cold food or treat it in other ways, but avoid reheating.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

What to do with leftovers

The handling of leftovers is an important part of ensuring food safety and health.

Portioning and sealing: When food is first out of the pan, it is minimally contaminated with bacteria. It's best to divide food into a safe crisper and seal it before it's completely cooled. When the plate is not hot, put it in the refrigerator and do not wait until the food is completely cool.

Can boiling water be carcinogenic when reheated? These 5 foods cannot be reheated, so be careful!

Refrigerate in time: After the meal, sort and pack leftovers and refrigerate them in time, and do not leave them naked on the table for more than 2 hours. This can effectively reduce the growth of bacteria and ensure the safety of food.

Prioritize vegetables: During the meal, it is advisable to prioritize eating the vegetables throughout. If you can't finish the meat dishes, you can save them for the next meal. Vegetables produce more nitrite during storage than meat, and nutrients such as vitamin C are lost more.


That's all for this issue, more related content, welcome to pay attention, and we'll see you in the next issue!

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