
The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks

author:Micro-policing of the Fourth Division
The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks
The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks

Recently, the Zhaosu area continued to be hot and hot, and the Zhaosu Reclamation Branch of the Kekedala Police Association of the Fourth Division took the initiative to give full play to the role of an important bridge connecting all walks of life, and with the help of social resources, the grassroots front-line people's auxiliary police carried out special condolences for the summer high temperature, so that the grassroots front-line people's auxiliary police can participate in various public security work in a better working state.

On June 27th, the caring enterprise Zhaosu County Chiyun Machinery Leasing Department and the 77th Regiment Tuofeng Grain and Oil Trading Co., Ltd. came to the police barracks with affectionate friendship and condolences to "send coolness" and pay tribute to the "navy blue" who adhered to the high temperature.

The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks

On the morning of June 28, the 77th Regiment Branch of the Fourth Division Petroleum Company, the 75th Regiment Zhizhong Planting Cooperative, and the 77th Regiment Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China successively came to the Zhaosu Reclamation District Public Security Bureau and sent drinks, watermelons and other condolences to express their gratitude to all the people's auxiliary police of the Zhaosu Reclamation District Public Security Bureau for their professionalism in sticking to their posts and fighting continuously for the sake of the stability of the lives of the workers and the harmony and stability of the overall social situation. He also said that in the future, he will continue to support public security work, strengthen communication between police and enterprises, deepen cooperation between police and enterprises, and jointly maintain social stability in the jurisdiction.

The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks
The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks
The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks
The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks

The person in charge of each unit said that in the scorching summer, the people's auxiliary police house took care of everyone, gave up rest days and holidays, and silently guarded the safety and stability of the overall social situation and the safety and happiness of the people. Thanks to the public security people's auxiliary police day and night, silent dedication, sticking to their posts, it is everyone's dedication and hard work, in exchange for the peace and stability of the jurisdiction.

The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks

The heart-warming words and boxes of thirst-quenching and belly-quenching truths have deeply encouraged the public security auxiliary police who stick to the front line of security and stability maintenance. People often say that the "gold and silver cups" are not as good as the "word of mouth" of the people, and only the recognition of the people is the greatest praise for the people's auxiliary police! All the people's auxiliary police of the Zhaosu Reclamation District Public Security Bureau will devote themselves to various public security work with full enthusiasm, be on duty and stand on good posts, live up to the expectations of the people, and make greater contributions to the construction of a safe Zhaoken.

The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks

Fearless of heat

Where there is the need of the masses

Where is our battlefield

Sweat it yourself

The hearts of the masses are a little more cool

Salute to all the police and auxiliary police who are fighting in the high temperature!

The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks

Correspondent: Zhang Qi

Editor: Yang Daliang

Editor in charge: Yuan Hongtao

Review: Li Jianxin

Source: Zhaosu Ken District Public Security Bureau

Posted in [email protected]

The high temperature condolences to the front line, cool sent to the police barracks

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